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Game Thread - 7/1 - Bucs vs Brewers

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 11:56 am
by WildwoodDave2
556B6E66756D6D664663746730020 wrote: Well now we know why we keep VanMeter.  :D

ON a serious note, I agree with those who feel  a game should

be called after 7 or 8 innings. This is utterly ludicrous. It serves no purpose than risking someone getting hurt and inflating batting averages.No one is left in the stands and the TV sets have long been turned off
Even Mrs. Wildwood who doesn't know a damn thing said last night. "Why don't they just stop the game"?

Game Thread - 7/1 - Bucs vs Brewers

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 1:46 pm
by Ecbucs
17292C24372F2F240421362572400 wrote: Well now we know why we keep VanMeter.  :D

ON a serious note, I agree with those who feel  a game should

be called after 7 or 8 innings. This is utterly ludicrous. It serves no purpose than risking someone getting hurt and inflating batting averages.No one is left in the stands and the TV sets have long been turned off
Even Mrs. Wildwood who doesn't know a damn thing said last night. "Why don't they just stop the game"?

when it gets to the point of using a position player, why not just forfeit? You have basically surrendered anyway?

Game Thread - 7/1 - Bucs vs Brewers

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 2:51 pm
by Surgnbuck
You can't forfeit because you invalidate the work everyone put into their day.

It's what being a professional is all about. Not every day is glory.

Game Thread - 7/1 - Bucs vs Brewers

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 3:00 pm
by Surgnbuck
speaking of invalidated, so far there is $27,154 in unclaimed 50/50 raffle money from the games. The June 18 game had a prize of $11,455 still unclaimed. I had one ticket I hadn't checked, and lo and behold it was for the June 18th game.

It wasn't me :(

Game Thread - 7/1 - Bucs vs Brewers

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 3:04 pm
by SteadyFreddy
597F786D64687F69610A0 wrote: You can't forfeit because you invalidate the work everyone put into their day.

It's what being a professional is all about. Not every day is glory.
Yea I’m with you there. I think it’s a ridiculous idea to suggest a forfeit after a certain score this isn’t Little League. If you wanna avoid these types of situations and games where you get beat 19-2 like the Pirates have had happened several times this season then here is my suggestion. Play better, pitch better, coach better, manage better, get better players and you won’t get beat by 15-20 runs several times a year where you get utterly embarrassed and have to bring the idea of forfeiting up when the score gets to a certain point.

Game Thread - 7/1 - Bucs vs Brewers

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 3:21 pm
by Bobster21
0C2B3A3E3B26192D3A3B3B265F0 wrote: You can't forfeit because you invalidate the work everyone put into their day.

It's what being a professional is all about. Not every day is glory.
Yea I’m with you there. I think it’s a ridiculous idea to suggest a forfeit after a certain score this isn’t Little League. If you wanna avoid these types of situations and games where you get beat 19-2 like the Pirates have had happened several times this season then here is my suggestion. Play better, pitch better, coach better, manage better, get better players and you won’t get beat by 15-20 runs several times a year where you get utterly embarrassed and have to bring the idea of forfeiting up when the score gets to a certain point.
I agree. Fans at home can turn off the TV (as I did in the 2nd inning last night). Fans in the stands can walk out if they choose. But the team dug that hole for themselves and they have to endure it to the bitter end. Besides, some fans at the ballpark don't want to forfeit some of the innings they paid to see. And the team markets itself to the fans as much about having fun at the ballpark as about the game itself. If they want to live up to that, they have to allow the fans to avail themselves of the amenities of the park without making them leave early because the game stinks.

Game Thread - 7/1 - Bucs vs Brewers

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 3:46 pm
by Surgnbuck
Having sat through the entire fiasco last night, trust me, the fans that stayed, and most of them did because it was a fireworks night, still found a way to enjoy their nights.

The sarcastic cheers we gave when Vieaux finally got his first out, or Cruz catching a pop fly after flat out missing one.

BTW, Angel Hernandez is a hot item, collectors were getting his autograph and a selfy with him. He's a very self promoting guy for a MLB umpire.

Game Thread - 7/1 - Bucs vs Brewers

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 4:44 pm
by Ecbucs
6F494E5B525E495F573C0 wrote: You can't forfeit because you invalidate the work everyone put into their day.

It's what being a professional is all about. Not every day is glory.

I agree with this but when a position player is put into pitch the team has given up and everybody knows it.

Position players should only be on the mound in desperate situations and saving the bullpen an inning isn't one of them.

At the most, there should be a need for a position player on the mound once or twice a season and the Bucs have done it 4 times already this season.

Results have been 4 innings, 15 runs, 4 homers allowed, 4 walks, 1 hbp and 1 strikeout. Combined ERA of 33.75.

Hopefully the Pirates don't use a position player again this season.