9/1 vs Braves. Archer is due.


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9/1 vs Braves. Archer is due.

Post by Ecbucs »

4F5276747A1F0 wrote: Only figures Archer finally pitches well and Kela bombs.  After throwing Freeman three straight fastballs and falling behind 2 and 1 in the count, it was Russian roulette for Kela to throw him a 4th fastball right down the middle.  Freeman did what a .300 hitter does in that situation.  Game over.

If only we had a dominant lefty relief pitcher who could have been a really tough matchup for those lefties Inciartes and Freeman????

If only Kela would have done something to make it clear he didn't quite have it last night (like giving up a lead off HR)...

Was nice to see Archer showing some good stuff and command compared to previous starts.

Kela just didn't have it. Braves announcers said it was most runs he has ever given up in a game. One of them wondered why Cervelli was so far in front of plate but I don't think it mattered the Bucs were not going to score again.

9/1 vs Braves. Archer is due.

Post by steve49 »

2B272E233468322F2B29322E3F747606212B460 wrote: Being a Pirate fan is a good thing in life . It teaches you about hope and despair, year after year, so you never forget the lesson. :(

If Archer figured out how to get his shit together (a big if) this was still a good game.

Good point. The only things wins do is hurt our drafting position. I would rather win than lose but bottom line is it really doesn't matter.
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