Game Thread - 9/7 - Bucs vs Mets


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Game Thread - 9/7 - Bucs vs Mets

Post by Bobster21 »

023C3931223A3A311134233067550 wrote: I am no pitching Coach but those of you who are watching,

look at Wilson. After every pitch, his follow through turns his

whole body to the left. I can't see him be able to field anything

to his right. Surprised they haven't addressed this
I can only think they don't want to mess with his mechanics. Not that Wilson is effective or anything. Nellie Briles often fell down in his delivery. Steve Blass was off balance in his follow through. I think that coaches sometimes feel that messing with a pitcher's delivery can do more harm than good.

Game Thread - 9/7 - Bucs vs Mets

Post by Bobster21 »

It's the Joe Block filibuster! He never stops talking.

Game Thread - 9/7 - Bucs vs Mets

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

1F323F2E29382F6F6C5D0 wrote: I am no pitching Coach but those of you who are watching,

look at Wilson. After every pitch, his follow through turns his

whole body to the left. I can't see him be able to field anything

to his right. Surprised they haven't addressed this
I can only think they don't want to mess with his mechanics. Not that Wilson is effective or anything. Nellie Briles often fell down in his delivery. Steve Blass was off balance in his follow through. I think that coaches sometimes feel that messing with a pitcher's delivery can do more harm than good. 
Makes sense but I would have thought they would have addressed this at an early age

Game Thread - 9/7 - Bucs vs Mets

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

Doesn't look good for today guys. Down 5-0 in this one

and DeGrom pitching the second one
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Game Thread - 9/7 - Bucs vs Mets

Post by MaineBucs »

I predict that the team will rally to the occasion in the 2nd game and get at least 1 hit off of DeGrom.

Game Thread - 9/7 - Bucs vs Mets

Post by DemDog »

I'm outta here. Going back to doing some crochet.

Game Thread - 9/7 - Bucs vs Mets

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

664A42454E695E48582B0 wrote: I predict that the team will rally to the occasion in the 2nd game and get at least 1 hit off of DeGrom.
:D ;D :D ;D

Game Thread - 9/7 - Bucs vs Mets

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

That's all she wrote 5-1 Mets

Now let's get ready for DeGrom!!

Game Thread - 9/7 - Bucs vs Mets

Post by Bobster21 »

During his filibuster, Joe Block went on and on about how a team can use and opener (like Underwood) so that the opposing manager uses a starting lineup that will be at a disadvantaged against the next pitcher (like Wilson). But Underwood and Wilson are both RHPs so there was no advantage or disadvantage to the lineup. Wilson went 6 innings, which is more than most Pirate starters go. So it wasn't a BP game. It was just a very odd decision to begin the game with Underwood pitching the first inning, during which he surrendered his usual run.
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Joined: Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:51 pm

Game Thread - 9/7 - Bucs vs Mets

Post by MaineBucs »

In addition, there is not even that much difference between Wilson's and Underwood's basic repertoire. Neither is a flame thrower and both rely upon (trying to) finely locate their pitches to keep batters off-balance and get outs.

There is a lot I don't know about baseball, but I think I could give Joe Block a run regarding his overall baseball knowledge.

I didn't get to hear or see today's game. Just curious, any eulogies for the many intangibles that JVM brought to the team and how he will be missed?
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