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Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 6:05 pm
by massbucsfan
I haven't seen 1 pirate trade rumor for awhile now did the gm go on vacation or something i guess they are happy with the team they got ,if it was me I would try to cash in on cutch right now his value is as high right now as its been in a couple years

Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 6:13 pm
by Bobster21
74464A4A5E6C4F464B4E4146270 wrote: IIRC, didn't Rodriguez say he took the Braves' offer because they would give him a chance to start? So this time he signed for starter's money, not a backup's money.

Yeah, that sounds familiar now that you mention it.  I hope it doesn't sound like I'm trashing SROD.  I liked him.  Just wasn't that reasonable to keep him considering the offers/opportunities he got elsewhere. 

Where the Pirates really went wrong with all of that is that the guy they were hoping would replace him has been a big fat zero. 

Yes, the Pirates wanted him for a reserve role so they weren't going to make an offer like a team that wanted him as a starter. Had he nor received that money and the chance to start, I suspect he would have remained with the Pirates since he liked it there and had great success there last year in his role.

Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 6:24 pm
by SammyKhalifa

Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 6:25 pm
74464A4A5E6C4F464B4E4146270 wrote: IIRC, didn't Rodriguez say he took the Braves' offer because they would give him a chance to start? So this time he signed for starter's money, not a backup's money.

Yeah, that sounds familiar now that you mention it.  I hope it doesn't sound like I'm trashing SROD.  I liked him.  Just wasn't that reasonable to keep him considering the offers/opportunities he got elsewhere. 

Where the Pirates really went wrong with all of that is that the guy they were hoping would replace him has been a big fat zero. 

Who: David Freese and Adam Frazier?

Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 6:27 pm
by SammyKhalifa
Phil Gosselin

I thought it was a good trade at the time.

Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 6:31 pm
75474B4B5F6D4E474A4F4047260 wrote: Phil Gosselin

I thought it was a good trade at the time. 

Oh, I didn't think that was the "replacement" for Rodriguez. Gosselin was brought in once Kang didn't make it to spring training. Rodriguez was signed by Atlanta in November. Gosselin was traded for in February. Freese was the back up at 1B (also Jaso) and 3B and Frazier was the outfield and middle infield backup.

Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 6:34 pm
by Bobster21
Yeah, I believe Frazier was to be the super-sub replacement for Rodriguez but then had to play mostly OF when Marte was suspended.

Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 6:37 pm
by SammyKhalifa
Okay. I could be reading/remembering the situation wrong.

Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 7:10 pm
by massbucsfan
Wow this board is as dead as the teams deadline action

Trade Deadline Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 7:27 pm
by iabucco
I think the fact that the board is dead shows why there isn't activity going on with the Pirates. I don't want to make a move just to make a move and I don't know what could really be traded for that would make me think we are going to make the playoffs. Yes, I would like a starter, relief pitching and another bat but it almost feels as likely or unlikely, if you prefer, that the Pirates will get hot and take the division without a trade.

I just don't think a big deal will get done and that would include Cutch and Cole. I think those deals may be better off in the offseason or at some time next season. Both are playing at a level that should increase their value. With every game, Cutch's slump is further in the rear view mirror and Cole has looked much more like Cole. I would rather take a run at next year because I think Cutch is the only superstar on this team and he needs to lead the way.

If this season gets away then we need to bring up Glasnow for at least 5 starts and make sure he throws hard. Then they could try a few of the Indy arms in the pen for the last month and maybe look at Newman to play 2nd next year with Harrison at third if Kang isn't going to be an option. Frazier can then be the super sub.

Just my rant, I think there could be a better pool of teams for Cutch in the offseason then there seem to be right now.