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Pittsburgh Signs OF Marisnick

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 4:15 am
by skinnyhorse
This is soooooooo puzzling, why would you sign a outfielder with a .228 lifetime average. Madris, looks like he could at least put up those kind of numbers and stats, and what about Alford, he seems about the same avg but with more power. I'm getting worried that maybe Cherington isn't as good of a baseball man as I and others thought. Same thing as VanMeter, career .212 BA. Why in the world would you sign a guy like this when you have Park, and Cruz. These last minute deals are real head scratchers, they simply make no sense.

Pittsburgh Signs OF Marisnick

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 4:30 am
by GreenWeenie
ChillinStation is probably correct, which would immediately put us in the "advantage." :(

Pittsburgh Signs OF Marisnick

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:59 am
by mouse
I'm not too concerned about them signing people like Marisnick. Those types are being hired to be fired. They are place keepers. They need 28 on the roster. When Allen is better, one of these types goes. By mid-season prospects will be pushing people out. They don't want to bring up prospects to sit on the bench. They want them to get as much playing time as possible so they are ready by late May, June.

And, by the way, that glass is in fact half-full!

Pittsburgh Signs OF Marisnick

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 11:12 am
by Bobster21
465E5C5B5B4C5D5A474650350 wrote: This is soooooooo puzzling, why would you sign a outfielder with a .228 lifetime average.  Madris, looks like he could at least put up those kind of numbers and stats, and what about Alford, he seems about the same avg but with more power.  I'm getting worried that maybe Cherington isn't as good of a baseball man as I and others thought.   Same thing as VanMeter, career .212 BA.  Why in the world would you sign a guy like this when you have Park, and Cruz.  These last minute deals are real head scratchers, they simply make no sense.
Marisnick is likely just a placeholder until Allen or Alford return from injuries. I would have preferred rewarding Madris after his outstanding spring. I suspect that wasn't done in order to manipulate his service times, as they are doing with Cruz.

Pittsburgh Signs OF Marisnick

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:37 pm
by Ecbucs
Marisnick is somebody who would be a lot more valuable on a contender. Good defensive replacement, pinch runner, start a game a week.

What he does best is helpful to a team in a close game or trying to protect a lead.

That means he isn't going to be helpful to the Pirates in many games this year.

At least he is not an infielder trying to play outfield.

Pittsburgh Signs OF Marisnick

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:39 pm
by UtahPirate
Yuck! Freaking YUCK!

And that's 3 complete pieces of total garbage!

Pittsburgh Signs OF Marisnick

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:52 pm
by GreenWeenie
Placeholders on a roster full of last place holders.

At some point.....