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2022 CBA

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 2:52 am
by BenM
586D7A7A71487A7A71767A1F0 wrote: Other sports have revenue sharing, so it's easier for them to set a percentage and implement it.  With MLB, 30 teams have their individual revenue.  Given disparities and reluctance to release revenue information, I dont see the owners going about it the same way.

The owners already share revenue information with the union.

The numbers are known between the two parties, the hard part is negotiating the split.

2022 CBA

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 3:17 am
by GreenWeenie

99.999% for BOB. Rest goes to the players.

2022 CBA

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 3:35 am
by BenM
6E5B4C4C477E4C4C47404C290 wrote: Easy.

99.999% for BOB.  Rest goes to the players. 

That's not how salary floors work. The owner must spend that money. Even if they have to give bonuses to players on a roster whose salaries would not hit the threshold.

2022 CBA

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 11:43 am
by GermanTownship
In order to fix this mess between the players union and owners, there is an easy fix. The players union currently will not agree with anything that the owners propose. Until a true cap, with a base and max, has to be implemented, just like in football and hockey. Two good things would happen. One, Nutting would, in all probability sell. There is absolutely no way if the base being, say $90 million dollars, that he would pay it. Two, there would create a more competitive balance in the game for all teams. Shut the game down for a year, or even longer until the players come to their senses.

2022 CBA

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 1:44 pm
by GreenWeenie
The owners won't agree to a cap, and I dont blame them. It's not 25 owners' faults that five are in it for themselves.

Get rid of the five. Quality goes up, and few notice that the five are gone.

2022 CBA

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 1:56 pm
by WildwoodDave2
6143544B474872495148554E4F56260 wrote: In order to fix this mess between the players union and owners, there is an easy fix. The players union currently will not agree with anything that the owners propose. Until a true cap, with a base and max, has to be implemented, just like in football and hockey. Two good things would happen. One, Nutting would, in all probability sell. There is absolutely no way if the base being, say $90 million dollars, that he would pay it. Two, there would create a more competitive balance in the game for all teams. Shut the game down for a year, or even longer until the players come to their senses.
Where ever German Township is- you are RIGHT ON

2022 CBA

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 2:09 pm
by Ecbucs
1E3C2B3438370D362E372A313029590 wrote: In order to fix this mess between the players union and owners, there is an easy fix. The players union currently will not agree with anything that the owners propose. Until a true cap, with a base and max, has to be implemented, just like in football and hockey. Two good things would happen. One, Nutting would, in all probability sell. There is absolutely no way if the base being, say $90 million dollars, that he would pay it. Two, there would create a more competitive balance in the game for all teams. Shut the game down for a year, or even longer until the players come to their senses.

I don't think a base would make Nutting sell, he should still be able to make a nice profit. If a base puts the Pirates in a situation where financially they are going to lose money then there won't be many buyers.

2022 CBA

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 2:57 pm
486E6F786E7E0D0 wrote: In order to fix this mess between the players union and owners, there is an easy fix. The players union currently will not agree with anything that the owners propose. Until a true cap, with a base and max, has to be implemented, just like in football and hockey. Two good things would happen. One, Nutting would, in all probability sell. There is absolutely no way if the base being, say $90 million dollars, that he would pay it. Two, there would create a more competitive balance in the game for all teams. Shut the game down for a year, or even longer until the players come to their senses.

I don't think a base would make Nutting sell, he should still be able to make a nice profit.  If a base puts the Pirates in a situation where financially they are going to lose money then there won't be many buyers. 

Maybe Nutting won’t make money, but another owner could. If the minimum is $90M and max is $200M, Nutting will spend $90M. If another owner comes in and spends to build a real team the fans will be there.

2022 CBA

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 3:08 pm
by GreenWeenie
Won't even to do that much.

Get rid of BOB. Attendance gets a benefit of doubt increase for the first year, guaranteed.

2022 CBA

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2021 3:59 pm
by SyrBucco
6C60613A333A323F38273D0A0 wrote: I just saw a small snippet that the Union and Management met early this week and there was discussion about taxing teams that exceeded payroll limits, as well as a salary minimum. A salary minimum, or floor would be very beneficial for baseball. Teams could no longer spend on payroll at very small amounts. Teams like the Pirates would have to spend by either signing free agents, or better yet,retain the players that they have developed. The negotiations are probably at the beginning stages, but I hope that as they continue to negotiate some type of salary minimum remains on the table. In my opinion baseball needs some type of payroll minimum.
Best news I've heard all year!