Rule changes 2022


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Rule changes 2022

Post by Ecbucs »

6E382E3A352F3F34392E1C3B313D3530723F5C0 wrote: I'd like to see more regional divisions so fans could easily travel to road games, with a scheduled weighted toward more in-division games. I could see the Pirates in a division with the Phillies, Orioles, Nationals ...

Or with Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Detroit.  [highlight]Maybe that’s why MLB declared the Tigers to be the Pirates natural rival years ago[/highlight].  They knew way back then that realigning the leagues was in the future in order to create those regional divisions.

This makes it sound like MLB has some sort of plan. I don't know if I would give MLB that much credit for thinking long term.
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Rule changes 2022

Post by Surgnbuck »

673127333C26363D3027153238343C397B36550 wrote: I'd like to see more regional divisions so fans could easily travel to road games, with a scheduled weighted toward more in-division games. I could see the Pirates in a division with the Phillies, Orioles, Nationals ...

Or with Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Detroit.  Maybe that’s why MLB declared the Tigers to be the Pirates natural rival years ago.  They knew way back then that realigning the leagues was in the future in order to create those regional divisions.
There had to be some oddball "relationships" with interleague "rivals". Naturally, Cleveland would have been the perfect partner but they chose to go with Cincy and Cleveland with the instate thing. The reasons I heard for Detroit was our history with them in the World Series that was the showdown between Honus Wagner and Ty Cobb as the best player in the game; and Jim Leyland having managed both teams. Could have been worse. Seattle-San Diego? Colorado-Houston? Atlanta-Toronto (I guess they at least have a WS history)? Arizona-Texas (at least they have Arizona Tea and Texas Tea)? Milwaukee and Minnesota used to be in the same division before the Brewers moved over to the NL. Boston and Philly aren't so bad, both with obnoxious fan bases (from what I hear).

It's all over now. I want to see realignment, which is what I feel the whole purpose of getting the DH in the National League was about. I have ideas for that too. In my next post!

Rule changes 2022

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

0D2B2A3D2B3B480 wrote: I'd like to see more regional divisions so fans could easily travel to road games, with a scheduled weighted toward more in-division games. I could see the Pirates in a division with the Phillies, Orioles, Nationals ...

Or with Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Detroit.  [highlight]Maybe that’s why MLB declared the Tigers to be the Pirates natural rival years ago[/highlight].  They knew way back then that realigning the leagues was in the future in order to create those regional divisions.

This makes it sound like MLB has some sort of plan.  I don't know if I would give MLB that much credit for thinking long term.

As often as MLB has screwed up, that’s a fair statement. But I do believe there’s been a plan in place to realign the leagues. The game has always been one of geographical rivalries and, with the increase to 30 teams (likely to be 32), MLB must think there’s more money to be made making that change. Why else would they do it, to please the fans? That would be a first.
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Rule changes 2022

Post by IABucFan »

So, I'm sitting here about a week out from the start of Spring Training. I haven't watched a baseball game in about three years. But I miss it. However, I just can't get past these rules changes. I'm willing to give it one chance, probably McCutchen's first home game back. What do you all think? Are they good?

I just can't accept the NL DH. I feel like it removes such an important strategic element of the game. I hate the idea of an illegal defense penalty in MLB. Is the extra inning ghost runner back for the fourth year in a row? Finally, the sizes of the bases...I don't think people realize how big of an impact that's going to have on the game. Up until last year, the bases were 15x15 inches, 225 square inches. Now, they're 18x18 inches, 324 square inches. That's 99 more square inches of surface area on each base, in other words, the bases are 44% larger. That's huge.

I just look at the game and don't see baseball any more. Would love for someone to convince me I'm wrong, though.

Rule changes 2022

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

01090A3D2B0E2926480 wrote: So, I'm sitting here about a week out from the start of Spring Training. I haven't watched a baseball game in about three years. But I miss it. However, I just can't get past these rules changes. I'm willing to give it one chance, probably McCutchen's first home game back. What do you all think? Are they good?

I just can't accept the NL DH. I feel like it removes such an important strategic element of the game. I hate the idea of an illegal defense penalty in MLB. Is the extra inning ghost runner back for the fourth year in a row? Finally, the sizes of the bases...I don't think people realize how big of an impact that's going to have on the game. Up until last year, the bases were 15x15 inches, 225 square inches. Now, they're 18x18 inches, 324 square inches. That's 99 more square inches of surface area on each base, in other words, the bases are 44% larger. That's huge.

I just look at the game and don't see baseball any more. Would love for someone to convince me I'm wrong, though.

One of the things that drove me away from watching the NFL was the constant rule changes that were knee-jerk and difficult to keep up with.  I loved that baseball’s rules were largely the same until the disaster that was the DH.  Now, with the more recent changes like Interleague play, replay, ghost runners, seven inning double headers, pitch clocks, bases dimensions, and illegal shifts, it’s caused me to lose some of my interest.

I used to listen to every Pirates game on the radio.  I don’t do that anymore, mostly because the DH has been brought to the NL.  They’ve changed the game too much from what it was for so long to suit my tastes. 
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Rule changes 2022

Post by GreenWeenie »

I'm OK with the changes as they've been described. I'm open-minded enough to see the effect of implementation before my final opinion. Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, the world has changed and the majority of consumers has changed in the past 60- plus years. It's still man vs. men, the fabric of the sport. Whatever rules are, both teams play by them. Let's see who scores the most every game.
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Rule changes 2022

Post by 3pirates3 »

Posts: 4220
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Rule changes 2022

Post by Ecbucs »

531009120114051353600 wrote: ... ule-remain

I hated this rule (I guess I hate all rule changes) but did get used to it as season went on. I don't think it is needed but no one asked me.

Rule changes 2022

Post by Bobster21 »

775150475141320 wrote: ... ule-remain

I hated this rule (I guess I hate all rule changes) but did get used to it as season went on.  I don't think it is needed but no one asked me.
I hate it so much, I don't watch games after 9 innings.
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Rule changes 2022

Post by SammyKhalifa »

174157434C56464D4057654248444C490B46250 wrote: I'd like to see more regional divisions so fans could easily travel to road games, with a scheduled weighted toward more in-division games. I could see the Pirates in a division with the Phillies, Orioles, Nationals ...

Or with Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Detroit.  [highlight]Maybe that’s why MLB declared the Tigers to be the Pirates natural rival years ago[/highlight].  They knew way back then that realigning the leagues was in the future in order to create those regional divisions.

This makes it sound like MLB has some sort of plan.  I don't know if I would give MLB that much credit for thinking long term.

As often as MLB has screwed up, that’s a fair statement.  But I do believe there’s been a plan in place to realign the leagues. The game has always been one of geographical rivalries and, with the increase to 30 teams (likely to be 32), MLB must think there’s more money to be made making that change.  Why else would they do it, to please the fans?  That would be a first.
Nah, the reason they did it is that they wanted the Mets and Yankees to play all the time, and Chi/Chi; and then shoehorned everyone else into wherever to allow it to happen.
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