Sunday's game - Taillon scratched


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Sunday's game - Taillon scratched

Post by Bobster21 »

Polanco looks SO, SO bad in the OF.
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Sunday's game - Taillon scratched

Post by JollyRoger »

745954454253440407360 wrote: Polanco looks SO, SO bad in the OF.

He has definitely regressed big time. Poor routes, mis-judges depth, fear of running into the wall, balls clanking off his glove.

Osuna just had a game with 3 OF assists. He has a strong arm. He may not be fleet of foot, but he catches everything he gets to.

Plus he reminds me of Aramis Ramirez at the plate.

As I mentioned earlier; right now I prefer Osuna starting in RF instead of Polanco

Sunday's game - Taillon scratched

Post by Bobster21 »

74515252476C51595B4C3E0 wrote: Polanco looks SO, SO bad in the OF.

He has definitely regressed big time. Poor routes, mis-judges depth, fear of running into the wall, balls clanking off his glove.

Osuna just had a game with 3 OF assists. He has a strong arm. He may not be fleet of foot, but he catches everything he gets to.

Plus he reminds me of Aramis Ramirez at the plate.

As I mentioned earlier; right now I prefer Osuna starting in RF instead of Polanco
Polanco just looks clumsy and awkward in the OF. He's demonstrated this in all 3 OF spots and has looked this way since he came to the big leagues. So I don't think he's ever going to be competent out there.

Sunday's game - Taillon scratched

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I agree with Bobster. He's always looked that way. I just think when people say someone is good on defense, they just mean their arm.

I wonder how many balls Polanco gets to compared to the others? I think he gets to more balls. If he only catches 90% of them, he still making more plays.

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Sunday's game - Taillon scratched

Post by IABucFan »

I couldn't watch the game today, but happened to check my At bat app right after Cutch homered, and I thought it said 10-0, and I kind of did a double-take and said, "No way...that can't be right." Pull up the box score, and sure enough, there it is.

So, for some guilty pleasure, I watched all five feeds of the Cervelli and McCutchen home runs...both teams T.V. and radio feeds, and the Cubs Spanish feed.

I can't really describe the feeling I have listening to Cubs announcers call those two plays, or Greg Brown saying, "Listen to these Chicago boo-birds! Listen to that sound!" In a season that is literally pushing me to the brink of renouncing my Pirates fandom, this game was a welcome relief.

Seven games coming up against St. Louis and Milwaukee. I suspect these seven games determine what our deadline looks like. I actually like our chances. Presumably, we'll have some combination of Cole-Taillon-Nova in St. Louis, then Williams and Kuhl, then Cole and Taillon again. Our three "aces" pitching five times in a seven game span where we really need to make up some ground. If it doesn't happen here, it doesn't happen.
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Sunday's game - Taillon scratched

Post by Jerseykc »

624D5A5B4D51434B280 wrote: If Kuhl can't get out of the 5th inning in this game then time to take him out of the rotation.

he's coming off of 2 days rest, 2 to 3 innings tops.

We should get a big dose of Schugel today

it was the Schugel Effect

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Sunday's game - Taillon scratched

Post by Ecbucs »

6C676F6366677C393F487169606767266B67080 wrote: I agree with Bobster. He's always looked that way. I just think when people say someone is good on defense, they just mean their arm.

I wonder how many balls Polanco gets to compared to the others?  I think he gets to more balls. If he only catches 90% of them, he still making more plays.

I checked the fielding stats listed on baseball reference and both Marte and Polanco are listed below league average for range factor for leftfield. I find that hard to believe for Marte. Polanco's stats for left are similar to Marte's which I also find hard to believe.

Sunday's game - Taillon scratched

Post by Bobster21 »

767E7D4A5C795E513F0 wrote: Presumably, we'll have some combination of Cole-Taillon-Nova in St. Louis, then Williams and Kuhl, then Cole and Taillon again.  Our three "aces" pitching five times in a seven game span where we really need to make up some ground.  If it doesn't happen here, it doesn't happen.
That's what you would think. But you would be Hurdled. Per the Trib, Taillon and Nova won't pitch in that series.

Hurdle reset the order of the starting rotation coming out of the All-Star break. Gerrit Cole will start Friday against the St. Louis Cardinals, followed by Chad Kuhl, Trevor Williams, Jameson Taillon and Ivan Nova.

“We wanted to get Cole back out, based on the physical place he's in right now,” Hurdle said. “He needs to be the first guy back.”

Hurdle said his plan was to give each starter two or three days' extra rest.

EXTRA rest. That's what it's all about. One would think the AS break was the extra rest. But Hurdle is too smart for that. We must rest. There must be rest. There can't just be rest. There must be extra rest. Rest, rest, rest. Rest, rest, rest. ... having-fun

Sunday's game - Taillon scratched

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Do their throwing programs go away during the break?

I would rather have Taillon and Nova go against the Brewers too. Maybe that is the real reason?
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Sunday's game - Taillon scratched

Post by IABucFan »

4D606D7C7B6A7D3D3E0F0 wrote: Presumably, we'll have some combination of Cole-Taillon-Nova in St. Louis, then Williams and Kuhl, then Cole and Taillon again.  Our three "aces" pitching five times in a seven game span where we really need to make up some ground.  If it doesn't happen here, it doesn't happen.
That's what you would think. But you would be Hurdled. Per the Trib, Taillon and Nova won't pitch in that series.

Hurdle reset the order of the starting rotation coming out of the All-Star break. Gerrit Cole will start Friday against the St. Louis Cardinals, followed by Chad Kuhl, Trevor Williams, Jameson Taillon and Ivan Nova.

“We wanted to get Cole back out, based on the physical place he's in right now,” Hurdle said. “He needs to be the first guy back.”

Hurdle said his plan was to give each starter two or three days' extra rest.

EXTRA rest. That's what it's all about. One would think the AS break was the extra rest. But Hurdle is too smart for that. We must rest. There must be rest. There can't just be rest. There must be extra rest. Rest, rest, rest. Rest, rest, rest. ... having-fun

I'm sorry, but this is crazy, and it doesn't even make any sense. They want to get them extra rest. Kuhl just pitched today. Williams was on Friday, Kuhl again on Thursday. If Taillon starts Monday against Milwaukee, he'll have gone 13 days between starts. I'm all in favor of rest, especially for starting pitchers, but this just seems silly to me.

I guess on the bright side though, if the rotation goes Cole-Kuhl-Williams, then Taillon-Nova-Cole-Kuhl pitch against the first place Brewers.

Personally, I think I'd go Cole-Taillon-Williams against St. Louis, then Nova-Kuhl-Cole-Taillon against Milwaukee. Crazy to think that we're chasing the Brewers.

Again, I don't think this team is going anywhere. This nice run we're on not withstanding, this team has more flaws than I can count. But, we're only without Marte for five more games. I've never been one to overhype an individual series, but I'd say we need to go 5-2 in these seven games. Anything less than that, I sell. 5-2 gives me hope that we can stay in it. I want my three "aces" pitching five of those games, whether they pitch two against St. Louis and three against Milwaukee or vice-versa is of no importance to me. I don't care. I just want them pitching five times. This rotation sends them out there four times. Silly. And that's not to take anything away from Kuhl or Williams. They've both pitched remarkably well of late. But even given all his struggles, if I have to win one game and I'm given the choice of Cole, Kuhl, or Williams, I take Cole every single time without thinking twice about it.
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