Part 3 - The Pirates Hanging by a Tread, thread


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Part 3 - The Pirates Hanging by a Tread, thread

Post by Bobster21 »

I don't even remember the 1873 team. :D
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Part 3 - The Pirates Hanging by a Tread, thread

Post by Ecbucs »

694449585F4E59191A2B0 wrote: I don't even remember the 1873 team.   :D

Believe me, they were a frustrating group. Couldn't win more than 2 in a row over last 30 or so games.

Luckily not a lot of tv coverage.

Part 3 - The Pirates Hanging by a Tread, thread

Post by Bobster21 »

6F49485F49592A0 wrote: I don't even remember the 1873 team.   :D

Believe me, they  were a frustrating group.  Couldn't win more than 2 in a row over last 30 or so games.

Luckily not a lot of tv coverage.

I don't think they even had TV's in 1873.
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Part 3 - The Pirates Hanging by a Tread, thread

Post by Tintin »

6059414E495E6F432C0 wrote: anemic, this mediocre team started when the front office did nothing in the early off season.  they set the table for an underachieving team.  starts with the owner!

We whine about the pitching, but inconsistent offense has killed us time and time again this season.

The pitching is icing on the cake, but the lack of hitting is the cake.

Part 3 - The Pirates Hanging by a Tread, thread

Post by SteadyFreddy »

4D4A5C545A4D0A067F58525E5653115C50523F0 wrote: What's wrong with this picture?

Player for team A hits a hard line drive off the wall in RF, a double all the way.   The RF for Team B fields the ball off the wall, casually turns and lobs the ball back toward the infield.  The base runner for Team A, who is at 2nd, see the soft lob in the general direction of the infield and moves up to 3rd.  He is given a triple, the RF is a young kid with all the talent in the world but his lazy play clearly allows the runner to record the "triple".

Which Team is within 2 games of the playoffs and which is hopelessly going no-where this year or anywhere in the next few years at a minimum, Team A or B?

I can't think of a more obvious picture of the sickness of this "team".  The young Brewer is busting it all the way, playing the right way, even though there is nothing to play for.  Polanco is playing for the postseason and has lost motivation.

You want to know what's wrong with team?

It's MCCutchen who after all these years still refuses to throw into the correct position on the infield.

It's Marte who can be brilliant but at any given moment apparently asleep in the field and suddenly taking ABs like he's reverted to his rockie season (swinging at balls in different zip codes).

It's Jaso standing in the batters box after hitting a ball.

It's Harrison who refuses to take a walk no matter how badly the other team try's to give him a base (I guess a trot to 1st is not dramatic enough).

It's Kang doing stupid stuff in Chicago.

It's Cole publicly complaining about $50,000 and being a Boras shrill rather than focused on his game and the team.

It's Lariano refusing to listen to his coaches. 

It's Polanco dogging it and being out-classed by a Brewer.

It's Hurdle with his refusal to hold anyone accountable.

It's so much more of this selfish and heartless play. 

I love the Pirates, but I dislike this team.

It's not that they only win half their games.  It's that they don't play for me or you or the team or the game.  It looks like they play for themselves and the pay check.

Game 3 against the mighty Brewers.  I wonder who will look most disinterested this game?

I've been on record saying I like Clint Hurdle a lot and am a big fan of his. But if this team next season has another season like this one I wouldn't be opposed to a coaching and managerial change at some point. Next season will be Hurdle's 7th season here and while this team broke the losing streak under his guidance and made the playoffs 3 years in a row they still have not won a division title and still have not won a playoff series, and at some point Hurdle and this coaching staff has to be held accountable for this team underachieving and failing to take that next step. I don't think Hurdle needs to go yet, but another year of this kind of uninspired baseball then I will definitely change my mind.

Part 3 - The Pirates Hanging by a Tread, thread

Post by Bobster21 »

4B6C7D797C615E6A7D7C7C61180 wrote: I've been on record saying I like Clint Hurdle a lot and am a big fan of his. But if this team next season has another season like this one I wouldn't be opposed to a coaching and managerial change at some point. Next season will be Hurdle's 7th season here and while this team broke the losing streak under his guidance and made the playoffs 3 years in a row they still have not won a division title and still have not won a playoff series, and at some point Hurdle and this coaching staff has to be held accountable for this team underachieving and failing to take that next step. I don't think Hurdle needs to go yet, but another year of this kind of uninspired baseball then I will definitely change my mind.

I hear ya. But that supposes the FO is bound and determined to win a championship or at least a playoff series. I'm not so sure they are. After 20 years of losing, their fans were ecstatic just to get to the playoffs. Attendance is better than ever. The org is obsessed with "financial flexibility." Otherwise known as not spending much. We saw in the past off season that they weren't willing to spend to improve upon a 98 win season even when they knew their starting pitching wouldn't be as good this year. I think this FO is happy just to have the team in the hunt each year. Even if being in the hunt only means their mediocre record doesn't put them too far behind the teams ahead of them.

Under Hurdle the team has been in the hunt the last 4 years. IMHO, Hurdle is a mediocre manager, no better or worse than most. Not very good at game management. Most of his decisions are locked in before the game begins: he wants 5 innings from the starter even if the starter is struggling badly. He knows even an effective starter comes out after 100 pitches. He knows which relievers will pitch the 7th, 8th and 9th before the game starts. He knows what defensive changes will be made in the late innings before the game starts. He has planned days off for players regardless of the situation. When those things work, he looks fine. When they don't, he doesn't. Unfortunately, most managers manage this way now. Changing managers probably would have little impact on the team unless the FO also spent a little more to improve the team. And I've never seen any indication whatsoever that they are willing to do that. So I don't know what would motivate the FO to change managers unless the team had an abysmal season in which they were so far out of even the WC race that attendance dropped.

Part 3 - The Pirates Hanging by a Tread, thread

Post by SteadyFreddy »

Hurdle's sayings of showering well after losses is not working this season like it has the last few seasons. I look and watch this team day in and day out and I look to see if they play hard and if they play smart and I don't feel they do either very well. And when that starts happening I feel it's a reflection on the manager.
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Part 3 - The Pirates Hanging by a Tread, thread

Post by BenM »

It doesn't look like we're going to get any help from the Reds today.

So even if the Bucs sweep the Cards, they still won't be the first team out.

Part 3 - The Pirates Hanging by a Tread, thread

Post by Bobster21 »

1A3D3615580 wrote: It doesn't look like we're going to get any help from the Reds today.

So even if the Bucs sweep the Cards, they still won't be the first team out.
It doesn't look like the Bucs are getting any help from the Bucs today either. As usual.

Part 3 - The Pirates Hanging by a Tread, thread

Post by SteadyFreddy »

Two men on nobody out in the first off wainwright and cutch does his usual pulling the damn ball to the left side and hits into a DP. That was probably the game there.
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