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What to do with Archer?

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 6:50 pm
by gileszee
I would consider making an inquiry to the Rangers for Mike Minor. I would gladly move Marte for him.

He is left-handed too, which we don't have in our rotation. Brault does not count.

When healthy,






With Keller knocking on the door.

What to do with Archer?

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 11:22 pm
by SCBucco
Let's do the opener thing with Archer?

What to do with Archer?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:02 pm
by TBird
This maybe a somewhat off topic to this one but should be considered..

Would a better pitching coach help with not just Archer but the whole Pitching staff? Uncle Ray has his favorates and it shows plus he doesnt have the patience with the younger players.. He just keeps on tinkering everyones pitching motion everytime someone pitches..

I just want a yes or no answer please . Dont throw numbers out and explain why this coach or that coach would be better..

What to do with Archer?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 3:19 pm
by steve49
What to do with Archer ? Kind of a crazy question as there is no answer to that one. The last option is not viable for me as it says to be patient and accept the results. If it said just keep running him out there , I would have close that one. So I guess my answer is as long as he's at least your 5th best pitching option , you keep giving him the ball every 5 days. We aren't going to spend money on a FA pitcher . It would be insane to trade prospects as we probably already traded away 3 of the top 6 for Archer . IMO opinion , we don't have enough offense to trade for pitching. So I guess he'll pitch in the rotation as long as Keller stays down and Tallion or Williams stay injured ? Then they can use him for long relief as he's untradable at the salary due to him.  In other words , I'm pretty much saying drop back 15 yards , take the snap and punt.

What to do with Archer?

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 7:32 pm
by Piratefanbill
I picked don't pick up option in off season. I really think we should just cut him now.