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8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 4:54 am
by SteadyFreddy
The only good thing about tomorrow is with the Brewers DBacks and Dodgers all losing tonight if the Pirates win tomorrow night they are guaranteed to pick up a game on either the Braves or Brewers since they are currently tied in the standings. A win tomorrow night puts the Pirates back to 4 games out. So nonetheless another huge game tomorrow night. I’ll say this much everybody in that bullpen had better be able to pitch both Saturday and Sunday with the off day on Monday. You do whatever is necessary to win these last two games in this series with the Giants it’s the only way they can make up for this debacle tonight is by winning these next 2 games.

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 5:10 am
by JollyRoger
Cervelli’s slam gets them within 4. Polanco had a chance to bring in the runners on 2nd and 3rd andcut the lead to 2 but he whiffed.

I think Trevor Williams would have welcomed 7 runs tonight.

Wasted opportunity to win4 ina row

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 6:02 am
by JollyRoger
Hechavarria goes deep to make it 13-10.

Interesting side note. Anyone up late to see Hechavarria trot around the bases; it was reminiscent of Clemente’s trot around the bases after he homered in the 1971 World Series.

Hechavarria has looked very solid at the plate in his limited at bats so far.

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:07 am
by SteadyFreddy
I just want to forget about that disaster of a game last night. As I mentioned before the Bucs will be back to being 4 games back if they can win tonight with the Braves and Brewers playing each other tonight and now tied in the standings for the wildcard. I’m just wondering what dumb ridiculous thing Hurdle will do next to mess up the team and sabotage more wins from them these last 45 games.

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:07 am
by dmetz
NH and Hurdle are smarter than everyone else.   They know better than everyone else in baseball how to set a lineup in a WC chase.

The fact is, the analytics team says that starting pitchers in Colorado who aren't accustomed to the altitude recover more slowly.   

So instead of pitching on a normal 4 days rest, it would have been akin to asking Williams and then Musgrove to pitch on 3 days rest. Accepting that as fact, from an analytics team with a long track record of being correct:

NOBODY in baseball past or present can pitch on 3 days rest! It's absusive to even expect that from a starting pitcher!   What if they have a Sub-par outing and fatigue after 80 pitches instead of 95?    These are human beings we are talking about, not robots. 

We have a ton of starting pitching depth, like Sadler and Holmes.   Might as well use them and get Williams and Musgrove to 100% stamina as opposed to 85%.   

Sometime next week, those extra 15 pitches are going to come in handy but of course all the COMPLAINERS will forget about how smart NH and Hurdle were to get those extra pitches.

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:21 am
by Bobster21
I don't even know what to say anymore. Most of us railed against the idea of calling up a AAA pitcher to REST the starters who had 2 days OFF last week and will have 5 days off in a 5 week stretch during a period where EVERY game needs maximum effort to win. Once again Hurdle has proven that the only ones invested in the team are the fans. How many times does he have to demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that he puts ABSOLUTELY NO priority on winning while being IRRATIONALLY OBSESSED WITH RESTING players. Hurdle is the perfect manager for a team whose only concern is that its players get as many days off as possible. He even came up with the idea of always resting key players the day before or after they have a day off so that they can have TWO DAYS OFF INSTEAD OF ONE! That's all that matters to him. This game proved once and for all (and it certainly needed no more proof) that winning means NOTHING to Clint Hurdle. But this isn't anything new. He was doing this prior to getting a 4-year extension when many of us expected him to be let go when his prior contract expired. Obviously TBMTIB is totally on board with the concept of not trying to win. Why? That's anybody's guess. All I can come up with is that they must be completely unfit to run a sports franchise. So when every game is a must win and they score 10 runs against a sub .500 team, they lose anyway because of the decision to give more rest to a well rested starting rotation and call up a AAA pitcher making his 3rd MLB start who gives up 7 runs in 2+ innings. I guess if Hurdle and TBMTIB don't care, why should we?

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:22 am
by Bobster21
We're not the only ones who don't get it: ... mes-pbd11/

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 12:58 pm
by CarolinaBucco
That's a great article. I think basically everyone views this as IDIOTIC (and very costly) other than Hurdle. And maybe Neal. I don't know if these kind of lame-brain decisions come from Hurdle or as directives front office. Either way, it's moronic.

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 12:59 pm
by CarolinaBucco
Here's what bothers me most ... the team was winning and the starting pitchers were on a serious roll. So, hey, let's just disrupt the entire operation and kill our momentum and basically not even try to win a game that we need to win and one that is VERY winnable. Brilliant!

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 1:06 pm
by CarolinaBucco
One more thing ...

Trevor Williams.

July 11 ... def. Washington 2-0

11 days of Rest

July 23 ... def. Cleveland 7-0

4 days of Rest

July 28 ... def NY Mets 5-0

7 days of Rest

Aug. 5 ... Lost to STL 2-1

Trevor Williams had 4 starts in the last 30 DAYS !!!

During those 4 starts he allowed 2 runs over 22 IP.

He was clearly rested and on a roll. He was NOT overworked in any way.

So hey ... let's give him ANOTHER day of rest and bring up a guy from Indy to face the Giants, in a game we need to win, in the middle of a playoff race.

Brilliant. And unreal. And INEXCUSABLE.

If Trevor Williams starts last night and has just an average performance, the Pirates win.