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8/22 Game thread - Houston vs Taillon

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 2:32 pm
05183C3E30550 wrote: With respect to the above posters, there is no defense for Freese's base running.  He doesn't get an attaboy for hustling.  It was an absolute brain dead move that cost them a chance of tying/winning the game.  Bell is exactly the guy you'd want coming to the plate representing the tying run.  Sadly, Freese just wasn't thinking.

I gave credit to Freese for hustling. You, Bobster and Possum are correct in saying that nothing justifies a completely stupid play that ended the game. It was a totally dumb no-excuses mistake. The irony is that David Freese is probably the last person on the team to make such a play.

My original post was in response to the exasperation of watching so much lifeless play. Marte's last AB was pathetic. Cutch at least fouls off a couple but ends his perfect day with another SO.

I was mostly commenting that I'd rather see the game end with someone totally busting into a stupid out than another Pirate ending the game standing in the batters box.

But you are right - Feese blew it.

Watching 4 loses in a row is not any fun....

8/22 Game thread - Houston vs Taillon

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 3:15 pm
I didn't see the play.

Short Story: I had a very good coach in Legion ball. We had a play where the runner beat the play at 1B and ran all the way to the foul pole. Then he walked from the foul pole to second base. The rule is that you take a straight line from behind 1B to 2B. We were successful the two times this play was tried (pretty sure only tried twice, what I remember).

The key was the walking. No one thought he was walking to second base. But the play is held up until the runner gets to a bag. Usually the Pitcher was talking to him catcher or a coach. Funny.