Zack Godley dfa


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Zack Godley dfa

Post by GreenWeenie »

Being the Pirates GM has to be the perfect job.

Low expectations.

A patient boss.

Built-in apology for poor results ( See 'patient'....and cheap....boss.)

Get to watch baseball and free garb.

Huntington was an OJT/LMG GM.

Cherington has more credentials coming in.  One would think we would have higher expectations of him than for when Huntington was hired.

But, nooooo.  We're Pirates fans.  No one calls for the WS.  But, having a finer roster than 2019 shouldn't be much to expect from a guy with his connections and resume.

Zack Godley dfa

Post by Bobster21 »

I understand the feelings of perennial frustration over how the Pirates are run. But BC hasn't even had a chance to begin yet. He should have been hired much sooner to begin making moves. Instead, while other GMs were assessing their needs for 2020 and already preparing, soon-to-be-fired NH was searching for a new mgr. NH was finally fired on Oct 28. BC wasn't hired until November 18. So while other GMs were already making moves for 2020, BC couldn't even begin an assessment of what the Pirates had until the later part of November. And having wasted time letting NH search for a new mgr, BC had to get right on that, so they didn't even have a mgr until Nov 27. Then as he's familiarizing himself with his new organization, a global pandemic hits the country, January, Feb, March. No spring training. No minor leagues. No player evaluation for a guy who didn't even get the job until Nov 18. Nothing but the player evaluation reports from the existing regime that has been woefully inadequate in player evaluation. And, yes, he works for the same owner who ties the hands of any GM. So either we can leave it right there and say we can judge BC as a failure from day 1 because of who he works for or we can actually assess his performance within those constraints. And if we choose to make a reasonable assessment of his job performance, then LET'S WAIT UNTIL HE HAS A CHANCE TO BEGIN!!!

Zack Godley dfa

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

153835242332256566570 wrote: I understand the feelings of perennial frustration over how the Pirates are run. But BC hasn't even had a chance to begin yet. He should have been hired much sooner to begin making moves. Instead, while other GMs were assessing their needs for 2020 and already preparing, soon-to-be-fired NH was searching for a new mgr. NH was finally fired on Oct 28. BC wasn't hired until November 18. So while other GMs were already making moves for 2020, BC couldn't even begin an assessment of what the Pirates had until the later part of November. And having wasted time letting NH search for a new mgr, BC had to get right on that, so they didn't even have a mgr until Nov 27. Then as he's familiarizing himself with his new organization, a global pandemic hits the country, January, Feb, March. No spring training. No minor leagues. No player evaluation for a guy who didn't even get the job until Nov 18. Nothing but the player evaluation reports from the existing regime that has been woefully inadequate in player evaluation. And, yes, he works for the same owner who ties the hands of any GM. So either we can leave it right there and say we can judge BC as a failure from day 1 because of who he works for or we can actually assess his performance within those constraints. And if we choose to make a reasonable assessment of his job performance, then LET'S WAIT UNTIL HE HAS A CHANCE TO BEGIN!!! 

Well said.  In addition to coming to a new organization in a league with which he's not as familiar, BC's had to deal with the problems that have come due to the pandemic. 

I feel fairly confident that he'll make moves intended to improve the club.  He just never really had the opportunities that are normally available to make adequate assessments of his own talent.  He already has relationships with other GMs, but he still needs to know as much as he can about his own players before he can make a trade, or not make a trade, that will benefit the Pirates. I don't want him to be premature and trade away his best player (Bell), for example, like Huntington did when he dealt away Bay and got nothing in return.
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Zack Godley dfa

Post by BenM »

4B666B7A7D6C7B3B38090 wrote: I understand the feelings of perennial frustration over how the Pirates are run. But BC hasn't even had a chance to begin yet. He should have been hired much sooner to begin making moves. Instead, while other GMs were assessing their needs for 2020 and already preparing, soon-to-be-fired NH was searching for a new mgr. NH was finally fired on Oct 28. BC wasn't hired until November 18. So while other GMs were already making moves for 2020, BC couldn't even begin an assessment of what the Pirates had until the later part of November. And having wasted time letting NH search for a new mgr, BC had to get right on that, so they didn't even have a mgr until Nov 27. Then as he's familiarizing himself with his new organization, a global pandemic hits the country, January, Feb, March. No spring training. No minor leagues. No player evaluation for a guy who didn't even get the job until Nov 18. Nothing but the player evaluation reports from the existing regime that has been woefully inadequate in player evaluation. And, yes, he works for the same owner who ties the hands of any GM. So either we can leave it right there and say we can judge BC as a failure from day 1 because of who he works for or we can actually assess his performance within those constraints. And if we choose to make a reasonable assessment of his job performance, then LET'S WAIT UNTIL HE HAS A CHANCE TO BEGIN!!! 

I agree with this. In addition, while I do agree that the team was allowed to slide into a culture of losing (a phrase I don't use often), the new president came over from the Penguins, a franchise that does not tolerate losing. Just ask Ray Shero and Dan Bylsma.
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Zack Godley dfa

Post by Ecbucs »

4C6B60430E0 wrote: I understand the feelings of perennial frustration over how the Pirates are run. But BC hasn't even had a chance to begin yet. He should have been hired much sooner to begin making moves. Instead, while other GMs were assessing their needs for 2020 and already preparing, soon-to-be-fired NH was searching for a new mgr. NH was finally fired on Oct 28. BC wasn't hired until November 18. So while other GMs were already making moves for 2020, BC couldn't even begin an assessment of what the Pirates had until the later part of November. And having wasted time letting NH search for a new mgr, BC had to get right on that, so they didn't even have a mgr until Nov 27. Then as he's familiarizing himself with his new organization, a global pandemic hits the country, January, Feb, March. No spring training. No minor leagues. No player evaluation for a guy who didn't even get the job until Nov 18. Nothing but the player evaluation reports from the existing regime that has been woefully inadequate in player evaluation. And, yes, he works for the same owner who ties the hands of any GM. So either we can leave it right there and say we can judge BC as a failure from day 1 because of who he works for or we can actually assess his performance within those constraints. And if we choose to make a reasonable assessment of his job performance, then LET'S WAIT UNTIL HE HAS A CHANCE TO BEGIN!!! 

I agree with this. In addition, while I do agree that the team was allowed to slide into a culture of losing (a phrase I don't use often), the new president came over from the Penguins, a franchise that does not tolerate losing. Just ask Ray Shero and Dan Bylsma.

I agree it takes some time. However, I don't want a five year plan. I hope BC thinks he can turn team around in 3 years maximum.
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Zack Godley dfa

Post by GreenWeenie »

7C515C4D4A5B4C0C0F3E0 wrote: I understand the feelings of perennial frustration over how the Pirates are run. But BC hasn't even had a chance to begin yet. He should have been hired much sooner to begin making moves. Instead, while other GMs were assessing their needs for 2020 and already preparing, soon-to-be-fired NH was searching for a new mgr. NH was finally fired on Oct 28. BC wasn't hired until November 18. So while other GMs were already making moves for 2020, BC couldn't even begin an assessment of what the Pirates had until the later part of November. And having wasted time letting NH search for a new mgr, BC had to get right on that, so they didn't even have a mgr until Nov 27. Then as he's familiarizing himself with his new organization, a global pandemic hits the country, January, Feb, March. No spring training. No minor leagues. No player evaluation for a guy who didn't even get the job until Nov 18. Nothing but the player evaluation reports from the existing regime that has been woefully inadequate in player evaluation. And, yes, he works for the same owner who ties the hands of any GM. So either we can leave it right there and say we can judge BC as a failure from day 1 because of who he works for or we can actually assess his performance within those constraints. And if we choose to make a reasonable assessment of his job performance, then LET'S WAIT UNTIL HE HAS A CHANCE TO BEGIN!!! 

He's least in theory.

See? This is exactly how BOB wants us to feel. BOB has bought himself MORE years. Fans look the other way.
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Zack Godley dfa

Post by shedman »

As a 65 year Pirate fan, I have learned to not listen to what they say, bur rather what they do. "see what he has", "let the kids play", "don't block the prospects", "wait for the market to be set", etc. are things that they "say". I don't listen to those things. I watch what they "do". And so far with Cherington he has done nothing.
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Zack Godley dfa

Post by GreenWeenie »

"Time is the enemy."

Time is never your friend.

Tell someone that you'll "wait."  To that person, you've told them that you are willing to wait indefinitely.

What this franchise needs to hear from fans is- get it done.

Zack Godley dfa

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

065046525D47575C5146745359555D581A57340 wrote: As a 65 year Pirate fan, I have learned to not listen to what they say, bur rather what they do.  "see what he has", "let the kids play", "don't block the prospects", "wait for the market to be set", etc. are things that they "say".  I don't listen to those things.  I watch what they "do".  And so far with Cherington he has done nothing.   

Can I ask you to give us examples of moves, or even the type of moves, you feel BC should've or could've made since his hiring? Your success as a fantasy GM is epic so I'm interested in knowing what you think was possible.
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Zack Godley dfa

Post by GreenWeenie »

Classic Apologist Question.

No wonder we lose.

Yasiel Puig is good enough to help a club that won its division. Yasiel Puig can do nothing to improve a team that finished dead last.

Take the "Yasiel Puig" out and insert any name you want for Pirates fans. No player or players can assist in progess.

But, some suspect can.
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