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Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:54 pm
by ArnoldRothstein
Looks like Hutchison is listed as Indy's starter tonight.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:18 pm
373C34383D3C276264132A323B3C3C7D303C530 wrote: Not when they have Brualt, Glasnow, Kulh, Locke, Vogelsong, and Nicasio to make a spot start. 

I don't even know the rotation right now, but four starts compared to 35 in a full season is a huge difference.  The Pirates have guys to fill in. 

So you also don't think the Pirates can make run?

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:21 pm
by Bobster21
52606C6C784A69606D686760010 wrote:

Quote from the article:

One of the issues that Hutchison has struggled with in his limited MLB career is limiting runs.

Oh, THAT minor thing.  Details, schmetails!

Wasn't that Liriano's problem? And Niese? And Locke? And Vogelsong? And Nicasio? And Caminero? And Hughes? And Luebke? And Lobstein? :D

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:25 pm
by Ecbucs
665549484B437548534F5453424E49270 wrote: Here's an article about Hutchison. Apparently, they will gain a year of control if they keep him in the minors until Sept 1. I've read that a couple of times now. ... hutchison/

Quote from the article:

One of the issues that Hutchison has struggled with in his limited MLB career is limiting runs.

One thing to keep in mind is that the extra year of control applies if they're thinking of flipping him to someone else, too.

do you think they could get a couple of a team's top 10 prospects for him?

I actually thought they might flip Rivero after seeing the comments about him being as good as Melancon and potential future closer.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:25 pm
212630383621666A13343E323A3F7D303C3E530 wrote: Not when they have Brualt, Glasnow, Kulh, Locke, Vogelsong, and Nicasio to make a spot start. 

I don't even know the rotation right now, but four starts compared to 35 in a full season is a huge difference.  The Pirates have guys to fill in. 

So you also don't think the Pirates can make run?

I do think they can make the Playoffs. They are in the hunt with the guys they have right now. If the guys who have been here a while performed, Hutchison's four starts would not be an issue.

I think they will pull away a little here and get closer to the Dodgers. That is my honest opinion. I am basing that on the talent they have and their weaker schedule.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 7:35 pm
by CarolinaBucco
Despite everything else going on, this team will not have a legit chance at the playoffs unless:

1. Cutch returns to normal (meaning, he gets good again)

2. Cole starts dominating

3. Kang gets on a roll

4. Taillon starts winning most every 5th day

Everything else going on with current pitchers, our new mediocre pitchers Nova & Hutchison, prospects, injuries, bullpen plans, etc... None of that will matter if the above 4 items don't become reality.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:27 am
by DemDog
[movedhere] OnlyBucs Fan Forum [move by] Possum.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:30 am
by DemDog
[movedhere] OnlyBucs Fan Forum [move by] Possum.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:18 pm
by ChitownBucco
Anyone hearing/ reading an waiver rumors?

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:34 pm
by ArnoldRothstein
153E3F223921381423353539560 wrote: Anyone hearing/ reading an waiver rumors?

Claiming or releasing? About the only thing I could see them claiming would be another starter in the Locke demographic. There can't be much stretch left in the budget.