The next CBA and the future of MLB


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The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by Ecbucs »

1244524649534348455260474D41494C0E43200 wrote: Attention MLB owners and players. The NFL combines begin tomorrow. Wonder how many sports fans that have professional baseball and football teams care about what is happening with baseball? Just go to your city papers and see what sport is getting the most press. Not baseball. Plus, the golf season is soon coming, if it hasn’t already. Again, shut baseball down until all teams have a chance to compete, like those in the NFL and NHL.

I agree.  Shut the game down until the owners agree to create a way for all 30 markets to be on equal footing.  Until that time, fans in the small markets will see it as folly to expect their team to ever win a World Series.

There has never been competitive balance in MLB. It is an owner issue and so far they have never wanted to tackle it. Maybe there is enough interest from fans now that owners will start to think this is important.

The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by maher.timothy20@gm »

476160776171020 wrote: Implement a salary floor of $125 million.  Certain owners will sell.  Others will relocate to GREENer pastures.  All will be competitive.

Correction:  No, they won't.  The incompetent ones will still be on the losing end.

I think a floor and cap would be good and that the players should get a certain percentage of MLB revenue. 

I have a hard time figuring out the exact position of the owners based on what I've read--possibly because they're being deliberately cagey.

But yes, your idea seems like the obvious solution to me. Tell the players, look, your pay as a percentage of revenue has gone down down down lately. Percentage wise you make less than all the other leagues. So we'll flip that and make you the richest. We'll guarantee that player salaries are 55% (or whatever) of revenue. In exchange, salary cap plus salary floor, not to exceed $25 or $30 million from the top team to the bottom one.

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The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by GreenWeenie »

270100170111620 wrote: Implement a salary floor of $125 million.  Certain owners will sell.  Others will relocate to GREENer pastures.  All will be competitive.

Correction:  No, they won't.  The incompetent ones will still be on the losing end.

I think a floor and cap would be good and that the players should get a certain percentage of MLB revenue. 

I conside any talk of a cap pertaining to the Pirates irrelevant under current conditions.  It's why I didn't mention it.  We won't sniff anything near one.

There already is a cap, anyway.  Teams get penalized for exceeding it.

There's a floor, too; whatever 25 x the MLB minimum works out to be.

The unfairness in MLB is that certain teams have certain leadership. Increase the Floor to $1 more than their maximum. Problem solved!

The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

0F29283F29394A0 wrote: Attention MLB owners and players. The NFL combines begin tomorrow. Wonder how many sports fans that have professional baseball and football teams care about what is happening with baseball? Just go to your city papers and see what sport is getting the most press. Not baseball. Plus, the golf season is soon coming, if it hasn’t already. Again, shut baseball down until all teams have a chance to compete, like those in the NFL and NHL.

I agree.  Shut the game down until the owners agree to create a way for all 30 markets to be on equal footing.  Until that time, fans in the small markets will see it as folly to expect their team to ever win a World Series.

[highlight]There has never been competitive balance in MLB.[/highlight]  It is an owner issue and so far they have never wanted to tackle it.  Maybe there is enough interest from fans now that owners will start to think this is important.

That's true. The Yankees always held the advantage over other franchises because of Yankee Stadium, with gate receipts being the main source of revenue. But now, with so many other means of making money, the disparities between the big and the small market teams are considerable by comparison.

The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

No real progress to report today. I”m rooting for none tomorrow, and the next day, and for as many days as it takes if it means the result is equity. ATTICA! ATTICA! ATTICA!
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The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by GreenWeenie »

1E485E4A455F4F44495E6C4B414D4540024F2C0 wrote: Attention MLB owners and players. The NFL combines begin tomorrow. Wonder how many sports fans that have professional baseball and football teams care about what is happening with baseball? Just go to your city papers and see what sport is getting the most press. Not baseball. Plus, the golf season is soon coming, if it hasn’t already. Again, shut baseball down until all teams have a chance to compete, like those in the NFL and NHL.

I agree.  Shut the game down until the owners agree to create a way for all 30 markets to be on equal footing.  Until that time, fans in the small markets will see it as folly to expect their team to ever win a World Series.

[highlight]There has never been competitive balance in MLB.[/highlight]  It is an owner issue and so far they have never wanted to tackle it.  Maybe there is enough interest from fans now that owners will start to think this is important.

That's true.  The Yankees always held the advantage over other franchises because of Yankee Stadium, with gate receipts being the main source of revenue.  But now, with so many other means of making money, the disparities between the big and the small market teams are considerable by comparison.

So, what's the advantage(s) that teams like the huge market Brewers have over the Pirates?
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The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by GreenWeenie »

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The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by skinnyhorse »

396F796D627868636E794B6C666A626725680B0 wrote: Implement a salary floor of $125 million.  Certain owners will sell.  Others will relocate to GREENer pastures.  All will be competitive.

Correction:  No, they won't.  The incompetent ones will still be on the losing end.

I think a floor and cap would be good and that the players should get a certain percentage of MLB revenue. 

I remembering former Post-Gazette writer Bruce Keidan having a great idea:  give the players union an agreed-upon percentage of all major league revenue and then let them decide how much each player is paid.  Wouldn't it be fun watching those guys trying to figure that out?
Now that would be hilarious. I bet the regular players would get a big raise and the superstar/elites would have to sacrifice. What a great idea.
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The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by GreenWeenie »

Name a single industry....or, any company within an industry- where the elite talent ISN'T rewarded significantly better than the people who don't produce the kind of revenue that they bring to the organization.

I'd be surprised if you can name one.

Why is that?

It's because this is the United States of America.  The people who bring in the money to a business are the people who help the most to keep that organization afloat.

The people who generate the most revenue are helping to keep the others in their jobs.

It's the superstar rainmakers who keep the paychecks being printed for everyone.  And, superstar players, as Doc and I have pointed out, are who fans pay money to see.  It's the jerseys we buy.

Money and recognition are big incentives.  Otherwise, we might as well be socialists, and even in socialist societies, people aren't compensated equally.

There is something inherently wrong when we don't recognize people who stand out from the rank-and-file. 

Every baseball player has an opportunity to excel.  Some do.  Some don't.  Those who stand out from the pack get their just rewards.

As it should be.

Yeah.  It's a "great idea" to take money from the best players and give it to guys who haven't earned it.

That's what about 25 owners do for the other five.  And, it's why we're in the mess we are.  There's less incentive to excel.

That Keidan's a genius!  Maybe he should have run his "geat idea" past his own employer.  That way, he could have seen how well his idea works.  He'd take money away from more deserving writers, then watch everybody lose their job.

The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

243C3E39392E3F38252432570 wrote: Implement a salary floor of $125 million.  Certain owners will sell.  Others will relocate to GREENer pastures.  All will be competitive.

Correction:  No, they won't.  The incompetent ones will still be on the losing end.

I think a floor and cap would be good and that the players should get a certain percentage of MLB revenue. 

I remembering former Post-Gazette writer Bruce Keidan having a great idea:  give the players union an agreed-upon percentage of all major league revenue and then let them decide how much each player is paid.  Wouldn't it be fun watching those guys trying to figure that out?
Now that would be hilarious.  I bet the regular players would get a big raise and the superstar/elites would have to sacrifice.  What a great idea.

Yep, it'd be funny watching them fight among themselves for every dime. It would be a monument to greed.
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