Trade Deadline Thread


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Trade Deadline Thread

Post by SCBucco »

50545C6B7D6D587F701E0 wrote: Wow, Joaquin Benoit is a Pirate.  :o

Got him for minor league RHP Seth McGarry. Meh.

Typical move.

Trade Deadline Thread

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6070714650505C330 wrote: Wow, Joaquin Benoit is a Pirate.  :o

Got him for minor league RHP Seth McGarry. Meh.

Typical move.

I wouldn't say "typical" because this is not what Huntington has done in the past. Still a strange move. Like it was just a favor.  Was he free and they didn't want to bring up a young guy?  That's the only thing I can think of. 
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Trade Deadline Thread

Post by MaineBucs »

Lot's of folks checking in on the Board for most of the day hoping to hear some news that warranted talking about.

So --- what did the Pirates do?

They traded one player, Watson, who returned some players who may be of interest 4 years from now.

They added Benoit, who at best, will be another middling arm for the pen while giving up little.

They didn't improve for this year. In short, the folks who are now here who have barely managed to sniff a .500 record this season are it.

They really aren't much worse for this year. In short, win a few, lose a few, but no real (new) reason for any fan to be excited about this year.

Maybe the future has added another candle or two to the Thousand Points of Light (conjuring up an old phrase from the senior Bush in the early 90's) to the team's future, but nothing that anyone will really notice today and perhaps in the future.

Nutting has managed to hold onto all of the savings from the Marte suspension and Kang DUI's to help cushion the blow from the loss of attendance. And, I'm guessing that the Pirates come out 'break even' (financially) at worst in the Watson - Benoit swaps.

This team wasn't good enough to win the division yesterday and there is no reason to believe that they will be good enough to win it tomorrow. I expect the team to drop back in the standings and to comfortably settle in as a 72 - 90 team. Hoping that I am wrong, but the non-moves have clearly left me flat. Almost feeling worse than in the midst of the 20 straight --- a feeling of malaise and a why should I care attitude.

Trade Deadline Thread

Post by Bobster21 »

The most positive spin I take from today is that they realize this is not a playoff team and see no reason to deal prospects to rent veterans for a lost cause. On the other hand, they are not conceding that 2018 will be a wash. As the young pitchers gain experience this year, more can be expected next year. Add a 3Bman, fix the bullpen and the bench and they could be competitive. So they weren't ready to be sellers, altho Watson wouldn't be back next year anyway. So I'm ok with today's limited deals as long as TBMTIB actually tries to assemble a good team next year (which they failed to do from the start this year).
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Trade Deadline Thread

Post by SCBucco »

6E656D6164657E3B3D4A736B6265652469650A0 wrote: Wow, Joaquin Benoit is a Pirate.  :o

Got him for minor league RHP Seth McGarry. Meh.

Typical move.

I wouldn't say "typical" because this is not what Huntington has done in the past.  Still a strange move.  Like it was just a favor.  Was he free and they didn't want to bring up a young guy?  That's the only thing I can think of. 

Typical was bringing in a non needed old reclamation project. This was a non needed move. Make a move with Watson and then replace him with a worse, older arm. It simply wasn't needed regardless what we shipped to Philly.
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Trade Deadline Thread

Post by SCBucco »

664A42454E695E48582B0 wrote: Lot's of folks checking in on the Board for most of the day hoping to hear some news that warranted talking about.

So --- what did the Pirates do?

They traded one player, Watson, who returned some players who may be of interest 4 years from now.

They added Benoit, who at best, will be another middling arm for the pen while giving up little. 

They didn't improve for this year.   In short, the folks who are now here who have barely managed to sniff a .500 record this season are it.

They really aren't much worse for this year.   In short, win a few, lose a few, but no real (new) reason for any fan to be excited about this year.

Maybe the future has added another candle or two to the Thousand Points of Light (conjuring up an old phrase from the senior Bush in the early 90's) to the team's future, but nothing that anyone will really notice today and perhaps in the future.

Nutting has managed to hold onto all of the savings from the Marte suspension and Kang DUI's to help cushion the blow from the loss of attendance.  And, I'm guessing that the Pirates come out 'break even' (financially) at worst in the Watson - Benoit swaps.

This team wasn't good enough to win the division yesterday and there is no reason to believe that they will be good enough to win it tomorrow.  I expect the team to drop back in the standings and to comfortably settle in as a 72 - 90 team.  Hoping that I am wrong, but the non-moves have clearly left me flat.  Almost feeling worse than in the midst of the 20 straight --- a feeling of malaise and a why should I care attitude.      

My frustration is this ... we aren't a team that can contend next year either. We won't go out and get the parts needed to do such a thing. So, we keep Cutch, a guy who's stock has drastically peaked. We could have gotten a very nice return. Instead, we keep him. What's the point of that? If you aren't going out in the offseason and spending $$$ on a much needed good arm for the rotation (sorry, we don't have a good four) as well as other spots, then ...

The only positive will be if one of these two kids that were acquired from Watson does anything, its a win. His return wasn't going to be good at the time.

Trade Deadline Thread

Post by johnfluharty »

0010112630303C530 wrote: Wow, Joaquin Benoit is a Pirate.  :o

Got him for minor league RHP Seth McGarry. Meh.

Typical move.

I wouldn't say "typical" because this is not what Huntington has done in the past.  Still a strange move.  Like it was just a favor.  Was he free and they didn't want to bring up a young guy?  That's the only thing I can think of. 

Typical was bringing in a non needed old reclamation project.  This was a non needed move.   Make a move with Watson and then replace him with a worse, older arm.  It simply wasn't needed regardless what we shipped to Philly.

Benoit has a better WHIP and a better FIP, so one could argue that he is slightly better than Watson, but even if that's true, we don't need him. Sanchez, Santana, Neverauskas- pick one and give him some MLB time.

Trade Deadline Thread

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Three options:

1) Try to start "repairing" (since "rebuilding" sends some people over the edge) this team to make a run. If they plan to make a run next year why not include this season? In ofter words ADD.

2) concede to the Cubs this and next year, plan for a major infusion of talent to be competitive in a couple years. In other words SELL!

3) Pretend the last two years have nothing in common with next year, that this same team will SOME HOW challenge the Cubs next year when they can't challenge 500 currently or last year. In other words DO NOTHING.

I can make an argument for either 1 or 2 above. There is no way they can choose option 3, is there? How in the world can you sit on s sub 500 team. No one would do that, no one.

Except the Pirates just did. Sit in a sub 500 team. The ONE thing that makes absolutely NO SENSE.

Buccos will probably win about 76 games this year. But they're going to chase down the Cubs next year? Yeah, right.

Total failure.

I'm waiting for someone to tell me the FO will make the "big" moves in the off season. I was fooled once, after the 2014 season, but they haven't fooled me since. And they won't fool me this off season.

Pirate off season grade = F-

Pirate trade deadline grade = F-

NO identity NO plan. Your Pittsburgh Pirates.

Trade Deadline Thread

Post by »

4D5D5C6B7D7D711E0 wrote: Lot's of folks checking in on the Board for most of the day hoping to hear some news that warranted talking about.

So --- what did the Pirates do?

They traded one player, Watson, who returned some players who may be of interest 4 years from now.

They added Benoit, who at best, will be another middling arm for the pen while giving up little. 

They didn't improve for this year.   In short, the folks who are now here who have barely managed to sniff a .500 record this season are it.

They really aren't much worse for this year.   In short, win a few, lose a few, but no real (new) reason for any fan to be excited about this year.

Maybe the future has added another candle or two to the Thousand Points of Light (conjuring up an old phrase from the senior Bush in the early 90's) to the team's future, but nothing that anyone will really notice today and perhaps in the future.

Nutting has managed to hold onto all of the savings from the Marte suspension and Kang DUI's to help cushion the blow from the loss of attendance.  And, I'm guessing that the Pirates come out 'break even' (financially) at worst in the Watson - Benoit swaps.

This team wasn't good enough to win the division yesterday and there is no reason to believe that they will be good enough to win it tomorrow.  I expect the team to drop back in the standings and to comfortably settle in as a 72 - 90 team.  Hoping that I am wrong, but the non-moves have clearly left me flat.  Almost feeling worse than in the midst of the 20 straight --- a feeling of malaise and a why should I care attitude.      

My frustration is this ... we aren't a team that can contend next year either.  We won't go out and get the parts needed to do such a thing. So, we keep Cutch, a guy who's stock has drastically peaked.  We could have gotten a very nice return.  Instead, we keep him.  What's the point of that?  If you aren't going out in the offseason and spending $$$ on a much needed good arm for the rotation (sorry, we don't have a good four) as well as other spots, then ...

The only positive will be if one of these two kids that were acquired from Watson does anything, its a win.  His return wasn't going to be good at the time.

Two good posts. Pretending this team will chase the Cubs next year is the new definition of insanity.

In some ways this is worse then then all the years of losing.
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Trade Deadline Thread

Post by Ecbucs »

282F39313F286F631A3D373B3336743935375A0 wrote: Three options:

1) Try to start "repairing" (since "rebuilding" sends some people over the edge) this team to make a run. If they plan to make a run next year why not include this season?  In ofter words ADD.

2) concede to the Cubs this and next year, plan for a major infusion of talent to be competitive in a couple years. In other words SELL!

3) Pretend the last two years have nothing in common with next year, that this same team will SOME HOW challenge the Cubs next year when they can't challenge 500 currently or last year. In other words DO NOTHING.

I can make an argument for either 1 or 2 above.  There is no way they can choose option 3, is there?  How in the world can you sit on s sub 500 team.  No one would do that, no one.

Except the Pirates just did. Sit in a sub 500 team. The ONE thing that makes absolutely NO SENSE.

Buccos will probably win about 76 games this year.  But they're going to chase down the Cubs next year?  Yeah, right.

Total failure.

I'm waiting for someone to tell me the FO will make the "big" moves in the off season. I was fooled once, after the 2014 season, but they haven't fooled me since. And they won't fool me this off season.

Pirate off season grade = F-

Pirate trade deadline grade = F-

NO identity NO plan.  Your Pittsburgh Pirates.

that is it in a nutshell to me. Nothing to improve this season, nothing added to improve next season. I would rather have dealt Nicasio for someone like McGarry rather than trade McGarry for Benoit. Chances are NH will try and trade Benoit in August for anything he can get as the Bucs will be out of running for anything.
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