Harrison Out for Season


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Harrison Out for Season

Post by Bobster21 »

060D05090C0D165355221B030A0D0D4C010D620 wrote: Alvarez was a team leader? That's the first time I've heard that. I'm curious as to where you got that. Other than HRs, the consistency with which he hit was not a good thing. Consistently low average, low OBP, low doubles, high Ks.

First time you heard that?  You can look it up, but he was constantly in the Top 3 on the team in HR, RBI, SLG, Runs, OPS.  In 2012, he was third on the team in OBP too.  Even when he was getting 100-150 less at bats. 

I got those numbers on every website that posts stats. 

Oh, I thought you meant a clubhouse leader.
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Harrison Out for Season

Post by Quail »

242F272B2E2F347177003921282F2F6E232F400 wrote: Alvarez was a team leader? That's the first time I've heard that. I'm curious as to where you got that. Other than HRs, the consistency with which he hit was not a good thing. Consistently low average, low OBP, low doubles, high Ks.

First time you heard that?  You can look it up, but he was constantly in the Top 3 on the team in HR, RBI, SLG, Runs, OPS.  In 2012, he was third on the team in OBP too.  Even when he was getting 100-150 less at bats. 

I got those numbers on every website that posts stats. 

Dog- I think Bobster thought you meant Alvarez was a club house leader. He was undoubtedly a leader in some of the offensive categories you mention. I never heard that Pedro was any kind of off the field leader.

Harrison Out for Season

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

042924353223347477460 wrote: Alvarez was a team leader? That's the first time I've heard that. I'm curious as to where you got that. Other than HRs, the consistency with which he hit was not a good thing. Consistently low average, low OBP, low doubles, high Ks.

First time you heard that?  You can look it up, but he was constantly in the Top 3 on the team in HR, RBI, SLG, Runs, OPS.  In 2012, he was third on the team in OBP too.  Even when he was getting 100-150 less at bats. 

I got those numbers on every website that posts stats. 
Oh, I thought you meant a clubhouse leader.

Then you brought up some categories...oh!

Alvarez was well liked, but other than Burnett, Martin, I don't know about Clubhouse Leaders.

If Harrison hit like Alvarez with his defense, no one would have cared.  I certainly wouldn't have.  He wouldn't have been a lead off hitter, but a solid 6-7 man.
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Harrison Out for Season

Post by JollyRoger »

202731393720676B12353F333B3E7C313D3F520 wrote: I actually find this thread kind of funny.  I'm not a huge Harrison fan. I don't like his offensive game that much and I don't like all of his hustle because I think it contributes to some of his ill-advised baserunning.  He shouldn't be batting leadoff.  With that said, he's not really hurting the team overall.  He has a 1.9 bWAR that is now fourth on the team.  Fangraphs likes him a little less, but by any measure he's earned his salary.  Whether or not he's the worst offensive second baseman in the NL (that's actually debatable), his defense lifts his value relative to many others at his position.

For the record, I was advocating trading Josh (as well as Marte and Cole) back in August.  Still am.   Having said that - the wheels have completely fallen off this team and some people on here act like Harrison is the face of failure for this team.  BS.  Harrison's got two frustrating problem: he won't take a pitch (I think he'd strike on an attempted intentional walk); and he makes too many mistakes on the bases.  That is balanced by a decent batting average, very good defense and hustle second to none. 

I'll take Josh's failure over the crap effort given by our three outfielders ANY DAY.   

Harrison makes mistakes on bases.  How many in the past month? Half dozen?  That would be 6 too many and I name it when it happens.  But how many runners have advanced to 2nd base in the past WEEK because our outfield has been lackadaisical? (Just to pick one possible stat)   Probably half a dozen.  One player is trying too hard and the other three (in this case) are playing like chumps.  Where's the outrage?

The Reds, the Brewers, the Cubs, the Cardinals (i.e., our NLC mates) humilated the Pirates.  Or should I say the Pirates humilated themselves.  When Schebler (of all people) of the Reds advanced to 2nd while Polanco literally took 5 steps to come to a stop and make a weak throw to the infield, I had it.  Harrison's not the problem on this team.  He's got a tenth of the talent that any of Polanco, Marte or MVP has but his heart is 10 times bigger. 

If our outfield played the way Harrison plays, if they tried to get every bit of talent out on the field every play, this team would most definitely be in the playoffs this year.  But let's focus on every mistake of JHay while ignoring the real reasons this ship is sinking. It's laughable.

And in the end, it turns out Harrison's WAR is middle of the pack!  Now that's a hoot given I would swear this guy is the worst 2nd base (nah, the worst player) in MLB reading some of the comments.

This team is no fun to watch.  But it's not Harrison that is really turning me off. 

rant off.
Finally a voice of reason! Thank you VA! I'm ticked that people are singling out Harrison as a major problem. I call BS. The only problem with JHay is being too aggressive at the dish. He needs to take more pitches and draw more walks. That I agree with. The man hit .300 consistently in the minors had a great 2014 with the Bucs and has settled into a mid 280's hitter. The only regular with a better average is Marte.

Defensively he deserves a gold glove!!

Has he made base running blunders.... Yes. But so has the whole team. I watched almost all of the Pirates games this year and what doesn't show up in the box score is how often Josh takes the extra base on a hit. How many times he goes from first to third on a hit or scores from second on a hit or stretches a single to a double or a double to a triple. Cutch for all of his speed is a station to station base runner and has become an atrocious base stealer. JHay on the other hand has stolen what 19 out of 23.

Harrison has no power; so what. Typically your 2B is not your power source. Our starting Catcher has 0 HR. Kratz led our catchers with 1. Our LF has hit 9 HR

I'm sorry but for my money I want to see hustle enthusiasm and aggressiveness. Not a bunch of passive zombies going through the motion.


Harrison Out for Season

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

But the stats don't lie (ESPN).

Most categories go up to 21 qualified players, some go all the way up:

OBP: 18th
SLG: 20th
RBI: 12th
SB: 5th
BB: 28th
Runs: 19th
Hits: 15th
Doubles: 15th
Triples: 3rd
HR: 32nd
OPS: 20th
WAR: 20th
AVE: 9th

How are these good rankings?  The NL breakdown is even worse.  Among his peers, he had a pretty bad season.   

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Harrison Out for Season

Post by thessy »

6265737B7562252950777D71797C3E737F7D100 wrote: I actually find this thread kind of funny.  I'm not a huge Harrison fan. I don't like his offensive game that much and I don't like all of his hustle because I think it contributes to some of his ill-advised baserunning.  He shouldn't be batting leadoff.  With that said, he's not really hurting the team overall.  He has a 1.9 bWAR that is now fourth on the team.  Fangraphs likes him a little less, but by any measure he's earned his salary.  Whether or not he's the worst offensive second baseman in the NL (that's actually debatable), his defense lifts his value relative to many others at his position.

For the record, I was advocating trading Josh (as well as Marte and Cole) back in August.  Still am.   Having said that - the wheels have completely fallen off this team and some people on here act like Harrison is the face of failure for this team.  BS.  Harrison's got two frustrating problem: he won't take a pitch (I think he'd strike on an attempted intentional walk); and he makes too many mistakes on the bases.  That is balanced by a decent batting average, very good defense and hustle second to none. 

I'll take Josh's failure over the crap effort given by our three outfielders ANY DAY.   

Harrison makes mistakes on bases.  How many in the past month? Half dozen?  That would be 6 too many and I name it when it happens.  But how many runners have advanced to 2nd base in the past WEEK because our outfield has been lackadaisical? (Just to pick one possible stat)   Probably half a dozen.  One player is trying too hard and the other three (in this case) are playing like chumps.  Where's the outrage?

The Reds, the Brewers, the Cubs, the Cardinals (i.e., our NLC mates) humilated the Pirates.  Or should I say the Pirates humilated themselves.  When Schebler (of all people) of the Reds advanced to 2nd while Polanco literally took 5 steps to come to a stop and make a weak throw to the infield, I had it.  Harrison's not the problem on this team.  He's got a tenth of the talent that any of Polanco, Marte or MVP has but his heart is 10 times bigger. 

If our outfield played the way Harrison plays, if they tried to get every bit of talent out on the field every play, this team would most definitely be in the playoffs this year.  But let's focus on every mistake of JHay while ignoring the real reasons this ship is sinking. It's laughable.

And in the end, it turns out Harrison's WAR is middle of the pack!  Now that's a hoot given I would swear this guy is the worst 2nd base (nah, the worst player) in MLB reading some of the comments.

This team is no fun to watch.  But it's not Harrison that is really turning me off. 

rant off.

The performance of the outfield has NOTHING to do with Josh Harrison being the worst offensive 2B in baseball. You need to compare your second baseman with other second basemen, not your outfield. If Harrison isn't the starting second baseman next season, it won't be because McCutchen is manning second base, it will be a different second baseman.

You're probably not wrong in that had the OF performed better, the team would be in the playoffs - nobody is arguing that. We might also be in the playoffs with a 2B who wasn't the worst offensive second baseman in baseball too. And again, nobody is giving the outfield, Cervelli, etc. a pass just because they're pointing out Harrison's bad numbers. The outfield played well below their ability and often without heart or hustle and that's a problem - they all deserve a swift kick in the behind and to be fully called out for their poor performances. My concern is that Harrison was playing his heart out and still had such awful production. He wasn't slacking like a lot of the lineup was, he played harder than anyone - and still wasn't good enough - I don't mean not good enough to carry his heartless teammates, I mean good enough when compared with his positional peers. The outfield can, and likely will, play better next season - does Harrison have the ability to play much better than he already is - which again, is not very good relative to other second basemen?

666D65696C6D763335427B636A6D6D2C616D020 wrote: But the stats don't lie (ESPN).

Most categories go up to 21 qualified players, some go all the way up:

OBP: 18th
SLG: 20th
RBI: 12th
SB: 5th
BB: 28th
Runs: 19th
Hits: 15th
Doubles: 15th
Triples: 3rd
HR: 32nd
OPS: 20th
WAR: 20th

How are these good rankings? The NL breakdown is even worse. Among his peers, he had a pretty bad season.

They're not good rankings. For some folks, the lack of heart shown by some other players this season just seems to overshadow the fact that our starting second baseman plays with all the heart in the world and still isn't very good.
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Harrison Out for Season

Post by Wrathchild »

444F474B4E4F541117605941484F4F0E434F200 wrote: But the stats don't lie (ESPN).

Most categories go up to 21 qualified players, some go all the way up:

OBP: 18th
SLG: 20th
RBI: 12th
SB: 5th
BB: 28th
Runs: 19th
Hits: 15th
Doubles: 15th
Triples: 3rd
HR: 32nd
OPS: 20th
WAR: 20th

How are these good rankings?  The NL breakdown is even worse.  Among his peers, he had a pretty bad season.   

I don't think anyone said Harrison has had a great offensive season. I tried to explain that there is more to the equation and that his overall value showed that he is not deserving of the hate that he's getting. You now come back with a list of almost exclusively offensive statistics to say Harrison stinks. It's sort of the same post from you over and again. "If he hits, he'll play," "It's easier to catch a ball than hit a ball," etc. You'd like to assemble a team full of Pedro Alvarez types. I wish you could so that you'd finally realize that team would take last place.

With regard to the offensive statistics you posted, it appears that at least 32 players are involved in the analysis. If that's the case, he's in the middle tier in most, in the bottom tier in a couple and the top tier in a couple. What is that even supposed to prove?

In the end, the team failed primarily because McCutchen and Liriano provided no value when they were expected and being paid to provide a lot of wins. Harrison, on the other hand, earned his money. If you want to keep believing otherwise, that's your prerogative.
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Harrison Out for Season

Post by Wrathchild »

3C202D3B3B31480 wrote: One website indicates that hes a good bench player, the other indicates that hes a bad starter.

You really gotta watch those  defensive values.   Theres a big lack of consistency from year to year

I don't really agree with those conclusions.  As I said, his bWAR is fourth on the team.  It's better than several second basemen in the NL.  His fWAR is worse; however, even Fangraphs places his value this year at $11.1 million dollars.  His defense this year is not inflated compared to previous time at second base.  My point isn't that Harrison is great; it's that he's not hurting the team and he certainly doesn't have an untradeable contract. The Pirates are getting their money's worth.  The problem is that the Pirates' limited payroll demands that a bunch of people significantly outplay their contracts.  He may not do that going forward but that doesn't mean his play is impeding the team's success.

I'll admit that the value isn't a stat I've looked at too much - do you feel it's an accurate measure of things?  It looks kind of wild, at least to someone who isn't very familiar with it.

Going by value the Pirates roster is playing at a $170M collective value (which would be #4-5 in baseball in the real world..for a sub .500 team?!).  Marte's value is $31.6M (top 2-3 paid player in baseball??).  McCutchen and some bullpen guys look the be the only players on the team whose fangraphs value is lower than their actual salary, so using that stat makes it look like everyone is earning their paycheck.

I don't post that much and overlooked your question. The value number translates WAR to economic value if the player were to be a free agent. Because most players are not operating on a free agent deal, the real life numbers do not match the value numbers. I think the values are reasonably accurate off the periphery. Do I think Harrison could get a 3/33 contract in free agency? Yes, I think that's quite possible. Do I think McCutchen would only get a $4 million deal if he suddenly were to become a free agent? No. There are other factors at play besides WAR. Same for Marte. I don't think he would get a $30 million contract. There are important factors such as baseball teams' willingness to pay huge dollars for huge erformances, belief in the ability to sustain, etc.

Harrison Out for Season

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

There are a lot of great fielders who didn't stick around because they couldn't hit.  How many great hitters didn't stick around because they couldn't field?

I posted offensive rankings because they are clear cut.  Defensive stats are flawed.  I have admitted that he was very good on defense this year (I was surprised, actually).  His range was unreal and he got so much better turning the double play.  His WAR was bad too (doesn't that factor in defense?).

Not every team has guys who "qualify" but I went with those numbers.  His rankings would be worse if I included everyone who played second base.  He did not have a good year on offense. 

Harrison Out for Season

Post by Bobster21 »

252E262A2F2E357076013820292E2E6F222E410 wrote: But the stats don't lie (ESPN).

Most categories go up to 21 qualified players, some go all the way up:

OBP: 18th
SLG: 20th
RBI: 12th
SB: 5th
BB: 28th
Runs: 19th
Hits: 15th
Doubles: 15th
Triples: 3rd
HR: 32nd
OPS: 20th
WAR: 20th
AVE: 9th

How are these good rankings?  The NL breakdown is even worse.  Among his peers, he had a pretty bad season.   

I just looked at those stats on ESPN. Those based on volume speak for themselves. Those based on percentages need to be looked at in the context of qualifiers since a guy could play just a handful of games at 2B and have a better or worse BA, OPS, etc. Only 21 second basemen (out of 30 teams) list as qualifiers. The numbers may have changed slightly since Dog checked them depending on what other players did since then. As of today, Harrison is 9th out of 21 in BA, 18th of 21 in OBP, 20th out of 21 in SLG and OPS and 16th out of 21 in WAR. His speed, hustle and defense have been good. His recklessness on the bases has often hurt. Otherwise, his offense has been near the bottom among second basemen. His problems don't even begin to compare with the problems of the poor pitching staff. But it would have helped if he wasn't one of the lowest performing 2nd basemen offensively.
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