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Thoughts on Kevin Young, other Bucs announcers?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 3:35 pm
by Bobster21
5A646B6B61686F6C616145687F620D0 wrote: I have been holding out hope that the Pirates would eventually come to their senses and tell Joe Blech to get on with his life's work.  Or that Blech would return to Milwaukee to bore his favorite team's fans again (if they'd have him back).  But after the calliopes crack, I'm discouraged that Blech has cemented a bond with the Pirates -- sort of like the gunk that builds up under the refrigerator.

Is Blech supposed to appeal to younger fans?  (And do the Pirates have any younger fans to appeal to...?)  I realize the median age on this board is probably around 114, but I remember back when I was in my 20s during the early days of the Great Depression and there's no way I would have appreciated the wit and wisdom from ol' Joe.  And his.  Halting.  ...Delivery... just.  Excruciating to.  Listen.  To.  He makes William Shatner's choppy cadence sound like James Earl Jones by comparison.  I'd rather listen to Myron Cope do play-by-play -- and he's been dead for 13 years.

I find it annoying when he usually raises the inflection in his voice on the last word of each sentence almost turning a statement into a question. It emphasizes that he's just throwing random thoughts out there to fill air time.

Thoughts on Kevin Young, other Bucs announcers?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 3:57 pm
by MaineBucs
Like a few others, I am a bit confused by the number of folks who have wandered through the booth this year. It has been hard enough keeping track of who is on the roster this year, and now the team is keeping folks guessing regarding who is in the booth.

I used to dislike Brown, but my appreciation of him has grown after being subjected to Block.

I have always liked Bob Walk, and I am okay with Wehner.

I really dislike the Fort, regardless if he is in the booth or on the post-game show.

Capps has been OK and likely has an upside, and like others have commented, Young needs to show a least a bit of emotion and learn to project his voice better.