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Diaz Non Tendered

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 6:06 pm
by PMike
6A7A7B4C5A5A56390 wrote: I'm still a Polanco supporter.  He had a demonstrably good (but overlooked) season before he got hurt in 2018.  I don't know if the injury took that away forever, but I would not ship him away for nothing either. 

Tough call.  Polanco is all airport.  He certainly looks the part off the plane.  To me, he has been a fragile enigma.  Not sure he is a long term solution when healthy.  Very streaky and suspect defensively.  His fragility has killed his value.  Do you keep paying him and hope he returns, or move on at low value just to erase his contract?  He has zero value on the trade front as far as obtaining something good or decent.

Agreed...which is why it would be a really bad decision to trade him now. I don't have any strong feelings about keeping him around, but I can't think of a time when his value is lower than it is now. And, I can't imagine it getting lower in ST, trade deadline time, or any other time. All you'd be trying to sell another team on now is intangibles. He looks like a helluva player. That will still be an asset at any point in the next year. He's still only 28.

Diaz Non Tendered

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 7:12 pm
by IABucFan
I haven't read this thread, but the only thing I don't like about this is that they didn't trade him. I don't think Diaz is useless. I think he can be a very good defensive catcher, even if the bat lags behind. I've got to believe there is a team out there somewhere who would have offered SOMETHING for him. Regardless, I'm hoping this is the start of what I've been clamoring all year for...a total teardown and rebuild.

Diaz Non Tendered

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 7:28 pm
by Bobster21
617C585A54310 wrote: I'm still a Polanco supporter.  He had a demonstrably good (but overlooked) season before he got hurt in 2018.  I don't know if the injury took that away forever, but I would not ship him away for nothing either. 

Tough call.  Polanco is all airport.  He certainly looks the part off the plane.  To me, he has been a fragile enigma.  Not sure he is a long term solution when healthy.  Very streaky and suspect defensively.  His fragility has killed his value.  Do you keep paying him and hope he returns, or move on at low value just to erase his contract?  He has zero value on the trade front as far as obtaining something good or decent.

Agreed...which is why it would be a really bad decision to trade him now.  I don't have any strong feelings about keeping him around, but I can't think of a time when his value is lower than it is now.  And, I can't imagine it getting lower in ST, trade deadline time, or any other time.  All you'd be trying to sell another team on now is intangibles.  He looks like a helluva player.  That will still be an asset at any point in the next year.  He's still only 28.

I think other teams already know his value when healthy and wouldn't give up much to obtain him. His value as a low average hitting, poor fielding, poor base running guy with a good arm who can hit 20-25 is greater to the Pirates who are starved for anyone who an hit 20-25 HRs (even tho that's far from a major power hitter in MLB) than to a team that isn't starved for power and would be less apt to accept his deficiencies just for his HRs. I think when/if healthy he might be worth a mid level prospect or 2 lesser prospects. Just my opinion of course but I don't think waiting for him to be healthy before trading him would bring back significantly more in a trade anyway.

Diaz Non Tendered

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 8:04 pm
by SCBucco
071A3E3C32570 wrote: I'm still a Polanco supporter.  He had a demonstrably good (but overlooked) season before he got hurt in 2018.  I don't know if the injury took that away forever, but I would not ship him away for nothing either. 

Tough call.  Polanco is all airport.  He certainly looks the part off the plane.  To me, he has been a fragile enigma.  Not sure he is a long term solution when healthy.  Very streaky and suspect defensively.  His fragility has killed his value.  Do you keep paying him and hope he returns, or move on at low value just to erase his contract?  He has zero value on the trade front as far as obtaining something good or decent.

Agreed...which is why it would be a really bad decision to trade him now.  I don't have any strong feelings about keeping him around, but I can't think of a time when his value is lower than it is now.  And, I can't imagine it getting lower in ST, trade deadline time, or any other time.  All you'd be trying to sell another team on now is intangibles.  He looks like a helluva player.  That will still be an asset at any point in the next year.  He's still only 28.

Its somewhat like a Tyler Glasnow situation. You don't want to trade Polanco for pennies on the dollar in the event he does get healthy and explodes. Probably better keeping him. What would Nutting do with that Polanco money? He wouldn't reinvest it. Not like that money can get you Teheran or something like that.

Diaz Non Tendered

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 8:20 pm
by MaineBucs
I am not a Polanco fan. That said, I believe the Bucs need to stick with him at this point to see if he can demonstrate that he is healthy before trying to move him.

The Bucs projected him to return to the field by mid-May or June 1 last year. He returned early and had a brief flash of productivity, but he was soon down for the count and out for the year. I believe there could be questions if he can even return to the field (Lonnie Chisenhall anyone).

I view the main benefit of trading Polanco as obtaining a bit of salary relief. I don't expect any great return in talent, although getting back someone of interest would be nice. Polanco has been a real disappointment. The biggest disappointment among some who predicted that the Bucs would have the best outfield in baseball.

Lastly, I know that the Bucs have little likelihood of competing this year. That said, I would hate to see the Bucs resorting to playing Frazier in the outfield. He has no power and doesn't get on base at a high enough clip to off-set his lack of power. I would prefer to see the Bucs take a chance on another organization's outfielder (semi-prospect) and hope that he over-performs rather than treading water with Frazier.

Diaz Non Tendered

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 9:58 pm
by DemDog
Polanco, another nail in the old guard's development system. Who knows what might have been had he had a decent hitting and outfield coach. If only the original Quail was not so old. He could teach him a thing or three about playing the outfield.

Diaz Non Tendered

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 12:48 am
by johnfluharty
If he can stay healthy this year, maybe Eckstein can do something with him.

Diaz Non Tendered

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 1:57 am
by Bobster21
080D0A0C040E170A0310161B620 wrote: If he can stay healthy this year, maybe Eckstein can do something with him.
I hope so. Batting averages can fluctuate depending on unsustainable good or bad luck. For Example, Chris Stewart came to the Pirates as a career .214 hitter. But in his first 2 years with the Pirates Stewart hit .294 and .289. But that consisted primarily of seeing eye singles and dying quails just over the infield. His BAbip for those 2 years was .364 and .348. It was unsustainable good fortune and in his next 2 years as a Pirate he did not benefit from great luck and hit his normal .214 and .183. Polanco is nothing if not consistent. His career low is .235 and career high is .258. In 5 of his 7 MLB seasons he has hit in the .250s with a career mark of .252. Batting average measures the frequency of hits and, unlike someone like Stewart who occasionally had inexplicable good luck, Polanco's career frequency of hits has been padlocked into mediocrity. This suggests either a definite limitation of ability or that he is firmly locked into bad habits that no one has been able to change. Maybe Eckstein can help him but that seems like a tall order.

Diaz Non Tendered

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 2:04 pm
by BenM
My concern with Polanco is his arm. He looked really bad at times last year.

Diaz Non Tendered

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 2:14 pm
by ArnoldRothstein
The only way they'll get any talent back for Polanco is if he's going well at a trade deadline someone might give something up, figuring he might stay healthy to the end of the season.  I think he's a good player in the abstract, but his injury/recovery history is an awful drag on his value.