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Bucs acquire Kela...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 2:59 pm
by CarolinaBucco
For the bullpen to really matter, you have to have enough offense (and decent starting pitching) so that you can have at least a 1-run lead heading into the 6th inning.

My concern is, is this team capable of putting itself into that situation at a frequent rate (like 60% of the time), so that we can take advantage of what could be a superb bullpen. I'm not so sure.

Bucs acquire Kela...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 3:12 pm
by SpeedyG
I like the deal.

Without having gone back to verify, I feel like our bullpen lost us at least 3-4 games during that rough stretch in May/June. Having another strong arm out of the bullpen is a huge help - especially when you look at our rotation that is barely able to pitch 6 innings each start.

Hopefully we can land one of those controllable starters today...

Bucs acquire Kela...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 3:21 pm
by dmetz
557875646372652526170 wrote: I’d be willing to lazily bet that the PTBNL is Luplow or Frazier.

Clears some of the of glut.
A PTBNL cannot be someone who was on the MLB roster when the trade was made. So it can't be Luplow or Frazier.

Is it the 25 man or the 40? I thought a PTBNL couldn't be on the 40 at the time of the trade.

Bucs acquire Kela...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 3:28 pm
by CarolinaBucco
It's been reported now that Nats are trying to move Gio Gonzalez. Apparently the Brewers are pushing hard for him.

I am a big believer that we need a legit LH starter.

He would fit the bill.

Bucs acquire Kela...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 3:51 pm
by Bobster21
717870616F150 wrote: I’d be willing to lazily bet that the PTBNL is Luplow or Frazier.

Clears some of the of glut.
A PTBNL cannot be someone who was on the MLB roster when the trade was made. So it can't be Luplow or Frazier.

Is it the 25 man or the 40?  I thought a PTBNL couldn't be on the 40 at the time of the trade.
He can't be n the major leagues, which means the 25.

Bucs acquire Kela...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 3:55 pm
by Ecbucs
I am ok with dealing Hearn, and think this deal is fine depending upon who the next player is. (he has to be somebody not as highly regarded as Hearn to make it a good deal).

I do wish the Bucs would have tried Hearn in a relief role about a month ago. If successful, he may have been able to step up and help the major league team down the stretch.

If Hearn was right handed I would have no qualms at all.

Bucs acquire Kela...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:23 pm
by MaineBucs
The Bucs pen melted down earlier in the year. Almost hard to believe that many of the same pitchers who are now pitching really well chose to all melt down at the same time.

A solid bullpen can help make up for a starting staff that has problems going deep into games, particularly a starting staff as young as the Pirates who may find the grueling nature of a six month season hard to address.

If I knew that Kuhl could come back and be an effective member of the pen, then I would find this deal less of a need. However, while Vasquez, Crick and Santana have regularly been effective, and Rodriguez has often been effective, the performance of every other reliever has been really spotty. And as I noted the other day, McCrae is now the 7th reliever and this spot has been filled by the likes of Sadler, Anderson, the Never ask us guy, Feliz and others with no to very limited success.

So, I don't know if Kela is the guy, but he seems like a good candidate to help provide more dependable pitching near the end of a game. I would have preferred trading someone other than Hearn for the same reason that others noted, but Hearn and a lesser prospect does not seem like an overpay to me. It is a representative cost of a decent reliever (actually a closer) at the deadline.

The trade of Melanson, which quite a few lamented, has really paid dividends to the Pirates.

Could be wrong in my assessment, but I am hoping that the Bucs don't get Archer.

Bucs acquire Kela...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:26 pm
by notes34
Here’s the latest…

•The Pirates appear to be heavily involved in Archer’s market, at least as of last night, according to Bill Brink of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Twitter link). Though the Bucs at one point appeared likely to function as a seller, they have rushed back into a competitive position and struck a deal last night to improve their late-inning relief unit. Of course, that swap and any others that might come to fruition will likely be for affordable, controllable assets. In that regard, Archer certainly makes for a potential fit.

Bucs acquire Kela...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:41 pm
by maher.timothy20@gm

Could be wrong in my assessment, but I am hoping that the Bucs don't get Archer.

Just out of curiosity, why?

Bucs acquire Kela...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:46 pm
by SammyKhalifa
323E373A2D712B3632302B37266D6F1F38325F0 wrote:

Could be wrong in my assessment, but I am hoping that the Bucs don't get Archer.

Just out of curiosity, why?

Scout on #Pirates trade target #Rays RHP Chris Archer: "I think he might rebound to somewhat close to his previous levels but I wouldn't give up a trade package for someone who is a No. 1 starter because he isn't a No. 1 starter."