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8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 1:10 pm
by Bobster21
2301120F0C090E01221503030F600 wrote: That's a great article. I think basically everyone views this as IDIOTIC (and very costly) other than Hurdle. And maybe Neal. I don't know if these kind of lame-brain decisions come from Hurdle or as directives front office. Either way, it's moronic.

NH had to make a roster move to recall Holmes. So he was on board with it. These guys always act like they're smarter than everyone else. They do the unthinkable because no one else would think to do it. And it usually backfires. Freese and J-Hay both mentioned in ST the lack of priority to win. What must they have thought when Holmes started last night to rest pitchers in a month with so many days off? There really IS no priority to win. The fans see it. The players see it. It's real.

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 1:27 pm
I’m out of town so I don’t know the local reaction, but I hope Huntington and Hurdle get their butts grilled. They both should be fired for cause.

I’m still furious. These clowns CLEARLY don’t give $.02 about winning. They don’t give a rats rearend about the fans or players. They basically gave everyone the double barreled finger.

I love how the team faught last night. They overcame a laughingstock decision to score 10 (TEN!!!) runs only to fall 4 runs short because of the most arrogant, sinceless, stupid decision I’ve ever seen. The team did their best to win, they just couldn’t get the 15 runs Hurdle and Huntington required.

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 1:32 pm
by dmetz
NH and Hurdle won't be grilled on it. The bloggers will apologize for it and the sportswriters will make a snark or two and move on.

If we don't win out in SF, last night's decision is going to get ever dumber. Results are all that matter.

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 1:35 pm
by Bobster21
2720363E3027606C153238343C397B363A38550 wrote: I’m out of town so I don’t know the local reaction, but I hope Huntington and Hurdle get their butts grilled. They both should be fired for cause. 

I’m still furious.  These clowns CLEARLY don’t give $.02 about winning.  They don’t give a rats rearend about the fans or players. They basically gave everyone the double barreled finger.

I love how the team faught last night.  They overcame a laughingstock decision to score 10 (TEN!!!) runs only to fall 4 runs short because of the most arrogant, sinceless, stupid decision I’ve ever seen.  The team did their best to win, they just couldn’t get the 15 runs Hurdle and Huntington required. 
Exactly. You gotta feel bad for the players. They bust their butts while being severely disadvantaged by the very people who should be doing everything possible to help them win. I'm sure Hurdle and NH don't want to lose. But they're so busy trying to be the smartest guys in the room that they don't even see the harm they are doing to the players' efforts to win games.

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 1:38 pm
The whole thing - rotten to the core.

So they bring up a AAA guy to pitch for no real reason. They do so without having adequate long relief in case, you know, in case the AAA guy struggles.

AAA Guy obviously doesn’t have any command. Yet they allow him to get get tagged for 7 runs in 2+ innings BECAUSE THEY DON’T have long relief ready. But when Saddler comes in, they let him take a critical AB and he goes on to give up 4 runs in a couple innings.

How do you make a risky starting pitcher move without having the BP available? You don’t unless you’ve determined that the game is worth flushing down the toilet in order to “rest” the starters.

We’ve got a clown for a manager and apparently one for GM as well.

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 1:42 pm
49404859572D0 wrote: NH and Hurdle won't be grilled on it.   The bloggers will apologize for it and the sportswriters will make a snark or two and move on.   

If we don't win out in SF, last night's decision is going to get ever dumber.  Results are all that matter.   

I would LOVE to see anyone defend this debacle. Maybe the attempt would turn my anger to laughter.

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 1:45 pm
002D20313627307073420 wrote: I’m out of town so I don’t know the local reaction, but I hope Huntington and Hurdle get their butts grilled. They both should be fired for cause. 

I’m still furious.  These clowns CLEARLY don’t give $.02 about winning.  They don’t give a rats rearend about the fans or players. They basically gave everyone the double barreled finger.

I love how the team faught last night.  They overcame a laughingstock decision to score 10 (TEN!!!) runs only to fall 4 runs short because of the most arrogant, sinceless, stupid decision I’ve ever seen.  The team did their best to win, they just couldn’t get the 15 runs Hurdle and Huntington required. 
Exactly. You gotta feel bad for the players. They bust their butts while being severely disadvantaged by the very people who should be doing everything possible to help them win. I'm sure Hurdle and NH don't want to lose. But they're so busy trying to be the smartest guys in the room that they don't even see the harm they are doing to the players' efforts to win games. 

They may not WANT to lose. But they clearly don’t allow a desire to win to influence their irrational decisions.

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 1:48 pm
by BenM
1E333E2F28392E6E6D5C0 wrote: That's a great article. I think basically everyone views this as IDIOTIC (and very costly) other than Hurdle. And maybe Neal. I don't know if these kind of lame-brain decisions come from Hurdle or as directives front office. Either way, it's moronic.

NH had to make a roster move to recall Holmes. So he was on board with it. These guys always act like they're smarter than everyone else. They do the unthinkable because no one else would think to do it. And it usually backfires. Freese and J-Hay both mentioned in ST the lack of priority to win. What must they have thought when Holmes started last night to rest pitchers in a month with so many days off? There really IS no priority to win. The fans see it. The players see it. It's real.

I wonder if something has gone horribly wrong in their analytics department and either ignorance or ego won't allow NH to make any changes.

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 1:48 pm
by SteadyFreddy
Yea the only way to forget about this is for the Pirates to win the ne t two games and take 3 of 4 this series. I will still hate this decision and think it was really dumb, but winning the next two games will help me get over it a lot quicker. They better do it.

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 1:52 pm
by CarolinaBucco
Just read this in the AP story from last night's game. Polanco had the night off of course (he must have been VERY tired), and Hurdle said after the game that Polanco would also get another scheduled day off on Sunday. (Even though the team is off Monday!!).

So we go into SF for a CRUCIAL 4-game series, and we call up a minor leaguer to start one of the games, and we give our best power hitter 2 of the 4 days off!!

We're not even trying to win this series. It's irresponsible and inexcusable.

But hey this team should be incredibly fresh and well-rested in September when none of the games will matter any more.