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Official Game Thread - 6/5 - Bucs vs Marlins

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 1:15 pm
by SyrBucco
113038113A32550 wrote: Oh no, it looks like McKenry is doing the color with Brownie.

I'd rather listen to Blockhead & anyone else than McKenry.

Possum, I'm with you 100%! McKenry drives me nuts!

Official Game Thread - 6/5 - Bucs vs Marlins

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 1:16 pm
by SyrBucco
6D53565E4D55555E7E5B4C5F083A0 wrote: Finally, Shelton takes Polanco out of the clean-up spot.  He should've never been there in the first place.  Was he trying to lose?
But why is he in there vs. a lefty
Because we don't have anyone right-handed to replace him. We need a 5 position-player bench!