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Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 5:51 am
by dmetz
6461666068627B666F7C7A770E0 wrote: Why not go after Brandon Phillips of the Braves. He is a free agent after the season and I believe the Reds are paying the bulk of his salary. He could play second and move Harrison to third and Freese to the bench. You have a stronger one through eight lineup.

Because he's old and getting worse  and he pretty much stinks right now.  Other than that, it would be great

Don't sugar-coat it dmetz.  Say what you mean.  ;D

Lol. Well, I mean the guy has huge red flags all over him.  He's 2-3 weeks removed from his usual lackluster .730 OPS, no OBP, no power, no speed, GIDP machine offensive game.   Hes on a hot streak right now so looks better, but has been consistently not good with the bat for years now.   Why would he improve? 

And his defense just doesn't stand up anymore.  He's chippy too and a loafer because of the attitude

Lastly, you can't pick up these"veteran" guys with Clint Hurdle managing.   As he proved with both Morneau and with ARam, hurdle will bat them middle of the order until the end of the season as if they're in their prime.

Veteran players who otherwise would be a decent backup or supporting role acquisition can't be provided to hurdle.  He's like a 6 year old obsessed with a new toy

Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:23 pm
by Speedloader88
I am not real big analysis guy but I think the Pirates have to be sellers in spite of the great run they are on. Here is why I believe this. The division standings have Washington leading the East with 57 wins. The Central is being led by the Brewers with 52 wins and the Dodgers are leading the West with 66 wins. The wild card presently would be Colorado with 56 wins and Arizona with 54 wins.

The Pirates are currently 3rd in the Central with 47 wins. I think it would be an incredibly optimistic notion to believe that they can pick up seven games on Arizona or nine games on Colorado in the second half. Of course, closing the gap on the Central makes it worth considering that winning the division is the only real option. Now, I want the Pirates to have what it takes to win the division, but do I think they will? Not likely. Possibly, but they are on an amazing tear and are still a game under .500 and 4 games out of first. Many have made the case that it likely isn't the Brewers we would have to chase anyway as the Cubs remain the favorite to win the division. So, because I think it is highly unlikely we could secure a wildcard spot and only slightly more likely that we could win the division, I believe we should be sellers. I do not like the idea of clinging to guys that can be moved for significant return when I think we could make moves that make us better NEXT YEAR! I don't want to look down the road to 2021 but I would make moves that set us up nicely for next season. IMO

Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:30 pm
1E3D28282921222C29283F75754D0 wrote: I am not real big analysis guy but I think the Pirates have to be sellers in spite of the great run they are on.  Here is why I believe this.  The division standings have Washington leading the East with 57 wins.  The Central is being led by the Brewers with 52 wins and the Dodgers are leading the West with 66 wins.  The wild card presently would be Colorado with 56 wins and Arizona with 54 wins. 

The Pirates are currently 3rd in the Central with 47 wins.  I think it would be an incredibly optimistic notion to believe that they can pick up seven games on Arizona or nine games on Colorado in the second half.  Of course, closing the gap on the Central makes it worth considering that winning the division is the only real option.  Now, I want the Pirates to have what it takes to win the division, but do I think they will?  Not likely.  Possibly, but they are on an amazing tear and are still a game under .500 and 4 games out of first.  Many have made the case that it likely isn't the Brewers we would have to chase anyway as the Cubs remain the favorite to win the division.  So, because I think it is highly unlikely we could secure a wildcard spot and only slightly more likely that we could win the division, I believe we should be sellers.  I do not like the idea of clinging to guys that can be moved for significant return when I think we could make moves that make us better NEXT YEAR!  I don't want to look down the road to 2021 but I would make moves that set us up nicely for next season.  IMO

Who are you selling to set up for next year if that is the case?

Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:35 pm
by OrlandoMerced
31120707060E0D030607105A5A620 wrote: I am not real big analysis guy but I think the Pirates have to be sellers in spite of the great run they are on.  Here is why I believe this.  The division standings have Washington leading the East with 57 wins.  The Central is being led by the Brewers with 52 wins and the Dodgers are leading the West with 66 wins.  The wild card presently would be Colorado with 56 wins and Arizona with 54 wins. 

The Pirates are currently 3rd in the Central with 47 wins.  I think it would be an incredibly optimistic notion to believe that they can pick up seven games on Arizona or nine games on Colorado in the second half.  Of course, closing the gap on the Central makes it worth considering that winning the division is the only real option.  Now, I want the Pirates to have what it takes to win the division, but do I think they will?  Not likely.  Possibly, but they are on an amazing tear and are still a game under .500 and 4 games out of first.  Many have made the case that it likely isn't the Brewers we would have to chase anyway as the Cubs remain the favorite to win the division.  So, because I think it is highly unlikely we could secure a wildcard spot and only slightly more likely that we could win the division, I believe we should be sellers.  I do not like the idea of clinging to guys that can be moved for significant return when I think we could make moves that make us better NEXT YEAR!  I don't want to look down the road to 2021 but I would make moves that set us up nicely for next season.  IMO

Out of curiosity, what sort of move are you alluding to? This recent run, combined with the weak division has to take moving McCutchen or Cole off the table. So your then left moving Nicasio or Watson, you could maybe flip those guys for someone with more control, but neither of those guys will bring back a return that would provide much of an upgrade for 2018.

Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:40 pm
by Speedloader88
I'm not confidant that I am right about this but here goes Dog:






Any reliever not named Rivero

Would consider trading list:





Blow us away list:



Maybe Mercer


No way in Hell list:



Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 3:03 pm
by IABucFan
Personally, I WOULD consider moving Rivero. I'm still of the mindset that bullpen relievers are a highly fungible commodity, and if some GM out there wants to give us two consensus top 25 prospects for Rivero, I say sold. Of course, i also would like to see Rivero tried as a starter, because I think starters are inherently more valuable than relievers, regardless of how shut-down they are.

In any event, we've got a great one on our hands in Rivero. Depending on how Hearn develops, that could go down in Jeff Bagwell territory as one of the most lopsided trades in MLB history.

Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 3:13 pm
by OrlandoMerced
But why consider trading Rivero now? He's the sort of talent that will command a large return regardless of the years of control. Chapman netted the Yankees a top 10 prospect as a rental.

Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 3:13 pm
by Bobster21
While I agree that most relievers "are a highly fungible commodity," those like Rivero are few and far between. Guys like Eckersley, Sutter, Mariano Rivera, Gossage, Chapman, etc couldn't just be replaced by putting someone else in their role. The Pirates need to build on what they have; not just keep turning the roster over for prospects. They should be grateful they got Rivero. They have a young starting staff plus Brault and Glasnow in AAA. Find a 3Bman even if they have to spend money. And find a better manager. This team doesn't have to be torn apart. Just add a little talent and find a manager who knows how to use it.

Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 3:25 pm
I want those days of when a player gets good they get traded to be over. Huntington has stopped that for the most part. Rivero can't go anywhere for a long time. No reason to trade him, build around him.

Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 3:31 pm
by SammyKhalifa
We love him but that means other teams probably do too. I'm not advocating trading him but he'd bring a monster return, maybe more than anyone else on the 40-man.