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A Couple of Comments

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 8:05 pm
by Surgnbuck
It's time for this team to be moved somewhere, where a community demands better.  I never thought I would say that but it's impossible not to notice the community is okay with the worst team in baseball year after year after year.   Baseball has created this sorry situation by revenue sharing.  It's okay to help teams for a few down years but to allow teams to get paid for decades to lose is ridiculous.   It's like generational welfare doesn't encourage folks to go back to work just the opposite. Nutting has no reason to go to work and build a winning team, he's happy with this gig and the community could care less.   

How about you just follow another team?

A Couple of Comments

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 9:07 pm
by GreenWeenie

When someone questions why people attend Pirates games, you essentially respond with "who are you to tell someone what to do with their time and money. If we enjoy going to games, that's our decision." (Not that it matters, but I agree- it's not someone's place to tell someone else what they should do, unless it's obviously illegal, immoral, or unethical.

Doesn't that same logic apply here? Is it someone's place to tell someone else what they should enjoy doing, what team they should or shouldn't follow?

A Couple of Comments

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2022 9:06 am
by Surgnbuck
4174636368516363686F63060 wrote: Surg,

When someone questions why people attend Pirates games, you essentially respond with "who are you to tell someone what to do with their time and money.  If we enjoy going to games, that's our decision."  (Not that it matters, but I agree- it's not someone's place to tell someone else what they should do, unless it's obviously illegal, immoral, or unethical.

Doesn't that same logic apply here?  Is it someone's place to tell someone else what they should enjoy doing, what team they should or shouldn't follow?
You are such a bore. First, you completely mischaracterized the comments about criticizing people's spending because it wasn't done in a manner of, "I really don't understand people buying tickets" That's been said a gazillion times. You left out the nasty part.

And no, it's not the same. He purports to know what a community of people want or don't want. I simply gave him another option, if it's such a deterrent to the happiness of his life that the Pirates are perennially awful.

I can see why you're in sales. You love to pitch a lot of bull.

A Couple of Comments

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:19 pm
by 2drfischer@gmail.c

A Couple of Comments

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:12 am
by GreenWeenie
032522373E3225333B500 wrote: Surg,

When someone questions why people attend Pirates games, you essentially respond with "who are you to tell someone what to do with their time and money.  If we enjoy going to games, that's our decision."  (Not that it matters, but I agree- it's not someone's place to tell someone else what they should do, unless it's obviously illegal, immoral, or unethical.

Doesn't that same logic apply here?  Is it someone's place to tell someone else what they should enjoy doing, what team they should or shouldn't follow?
You are such a bore. First, you completely mischaracterized the comments about criticizing people's spending because it wasn't done in a manner of, "I really don't understand people buying tickets" That's been said a gazillion times. You left out the nasty part.

And no, it's not the same. He purports to know what a community of people want or don't want. I simply gave him another option, if it's such a deterrent to the happiness of his life that the Pirates are perennially awful.

I can see why you're in sales. You love to pitch a lot of bull.

My fellow sales professionals and I know when someone is getting the job done.  When we're not, there are unlimited "reasons." 

We have the ability to state a case without personal attacks, too.

A Couple of Comments

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:51 am
by Surgnbuck
675245454E7745454E4945200 wrote: Surg,

When someone questions why people attend Pirates games, you essentially respond with "who are you to tell someone what to do with their time and money.  If we enjoy going to games, that's our decision."  (Not that it matters, but I agree- it's not someone's place to tell someone else what they should do, unless it's obviously illegal, immoral, or unethical.

Doesn't that same logic apply here?  Is it someone's place to tell someone else what they should enjoy doing, what team they should or shouldn't follow?
You are such a bore. First, you completely mischaracterized the comments about criticizing people's spending because it wasn't done in a manner of, "I really don't understand people buying tickets" That's been said a gazillion times. You left out the nasty part.

And no, it's not the same. He purports to know what a community of people want or don't want. I simply gave him another option, if it's such a deterrent to the happiness of his life that the Pirates are perennially awful.

I can see why you're in sales. You love to pitch a lot of bull.

My fellow sales professionals and I know when someone is getting the job done.  When we're not, there are unlimited "reasons." 

We have the ability to state a case without personal attacks, too.

You started this just to cry "personal attack". Get over yourself. That's what you get for sticking your nose into an A-B conversation, you were told to C your way out of it

A Couple of Comments

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 1:19 am
by GreenWeenie
I called out a personal attack after one was made. Not an isoilated instance, either. More like a habit.

A Couple of Comments

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2022 10:44 am
by DemDog
That's it Weenie, you have spoiled a good discussion. This thread is being locked since you decided to make it a pissing contest with Doc.