Game Thread - 6/29 - Bucs @ Nats


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Game Thread - 6/29 - Bucs @ Nats

Post by BenM »

That review might have been the strangest one I have ever seen.
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Game Thread - 6/29 - Bucs @ Nats

Post by Ecbucs »

0B3935352113303934313E39580 wrote: When people want to go on about how Shelton is a bad manager, I'd like them to remember how he implemented a really obscure rule to get a free run from nothing here. 

I see that the umps checked the rule but don't know what rule.

Game Thread - 6/29 - Bucs @ Nats

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

794B47475361424B46434C4B2A0 wrote: When people want to go on about how Shelton is a bad manager, I'd like them to remember how he implemented a really obscure rule to get a free run from nothing here. 
You are right Sammy. Remember guys what I said last night about

things evening out
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Game Thread - 6/29 - Bucs @ Nats

Post by SammyKhalifa »

apparently it's this, accdg to radio:

509.c.4?  Baseball is the most complicated simple game ever, haha.

(c) Appeal Plays

Any runner shall be called out, on appeal, when:

(1) After a fly ball is caught, he fails to retouch his original base before he or his original base is tagged;

Rule 5.09(c)(1) Comment: “Retouch,” in this rule, means to tag up and start from a contact with the base after the ball is caught. A runner is not permitted to take a flying start from a position in back of his base. Such runner shall be called out on appeal.

(2) With the ball in play, while advancing or returning to a base, he fails to touch each base in order before he, or a missed base, is tagged;

APPROVED RULING: (A) No runner may return to touch a missed base after a following runner has scored. (B) When the ball is dead, no runner may return to touch a missed base or one he has left after he has advanced to and touched a base beyond the missed base.

Rule 5.09(c)(2) Comment:

PLAY—(A) Batter hits ball out of park or ground rule double and misses first base (ball is dead)—he may return to first base to correct his mistake before he touches second but if he touches second he may not return to first and if defensive team appeals he is declared out at first.

PLAY—(B) Batter hits ball to shortstop who throws wild into stand (ball is dead)—batter-runner misses first base but is awarded second base on the overthrow. Even though the umpire has awarded the runner second base on the overthrow, the runner must touch first base before he proceeds to second base.

These are appeal plays.

(3) He overruns or overslides first base and fails to return to the base immediately, and he or the base is tagged prior to the runner returning to first base;

(4) He fails to touch home base and makes no attempt to return to that base, and home base is tagged.

Any appeal under this rule must be made before the next pitch, or any play or attempted play. If the violation occurs during a play which ends a half-inning, the appeal must be made before the defensive team leaves the field.

An appeal is not to be interpreted as a play or an attempted play.

Successive appeals may not be made on a runner at the same base. If the defensive team on its first appeal errs, a request for a second appeal on the same runner at the same base shall not be allowed by the umpire. (Intended meaning of the word “err” is that the defensive team in making an appeal threw the ball out of play. For example, if the pitcher threw to first base to appeal and threw the ball into the stands, no second appeal would be allowed.)

Appeal plays may require an umpire to recognize an apparent “fourth out.” If the third out is made during a play in which an appeal play is sustained on another runner, the appeal play decision takes precedence in determining the out. If there is more than one appeal during a play that ends a half-inning, the defense may elect to take the out that gives it the advantage. For the purpose of this rule, the defensive team has “left the field” when the pitcher and all infielders have left fair territory on their way to the bench or Clubhouse.

Rule 5.09(c) Comment: If two runners arrive at home base about the same time and the first runner misses home plate but a second runner legally touches the plate, the runner is tagged out on his attempt to come back and touch the base or is called out, on appeal, then he shall be considered as having been put out before the second runner scored and being the third out. Second runner’s run shall not count, as provided in Rule 5.09(d).

If a pitcher balks when making an appeal, such act shall be a play. An appeal should be clearly intended as an appeal, either by a verbal request by the player or an act that unmistakably indicates an appeal to the umpire. A player, inadvertently stepping on the base with a ball in his hand, would not constitute an appeal. Time is not out when an appeal is being made.


I guess because of the double play, the guy running from third (but didn't tag up) scored before the second out of the play, and they didn't appeal that he didn't tag up before they left the field? I guess. Weird.

Game Thread - 6/29 - Bucs @ Nats

Post by Bobster21 »

5D6F63637745666F6267686F0E0 wrote: When people want to go on about how Shelton is a bad manager, I'd like them to remember how he implemented a really obscure rule to get a free run from nothing here. 
He'll have to do a lot more than know an obscure rule to overcome the countless bad decisions he makes.

Game Thread - 6/29 - Bucs @ Nats

Post by Bobster21 »

Fundamentals. >:(

Nobody covers 1B on a bunt.

Game Thread - 6/29 - Bucs @ Nats

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

I don't ever remember seeing a runner score on a caught ball without tagging up. Weird.

Game Thread - 6/29 - Bucs @ Nats

Post by Bobster21 »

3 HRs for Reynolds!
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Game Thread - 6/29 - Bucs @ Nats

Post by BenM »

You could tell the Nats pitcher knew that ball was gone right off the bat.
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Game Thread - 6/29 - Bucs @ Nats

Post by gileszee »

Yeah...I can't imagine this team without Reynolds, he is the face of the franchise. Sorry there Ke'Bryan.
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