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The next CBA and the future of MLB

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:14 pm
by maher.timothy20@gm
Players are expected to reject the owners latest proposal.

I don't know why I even give a shit, one way or another. A year a go I was hoping for some kind of fundamental change to the economic system. Seems like all we're going to get--even after all the bitching is over and the two sides reach an agreement in another few weeks or a month or whenever--is some incremental moving around of money.

The next CBA and the future of MLB

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:40 pm
by 2drfischer@gmail.c
4A464F425509534E4A48534F5E151767404A270 wrote: Players are expected to reject the owners latest proposal.

I don't know why I even give a shit, one way or another. A year a go I was hoping for some kind of fundamental change to the economic system. Seems like all we're going to get--even after all the bitching is over and the two sides reach an agreement in another few weeks or a month or whenever--is some incremental moving around of money.

Right. Whatever the sides agree to will have little to no positive impact on the small market teams like the Pirates.

The next CBA and the future of MLB

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:53 pm
by fjk090852-7
792F392D223828232E390B2C262A222765284B0 wrote: Players are expected to reject the owners latest proposal.

I don't know why I even give a shit, one way or another. A year a go I was hoping for some kind of fundamental change to the economic system. Seems like all we're going to get--even after all the bitching is over and the two sides reach an agreement in another few weeks or a month or whenever--is some incremental moving around of money.

Right.  Whatever the sides agree to will have little to no positive impact on the small market teams like the Pirates.
It appears that the big stumbling block is the difference between CBT amount which the players want and what MLB is offering. If the players want a big increase in the CBT, then like I have been saying there should be a floor. If they don’t agree to a floor then let them sit out.

The next CBA and the future of MLB

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 10:35 pm
by MaineBucs
I would like to categorize this as a 3-D outcome. Disappointing, Disgusting and Done.

While the first two clearly apply, I would be lying (trying to be overly dramatic) if I said I was Done with baseball. That said, and as others noted, the current bickering and proposals are doing nothing to improve the competitive balance in baseball.

There already is a lot of money on the table for both parties. The remaining points of disagreement are minimal compared to the total amount of money that should be available to end this stalemate and to return to playing games on the field instead of the MLB channel replaying games.

Baseball is making a mistake by - again - cancelling games.

I understood a public health crisis, but this problem is one that those in the game created themselves, and they now need to quickly find a way out of this unnecessary mess.

A Commissioner who can't even manage to keep them playing on the field and who appears to be content with garbage negotiations. Disappointing and Disgusting.

The next CBA and the future of MLB

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 10:43 pm
by skinnyhorse
69454D4A4166514757240 wrote: I would like to categorize this as a 3-D outcome.  Disappointing, Disgusting and Done. 

While the first two clearly apply, I would be lying (trying to be overly dramatic) if I said I was Done with baseball.   That said, and as others noted, the current bickering and proposals are doing nothing to improve the competitive balance in baseball. 

There already is a lot of money on the table for both parties.  The remaining points of disagreement are minimal compared to the total amount of money that should be available to end this stalemate and to return to playing games on the field instead of the MLB channel replaying games.

Baseball is making a mistake by - again - cancelling games.

I understood a public health crisis, but this problem is one that those in the game created themselves, and they now need to quickly find a way out of this unnecessary mess.

A Commissioner who can't even manage to keep them playing on the field and who appears to be content with garbage negotiations.   Disappointing and Disgusting.   

MLB commissioner is a complete joke who wants to pacify the elites and do virtue signaling. He is incompetent at what he is suppose to be doing growing and managing the growth of professional baseball.

The next CBA and the future of MLB

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 10:46 pm
by WildwoodDave2
277167737C66767D7067557278747C793B76150 wrote: Players are expected to reject the owners latest proposal.

I don't know why I even give a shit, one way or another. A year a go I was hoping for some kind of fundamental change to the economic system. Seems like all we're going to get--even after all the bitching is over and the two sides reach an agreement in another few weeks or a month or whenever--is some incremental moving around of money.

Right.  Whatever the sides agree to will have little to no positive impact on the small market teams like the Pirates.
Just in-Players reject latest offer from owners. First two series in 2022 schedule have been canceled

The next CBA and the future of MLB

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 10:47 pm
by GreenWeenie
That's what I deserve for having been optimistic that the season would begin on time.  I think this has been mismanaged from the get go.  It was if Shelty was calling the shots and Will Craig was negotiating.  I thought higher of the commissioner in the past than I have more recently. 

Not as much interested in the cause as I am in their solution.  I share in the wish that one can be agreed to AQAP. 

The next CBA and the future of MLB

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:09 pm
by WildwoodDave2
5E6B7C7C774E7C7C77707C190 wrote: That's what I deserve for having been optimistic that the season would begin on time.  I think this has been mismanaged from the get go.  It was if Shelty was calling the shots and Will Craig was negotiating.  I thought higher of the commissioner in the past than I have more recently. 

Not as much interested in the cause as I am in their solution.  I share in the wish that one can be agreed to AQAP. 
Manfred is getting ripped on Twitter

The next CBA and the future of MLB

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:25 pm
by JollyRoger
What a very sad state of affairs

In a world still battling a pandemic, Ukraine fighting to hold on to sovereignty and their democracy against a Russian invasion, social issues, the 2 major political parties in the US that cannot come together on policy, we now have the billionaires and millionaires in MLB that cannot agree on how to split the golden egg!

As a lifelong baseball fan and Pirates fan, I have grown apathetic.

MLB and the players don’t give a shit about all of the people that make their living or make ends meet by working in baseball. All those people are out of work. Meanwhile the players can’t be satisfied with a $700K minimum wage and all of the additional money thrown their way. They don’t care about competitive balance as they want to drastically increase the level of team payroll that a tax would occur. They even did away with draft pick compensation for teams that lose players to free agency.

This time I blame the players.

I am reminded of a scene from one of my favorite baseball movies; Fever Pitch.

Jimmy Fallon (Ben) a fanatical Red Sox fan is coaching his Little League team. One of the kids comes up to him at practice and says:

Coach, you pour your heart out and love the Red Sox; but have the Red Sox ever loved you back?

Does baseball return the love of the fans? Something to think


The next CBA and the future of MLB

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:27 pm
by GreenWeenie
Be glad that I'm not on Twitter.

Really, he's paid by the owners and he's their point man. So, I have to allow for that.

I dnk who handles MLB's media relations, but whomever it is, I don't think that they received the best advice. It's their responsibility to over-rule it if they think that it's not the way to go, so I'll assume that they thought this is the way to express their positions.

I don't want to hear how he came to agreements in years past. He wasn't the commissioner then. He is today.