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Anderson to wherever

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 3:16 pm
by SammyKhalifa
537E73626574632320110 wrote: Mediocre.  Only because he's no longer on the team.

And, I'm negative.  All right.
Comparing his stats to other MLB pitchers, he is mediocre. Just because he was the best pitcher on a weak Pirates team doesn't change how he compares across MLB when another team considers adding him to their rotation. A team that trades for him only considers his ability in how much they expect him to help their team. If BC tries to sell another GM on the idea that "He's our best pitcher!" the response would be, "Yeah, but look at your other pitchers."

We could have used his 'mediocrity' last night, and nearly every future night.  ;)

Just a month ago, we had guys who wanted to extend this 'mediocre' guy we had.
Sure. I don't disagree with you. And I don't say Anderson is mediocre as an insult. He was the best, most reliable starter the Pirates had. On a good staff, he's fine for a #5 if not possibly even a #4. On the Pirates, every other starter was below his level. And now the rotation is weaker without him. But in terms of his trade value, his new team is only guaranteed 2 months of his service and won't expect him to be their top starter. A couple low-A prospects seems about right.   

That said, without actually knowing the guys beyond what I read yesterday I think I liked the Phillies return better. I'm pretty sure the Pirates did too because that's the offer they initially accepted.

Anderson to wherever

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 3:24 pm
by UtahPirate
Binn seems obvious (we were after a Phillies catcher) as the system is catcher poor, but BC will have a story on why Tejada. He had a story on why Marcano, and I think we'll hear something about Tejada as I don't think you typically take 18-year olds in the Dominican League, even in minor trades like this.

Oneil Cruz and Tahnaj Thomas were both very young players we got in insignificant deadline rental deals, so maybe Tejada will follow their path.

Anderson to wherever

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 3:38 pm
Keep him don’t keep him. It really makes no difference.

Phillies Mariners. It really makes no difference.

66 wins 64 wins. It really makes no difference.

This is not a trade that you plan a rebuild around. It is a trade that maybe you get lucky (pitcher). Probably not but maybe. It’s a trade that maybe you get a little depth (catcher). Probably not but maybe. Otherwise it makes no difference.

Ben decided to move on the off chance there’s a little luck or a little depth.

It’s worth casual consideration. There is a bit of degree involved. It creates a spot in the rotation. But it really makes no difference.

But it IS something for complainers to complain about. Just like complaining about EVERYTHING makes no difference. :P

Anderson to wherever

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:38 pm
by Surgnbuck
The vast majority of commenters said basically the same thing about Anderson:

"Off the trash heap....bottom of the barrel....." Most of all, "At the very least, he proves serviceable and can be dealt at the deadline for a lottery pick or two"

THAT'S what Anderson is. Pure and simple. Anyone trying to make him out as some sort of cog in the rotation is full of themselves and full of it. This was never meant to be a long term thing. This is exactly what the FO was hoping for, and probably turned out even better than expected.

Some people just love making a big deal out of nothing, but hey, anything to find a way to bash the Pirates.

Anderson to wherever

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:45 pm
by GreenWeenie
No one's saying or ever said the guy's any Max Scherzer, and I'm not at all bothered that he was dealt.  What I am saying is that, if left to me, I would have preferred one somebody over two nobody's.

And, if I didn't get anybody, so be it.  We don't need any more nobody's, and I would have been just as fine keeping him and let him go, assuming that he wouldn't stay with the team for whatever reason.

If either of these guys amount to much- or, are eventually dealt for much, that's the way it goes.

Anderson to wherever

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:47 pm
by GreenWeenie
In other words,one suspect closer to MLB ready.

Anderson to wherever

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:53 pm
by GreenWeenie
The vast majority of commenters said basically the same thing about Anderson:

"Off the trash heap....bottom of the barrel....." Most of all, "At the very least, he proves serviceable and can be dealt at the deadline for a lottery pick or two"

THAT'S what Anderson is. Pure and simple. Anyone trying to make him out as some sort of cog in the rotation is full of themselves and full of it. This was never meant to be a long term thing. This is exactly what the FO was hoping for, and probably turned out even better than expected.

Some people just love making a big deal out of nothing, but hey, anything to find a way to bash the Pirates. [/quot

The opposite is equally true.

Anderson to wherever

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:07 pm
by SammyKhalifa
I don't know of anyone saying it's some huge deal.

Anderson to wherever

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:25 pm
by johnfluharty
I'm assuming that both offers were on the table, but BC liked the Phillies one better and chose that first.  But lacking the player who turned out injured he decided he liked the other offer.  Time will tell I suppose.

Anderson to wherever

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 5:46 pm
by ArnoldRothstein
J.A. Happ to Pittsburgh from Seattle, 2015: 4-6, 4.64