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Game Thread - July 29, 2022 - Buc vs Phils

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 8:32 pm
by Bobster21
7947424A5941414A6A4F584B1C2E0 wrote: John Russell got three full years with a remarkably similar record.
The W-L record shouldn't be that much of an issue when assessing a manager. A bad team will have a bad record. It's the day to day decisions the manager makes that show his effectiveness. Russell did nothing. As a manager, he seemed more like a fan who got a good seat to watch the game from the dugout. He didn't deem to make a lot of stupid decisions because it seemed he rarely made decisions. Maybe he felt he had a bad team no matter what he did so he did nothing. Shelton would be better off doing nothing. Instead, he constantly makes bizarre lineup and pitching decisions. Maybe he should try sleeping through the games. It would be an improvement.
If somehow and this is not likely to happen, Shelton would be fired. Who would you like to see get the job? As for me, I like

Joe Giardi. I know Shelton came cheap. Giardi wouldn't be.
I really don't know. Girardi never had a losing season with the strong Yankees but lost with Florida and 2 of his 3 seasons with Philly where his best record was 82-80. I would just hope the Pirates would consider former managers plus coaches plus minor league managers and come up with someone who could do a solid job. Whatever process was used for selecting Shelton should be thrown away.