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Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:17 pm
437F797F646D7B620C0 wrote: Well the trades seem to be working out so far.  Nice job Neil! ;)


Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:17 pm
by Ecbucs
313620282631767A03242E222A2F6D202C2E430 wrote: .

If we were ten games over .500, I have a problem with dealing Melancon.  If we are showing any sign of life from the guys who needed to carry us, I have a problem with dealing Melancon.

At the end of the day, we were three games over after two thirds of the season.   We had scored just 35 runs in the previous ten games with 8 of them being in two innings against the Mariners. At that point, you are who your record says you are. 

I'm wondering if the past three seasons have confused us - the WC very likely won't require 90+ wins this year. 

I get what you're saying, I really do.  This does not look like a playoff team.  But...Amazing, as of today they are still within 2 1/2 games of the 2nd WC.  Despite the awful weekend they lost only a 1/2 game. 

Somebody's gonna finish strong enough to win that spot, we're one of three that have a very real chance.  We have not played like a playoff team, I agree with you.  But apparently none of the other 3 have either. 

I still think this team has a ton of potential with just one or two solid moves and bringing up some rookies. 

The Marlins and Mets realize they've got a real chance so they made real acquisitions to try and make the team better.  I think the Pirates can be better then either the Mets or Marlins. 

Or I guess I should say I think the Pirates COULD have been better - forgetting the trade deadline, our response for the final push is to reinsert Locke and Vogelsong.  Does that make any sense for a team 2 1/2 games out?  Even if you don't believe we're good enough don't you still want to give ourselves the opportunity to slip in?  It would hardly be a crazy thing if this team were to catch fire.  (Look at the Rookies who have managed to get back into the race).  Why toss the towel with 55+ games?

my 2 cents on this.

If the Bucs really believe in Hutchinson and believe that they have a shot at the playoffs this season, he would not be Indy. He would be starting for the Pirates now and they would not consider the extra year of control.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:20 pm
765051465040330 wrote: .

If we were ten games over .500, I have a problem with dealing Melancon.  If we are showing any sign of life from the guys who needed to carry us, I have a problem with dealing Melancon.

At the end of the day, we were three games over after two thirds of the season.   We had scored just 35 runs in the previous ten games with 8 of them being in two innings against the Mariners. At that point, you are who your record says you are. 

I'm wondering if the past three seasons have confused us - the WC very likely won't require 90+ wins this year. 

I get what you're saying, I really do.  This does not look like a playoff team.  But...Amazing, as of today they are still within 2 1/2 games of the 2nd WC.  Despite the awful weekend they lost only a 1/2 game. 

Somebody's gonna finish strong enough to win that spot, we're one of three that have a very real chance.  We have not played like a playoff team, I agree with you.  But apparently none of the other 3 have either. 

I still think this team has a ton of potential with just one or two solid moves and bringing up some rookies. 

The Marlins and Mets realize they've got a real chance so they made real acquisitions to try and make the team better.  I think the Pirates can be better then either the Mets or Marlins. 

Or I guess I should say I think the Pirates COULD have been better - forgetting the trade deadline, our response for the final push is to reinsert Locke and Vogelsong.  Does that make any sense for a team 2 1/2 games out?  Even if you don't believe we're good enough don't you still want to give ourselves the opportunity to slip in?  It would hardly be a crazy thing if this team were to catch fire.  (Look at the Rookies who have managed to get back into the race).  Why toss the towel with 55+ games?

my 2 cents on this.

If the Bucs really believe in Hutchinson and believe that they have a shot at the playoffs this season, he would not be Indy.  He would be starting for the Pirates now and they would not consider the extra year of control.

Yeah, I agree. Or choose among three rookies to replace Locke and Vogelsong. Reinserting those two makes no sense.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:27 pm
I wouldn't waste four, maybe five, starts for a whole season of control. I am not sure how many teams would do that.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:29 pm
by Bobster21
Here's an article about Hutchison. Apparently, they will gain a year of control if they keep him in the minors until Sept 1. I've read that a couple of times now. ... hutchison/

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:30 pm
2B20282421203B7E780F362E272020612C204F0 wrote: I wouldn't waste four, maybe five, starts for a whole season of control.  I am not sure how many teams would do that.

4 or 5 starts.....

2 1/2 games.....

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:33 pm
by Ecbucs
474C44484D4C571214635A424B4C4C0D404C230 wrote: I wouldn't waste four, maybe five, starts for a whole season of control.  I am not sure how many teams would do that.

if they thought he could improve their rotation and get them into the playoffs almost every team would do that.

My main point is that I don't think NH believes the Bucs have a real shot at playoffs this year.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:48 pm
by ArnoldRothstein
705D50414657400003320 wrote: Here's an article about Hutchison. Apparently, they will gain a year of control if they keep him in the minors until Sept 1. I've read that a couple of times now. ... hutchison/

Quote from the article:

One of the issues that Hutchison has struggled with in his limited MLB career is limiting runs.

One thing to keep in mind is that the extra year of control applies if they're thinking of flipping him to someone else, too.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:51 pm
Not when they have Brualt, Glasnow, Kulh, Locke, Vogelsong, and Nicasio to make a spot start.

I don't even know the rotation right now, but four starts compared to 35 in a full season is a huge difference. The Pirates have guys to fill in.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:52 pm
by SammyKhalifa
65564A4B4840764B504C5750414D4A240 wrote:

Quote from the article:

One of the issues that Hutchison has struggled with in his limited MLB career is limiting runs.

Oh, THAT minor thing. Details, schmetails!