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4/10 Glasnow start

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:22 am
by Ecbucs
Wade LeBlanc should never have batted two times in this game.

4/10 Glasnow start

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:25 am
by skinnyhorse
He needs to be put in the bullpen and allowed to ease into the starting pitching, he doesn't need another outing like this. I might let Nicasio start for 3 inning and then bring him in at the beginning of the 4th inning. This sounds like a mental thing and we must take another approach. He may need to only pitch a inning in relief, just try something different.

4/10 Glasnow start

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:28 am
by massbucsfan
The bucs waved the white flag in this game when they let Leblanc bat with the bases loaded and 2 outs >:(

4/10 Glasnow start

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:32 am
by fjk090852-7
If he does get another start it will probably be against the Cubs on Saturday. If he has another start on Saturday as he did tonight he may find his way back to AAA.

4/10 Glasnow start

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:34 am
by skinnyhorse
426574707568576374757568110 wrote: Why would Hurdle let Leblanc hit there again?? Makes no sense. Huge opportunity there by the Bucs and they get nothing out of it.
Hurdle being Hurdle doesn't fit his formula. The guy has no strategy on how to manage outside of his little bitty box. Can anyone here tell I don't like him.

4/10 Glasnow start

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:39 am
by IABucFan
I've got no problem with the way they used LeBlanc tonight. None. He saved the bullpen in a stretch when we have a bunch of games in a row until our next off day, and on a night when Rivero already wasn't available and probably Williams, too. Hurdle abslolutely made the right call, IMO.

4/10 Glasnow start

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:43 am
by skinnyhorse
41494A7D6B4E6966080 wrote: I've got no problem with the way they used LeBlanc tonight. None. He saved the bullpen in a stretch when we have a bunch of games in a row until our next off day, and on a night when Rivero already wasn't available and probably Williams, too. Hurdle abslolutely made the right call, IMO.
Wow, bases loaded a chance to get back into a game and send a relief pitcher up to bat, incredible.

4/10 Glasnow start

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:43 am
by SCBucco
657D7F78786F7E79646573160 wrote: Why would Hurdle let Leblanc hit there again?? Makes no sense. Huge opportunity there by the Bucs and they get nothing out of it.
Hurdle being Hurdle doesn't fit his formula.  The guy has no strategy on how to manage outside of his little bitty box.  Can anyone here tell I don't like him.

It's cute to blame Hurdle. But, call a spade a spade. When Glasnow craps the bed, its hard to recover in this game. He simply isn't a MLB pitcher. He has nothing to prove in the minors, but he is a AAAA pitcher to me - nothing more. Glad we continue to keep these prospects around that might not do anything significant instead of trading some to get someone that actually helps the cause.

4/10 Glasnow start

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:45 am
by fjk090852-7
585053647257707F110 wrote: I've got no problem with the way they used LeBlanc tonight. None. He saved the bullpen in a stretch when we have a bunch of games in a row until our next off day, and on a night when Rivero already wasn't available and probably Williams, too. Hurdle abslolutely made the right call, IMO.
I totally agree with you. LeBlanc saved the bullpen and possibly saved someone from going down to AAA in order to get a fresh arm added to the bullpen just in case they would need one tomorrow. Here's hoping Taillon throws a gem tomorrow night.

4/10 Glasnow start

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 1:48 am
by massbucsfan
554D4F48485F4E49545543260 wrote: I've got no problem with the way they used LeBlanc tonight. None. He saved the bullpen in a stretch when we have a bunch of games in a row until our next off day, and on a night when Rivero already wasn't available and probably Williams, too. Hurdle abslolutely made the right call, IMO.
Wow, bases loaded a chance to get back into a game and send a relief pitcher up to bat, incredible.

I have to agree with skinnyhorse on this one your objective in every game is to win we are already worried about saving the bullpen I'm sorry I just don't get that