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Reynolds Extended

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:57 pm
by GreenWeenie
6468616C7B277D6064667D61703B39496E64090 wrote: The PG says that Nutting was adamant about getting the

deal done.

Maybe he should be adamant more often.

Or sooner. This drew on way too long, especially with the final terms.

Reynolds Extended

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 10:25 pm
by ChillinStation
I can`t believe this. Shocked but i like it.

Now I need the Steelers to nail the draft.

Reynolds Extended

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 10:30 pm
by fjk090852-7
162334343F0634343F3834510 wrote: The PG says that Nutting was adamant about getting the

deal done.

Maybe he should be adamant more often.

Or sooner.  This drew on way too long, especially with the final terms.
Supposedly he had discussions with Reynolds with this agreement, and Cutch turned to him whenever he inquired about returning to the Pirates. In both these situations the Pirates had very positive results.

Reynolds Extended

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 11:41 pm
by GreenWeenie
Well, BOB owns the team.  If BOB's not able to get something done, then I wouldn't think that anyone else could.  He's the man in charge.  He signs the checks.

This, I think most agree, it team-friendly.  It makes me think thatvthe Pirates waited Reynolds out until he came down.

It's a way for him to look better to fans than when he went public with negiotions, when he requested a trade, then added stips.

Reynolds Extended

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 6:30 pm
by IABucFan
Could potentially be a great deal. I get a kick out of people talking about trading him in a few years. I just hope we get a return comparable to what we got for Cutch.