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A Reynolds Trade

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 5:33 pm
by GreenWeenie
Pay them. They'll sign.

A Reynolds Trade

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 6:40 pm
by Bobster21
6055424249704242494E42270 wrote: Pay them.  They'll sign.
No they won't. Not if a better organization offers as much or more. Players who are sought after by good teams won't tie themselves to this organization with a new contract. The Pirates would have to significantly overpay to tempt such players. And overpaying is not in the Nutting dictionary.

A Reynolds Trade

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 9:14 pm
by GreenWeenie
Keep offering more until they say yes. Everybody has a price.

So, there's ten who can't be bought. Plenty can be.

The "they won't play here" is an excuse.

A Reynolds Trade

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 9:38 pm
by Bobster21
5D687F7F744D7F7F74737F1A0 wrote: Keep offering more until they say yes.  Everybody has a price.

So, there's ten who can't be bought.  Plenty can be.

The "they won't play here" is an excuse.
You're being naive. Good players absolutely won't play for a perennial loser with a cheapskate owner if they have the same or better offers from better organizations. When you say, "Keep offering more until they say yes," you are referring to overpaying because that's what it would take. Nutting won't even pay market price, much less overpaying to the extent that a player would choose to tie himself to the Pirates for multiple years when there are better teams that also want his services.

Not that it hasn't been done before. The Nats did it for Jason Werth in 2011 and the Tigers did it in 2004 with Pudge Rodriguez. Both were bad teams making a statement that they were changing their ways and serious enough about winning to overpay to acquire good players who otherwise would have avoided them like the plague. Both teams made those signings steppingstones to higher payrolls and stronger rosters. That induced other FAs to sign with them. But I think it's safe to say that strategy is not on the horizon for Bob Nutting.

A Reynolds Trade

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 10:02 pm
by GreenWeenie
Dangle the bait.  Some fish will bite.

They always do.

If Cherington's any kind of GM, he can sell them on being the cornerstone of the Pirates' absolute commitment to winning a WS.

A Reynolds Trade

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 12:23 am
by JollyRoger
143934252233246467560 wrote: Keep offering more until they say yes.  Everybody has a price.

So, there's ten who can't be bought.  Plenty can be.

The "they won't play here" is an excuse.
You're being naive. Good players absolutely won't play for a perennial loser with a cheapskate owner if they have the same or better offers from better organizations. When you say, "Keep offering more until they say yes," you are referring to overpaying because that's what it would take. Nutting won't even pay market price, much less overpaying to the extent that a player would choose to tie himself to the Pirates for multiple years when there are better teams that also want his services.

Not that it hasn't been done before. The Nats did it for Jason Werth in 2011 and the Tigers did it in 2004 with Pudge Rodriguez. Both were bad teams making a statement that they were changing their ways and serious enough about winning to overpay to acquire good players who otherwise would have avoided them like the plague. Both teams made those signings steppingstones to higher payrolls and stronger rosters. That induced other FAs to sign with them. But I think it's safe to say that strategy is not on the horizon for Bob Nutting. 

100% agree with Bobster here. No player in their right mind (especially a good free agent) would tie themselves to the Pirates until this organization demonstrates a winning culture and Nutting starts paying market value for players. In addition most players and their savy agents would want a no trade clause which the Pirates are not prone to give because they would want to flip the player for younger assets.

A Reynolds Trade

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 12:36 am
by GreenWeenie
Players sign with the Colorado Rockies, FCS. They're committed to championships, right?

The reason no one sign with the Pirates is because of the size of the check.