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Official Griping About Announcers Thread

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 10:33 pm
by Bobster21
142136363D0436363D3A36530 wrote: Painful in so many ways. 

The "best" parts can't overcome the rest.  That's how painful it was.  Never do that to me again.  ;) 
There just aren't enough songs with the lyric, "Have to move your bowel." ;D

Official Griping About Announcers Thread

Posted: Sat May 14, 2022 2:06 pm
by Bobster21
Last night I counted 9 times when the camera went to Brown and Walk while the game was being played so that we could watch them joke around, especially about cotton candy. Seems like whoever produces the broadcast is trying to downplay the game and make the announcers the focal point. We were also treated to countless shots of children eating.

Official Griping About Announcers Thread

Posted: Sat May 14, 2022 2:51 pm
by DemDog
What has the Pirate team become? In days of old, we would moan about which player would play over another, how management would not spend money to be competitive, and how our GMs would draft and develop, but now we have gone over the edge, griping about the announcers. Yep, this Pirate team and organization have gone to hell in a handbasket.

Official Griping About Announcers Thread

Posted: Sat May 14, 2022 4:09 pm
by Bobster21
09282009222A4D0 wrote: What has the Pirate team become?  In days of old, we would moan about which player would play over another, how management would not spend money to be competitive, and how our GMs would draft and develop, but now we have gone over the edge, griping about the announcers.  Yep, this Pirate team and organization have gone to hell in a handbasket. 
I don't even blame the announcers as much as I blame the people in charge of the broadcast. They are trying to appeal to the casual fan rather than the devoted fans who tune in for baseball, good or bad. The idea is that the casual fan needs to be entertained by something other than just the game. They plan numerous camera shots of the announcers joking around, often with some prop. They scan the crowd for children eating and make sure the casual fan gets plenty of chances to see how cute that is. Last night there were numerous shots of the boys who caught a HR with Brown and Walk going on and on about them. They look for ways to involve Robbie by having him interview fans in the stands. They usually have Fort give some sort of clinic during the game.

But I really doubt the casual fan is interested enough in the poor baseball played by the Pirates to sit through the broadcast waiting to laugh at the antics of the announcers, be educated by Fort, or see a heartwarming, pablum interview by Robbie. The fans who do sit through the broadcast because even bad Pirate baseball is better than no baseball must constantly deal with the distractions of the broadcast having nothing to do with the game being played that day. I suspect the people in charge of the broadcast are marketing experts but not really baseball fans. They are focused on trying to market the game to people who don't care enough to watch it while alienating those who do.

Official Griping About Announcers Thread

Posted: Sat May 14, 2022 5:23 pm
by GreenWeenie
If I was in those stands, I wouldn't want to be shown on TV.

And, I doubt they would show me during a game in which we lost to the Reds, 2 to 8.

Official Griping About Announcers Thread

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 12:34 am
by Bobster21
It appears Neil Walker's indoctrination into the friendly chitchat style of broadcasting is complete. Never let the game get in the way of idle conversation. Joe Block is training him well.

Official Griping About Announcers Thread

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 3:34 pm
by Bobster21
I just realized who Greg Brown reminds me of. Michael Scott of Dunder Mifflin.

Official Griping About Announcers Thread

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 8:46 pm
by Bobster21
After 3 unbearable innings of Joe Block's incessant chatting, I switched to the radio and was pleasantly surprised to hear Brown and Walk to a very good, very professional job. They focused on the game and had none of the annoying attempts at comedy or running gags that they routinely do when they are the TV crew. They are more than capable of providing good broadcasts but seem to want to be the entertainment (as opposed to the game being the entertainment) when they are on TV. I wish they would carry over their radio style to TV.

Official Griping About Announcers Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 10:39 pm
by Bobster21
It finally occurred to me why Greg Brown changed over the past few years from good PBP guy to always trying to be funny to entertain the audience. Brown loved working with Steve Blass. Blass is quick, witty, clever and a naturally funny guy. Since Blass retired from the booth, Brown has always tried to be funny. But he's not clever and witty like Blass. Brown tries too hard to be entertaining and is constantly laughing at his own comments (and seems to be the only one). Blass was an entertaining guy to have in the booth. But Brown trying to replace that is like a square peg in a round hole. Brown's forte is PBP, not comedy. 

Official Griping About Announcers Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 1:21 am
by GreenWeenie
Comedy or not, I don't like listening to Brown calling games. After games; before games, OK. I like him then. During games, I check off. Not my cup of tea.