Game Thread - 9/9 - Bucs vs Cards


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Game Thread - 9/9 - Bucs vs Cards

Post by Bobster21 »

4A666E696245726474070 wrote: I know yesterday's game is almost an afterthought now, but it shouldn't be when it comes to Rabelo's inept coaching. 

First, I can't believe he was waving Reynolds home so confidently only to throw up the stop sign after Reynolds had already rounded the bag at full speed.  Reynolds did his best to try and scramble back to third, but Rabelo had already ensured that he was going to be out.

And, when Castro was then thrown out at second after trying to advance to third on the play, my brain immediately shifted into an oh-no another Castro base-running mistake.   I then watched the replays, and as was noted by an earlier poster, you could clearly see Rabelo waving Castro on to advance to third.

All third base coaches make mistakes now and then, but at this point, it is hard to remember when Rabelo may have made a good decision on a play when there was a real question if the runner should have stayed at third or tried to advance to home.

Also, I'm not sure if I have ever seen a play when the 3rd base coach was directly responsible for a double play, particularly when neither of the outs was a force out.
Agreed. It's obvious Rabelo was given a mandate to be aggressive. It's also obvious he has no feel for the game. He sends runners when it's not imperative that they score on a play and when they have no chance of being safe. He just makes up his mind that he's going to wave them on regardless of where the ball is. That has led to countless players being thrown out by 10-15 feet. Yesterday he realized he had made another mistake and tried to stop Reynolds after it was too late. Then seeing Reynolds was going to be out, he wanted Castro to be aggressive and try for 3B instead of safely staying at 2B. Rabelo's gross incompetence turned a single into a DP. And it's not an infrequent mistake among a season's worth of good decisions by Rabelo. It's the norm for him and it's hard to remember any decision he made that paid off. It's one thing to be aggressive and choose to try to score when you know the play will be very close. But routinely sending runners who have no realistic chance of scoring is not being aggressive. It's being stupid. But considering the idiocy of most Shelton decisions, I suspect he sees nothing wrong with Rabelo's decisions at 3B.

Game Thread - 9/9 - Bucs vs Cards

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

5F727F6E69786F2F2C1D0 wrote: So I missed the game last night because I took Mister Man to go see Steven Wright, who is as hilarious as ever.

What a great one liner- "I wonder if little boys in Cleveland are growing up playing cowboys and guardians now?"
I didn't know he was still performing. Always liked him.

One of my favorite one-liners of his, and I'm paraphrasing, is when he saw a sign in a restaurant that said, "Breakfast Anytime", so he walked in and ordered breakfast during the Renaissance.

:D :D :D

I like, "I took a lie detector I didn't."

HAHA, I hadn’t heard that one, Another favorite of mine was, “I lost a buttonhole on my shirt.”
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