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Twinkies@Bucs Home opener Game Thread 4/2...

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 10:50 pm
by fjk090852-7
65785C5E50350 wrote: BP is very shaky. Maybe they'll become more effective when the weather warms up. But Santana, Neverauskas, Smoker and Feliz have been at best inconsistent.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see this for a big chunk of the season.  Feliz looked really bad in the first game and looked really good today.  Santana looked dominant the other day and then looked really bad today.  I think this will continue with these young guys.
I think Smoker maybe on thin ice. He pitched to one hitter and gave up a double. On Friday I believe they brought him in to relieve Rivero and gave up a big hit to tie the game. He has not been reliable at all.

Twinkies@Bucs Home opener Game Thread 4/2...

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 10:52 pm
by SteadyFreddy
Yea Smoker stinks and shouldn’t be on the roster. How he made it over a guy like Siegrest makes no sense. He will costs them a game at some point if Clint continues to use him in high leverage situations.

Twinkies@Bucs Home opener Game Thread 4/2...

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 10:54 pm
by Bobster21
656968333A333B36312E34030 wrote: BP is very shaky. Maybe they'll become more effective when the weather warms up. But Santana, Neverauskas, Smoker and Feliz have been at best inconsistent.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see this for a big chunk of the season.  Feliz looked really bad in the first game and looked really good today.  Santana looked dominant the other day and then looked really bad today.  I think this will continue with these young guys.
I think Smoker maybe on thin ice. He pitched to one hitter and gave up a double. On Friday I believe they brought him in to relieve Rivero and gave up a big hit to tie the game. He has not been reliable at all.
Yeah, Smoker probably won't be around long. What did they do with Siegrist?

Twinkies@Bucs Home opener Game Thread 4/2...

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 11:16 pm
by fjk090852-7
7C515C4D4A5B4C0C0F3E0 wrote: BP is very shaky. Maybe they'll become more effective when the weather warms up. But Santana, Neverauskas, Smoker and Feliz have been at best inconsistent.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see this for a big chunk of the season.  Feliz looked really bad in the first game and looked really good today.  Santana looked dominant the other day and then looked really bad today.  I think this will continue with these young guys.
I think Smoker maybe on thin ice. He pitched to one hitter and gave up a double. On Friday I believe they brought him in to relieve Rivero and gave up a big hit to tie the game. He has not been reliable at all.
Yeah, Smoker probably won't be around long. What did they do with Siegrist?

They felt Siegrist velocity was down so they sent him to AAA. They have room on the roster if they wanted to add him. I think they will add him soon.

Twinkies@Bucs Home opener Game Thread 4/2...

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 11:29 pm
by SteadyFreddy
These games in April count just as much as the games in September do so you might as well win as many as you can as quick as you can. With the schedule not being very tough the rest of this month the Pirates now have a chance with this 4-0 start if they can continue to keep winning some series to at least put themselves in a solid position by the end of April maybe into May one month in. Let’s see if they can keep it up. I still have my doubts.

Twinkies@Bucs Home opener Game Thread 4/2...

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 1:23 am
by BucAndEer
The Bucs had better keep this going Wednesday night against the Twins to get to 5-0.

Because if recent history is any guide, they'll be 5-4 on Sunday afternoon after the fearsome Big Red Machine comes in and earns yet another sweep at PNC.

Twinkies@Bucs Home opener Game Thread 4/2...

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 5:16 am
by JollyRoger
Plus:Great start of the season for the Bucs

Minus: Only 30K for the home opener.

Will probably be less than 10K for the game Wednesday

Twinkies@Bucs Home opener Game Thread 4/2...

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:14 pm
by SteadyFreddy
I am as critical with this management team as anybody is with this team believe me but all the negativity with this team still even when they are 4-0 right now is just ridiculous. It still seems like for every positive in these first four games everybody finds two or three negatives to counter it right back. Not really speaking about anybody on here too much but just people I know on social media and just listening to talk shows. I will continue to be critical of this management team moving forward but for the time being for crying out loud let’s try to enjoy the fact that the Pirates are in 1st place and one of two teams in baseball left that have yet to lose a game.

Twinkies@Bucs Home opener Game Thread 4/2...

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:33 pm
by Quail
725544404558675344454558210 wrote: I am as critical with this management team as anybody is with this team believe me but all the negativity with this team still even when they are 4-0 right now is just ridiculous. It still seems like for every positive in these  first four games everybody finds two or three negatives to counter it right back. Not really speaking about anybody on here too much but just people I know on social media and just listening to talk shows. I will continue to be critical of this management team moving forward but for the time being for crying out loud let’s try to enjoy the fact that the Pirates are in 1st place and one of two teams in baseball left that have yet to lose a game.

I agree Freddie. I refuse to be so invested in the bitterness I feel regarding ownership/management to let it spoil my enjoyment of watching a game. As I've stated before I'm not very optimistic about this season in general, but I'm enjoying the start to this season as much as any of the great seasons I've followed including those that ended in a Bucco World Championship.

There's an old saying that bitterness does more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to the vessel on which it is poured.

Twinkies@Bucs Home opener Game Thread 4/2...

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 1:02 pm
by DemDog
4B6C7D797C615E6A7D7C7C61180 wrote: I am as critical with this management team as anybody is with this team believe me but all the negativity with this team still even when they are 4-0 right now is just ridiculous. It still seems like for every positive in these  first four games everybody finds two or three negatives to counter it right back. Not really speaking about anybody on here too much but just people I know on social media and just listening to talk shows. I will continue to be critical of this management team moving forward but for the time being for crying out loud let’s try to enjoy the fact that the Pirates are in 1st place and one of two teams in baseball left that have yet to lose a game.

You make an interesting point Freddy. I am cautiously sitting on the fence about this team. Waiting to see if they will sink or swim after the terrific start to the season.

They beat a terrible Tigers club which is something that they should do if they are going to be a good team. No way should fans downplay that sweep because of the type of team the Tigers are. We know from experience that a bottom feeding team can often beat or sweep a top of the food chain team.

I have been rooting for the Buccos longer than most posters so I have seen great years as well as really bad years for the Buccos. Still I remain a fan through thick and thin cause I love my Buccos. It hurts to see some guys on here be very critical of players and management. I just wish some of them would be able to change places with them and see just how they would do.

No doubt there have been mistakes made by both players and management that have led to many poor teams for most of the lifetimes of my fellow posters. I empathize with you cause I went through those tough times too. I want to assure you that in some way in your lifetimes the Buccos will be back on top and you can say that is great and that you stuck with the team even when they were bad.

That's how I feel. My Buccos through thick and thin. To borrow a phrase from the late Pens coach "Badger" Bob Johnson who led them to their first Stanley Cup, "It's a Great Day for Hockey!" I want to say that I feel the same way about baseball, Pirate baseball. "It's a Great Day for Baseball!"