Game thread- August 9 vs Tigers


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Game thread- August 9 vs Tigers

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

7C5D557C575F380 wrote: So back to that chicken, because I know you're wondering. It's a pepperoni pizza chicken. You slice open a chicken breast, you salt and pepper it, because you ALWAYS salt and pepper everything. Then you put on some Italian spice. It's amazing, they make this stuff called "Italian spice"  There's no other ethnicity with a spice. Just Italian. So, now I know I got the good stuff.

Then, you lay on pepperoni. They showed like perfect rows, heck with that, I got this giant package of pepperoni, and if I don't use it on this chicken, the kids are just going to feed it to the dogs.

Then, you put on cheese. They showed mozzarella and I'm thinking, "I'm putting on GD Italian spice. I'm not stopping at one cheese." So I got Romano and Parmesan, but not that Parmesan in the green cans, like real, actual Parmesan cheese.

Then you fold the chicken back together. You put more of that pepperoni on it, keeping in mind if you skimp, what your dog's farts are going to be like if they are getting all the pepperoni.

Then, you put on more of that Italian spice. I tasted some of it, it's really good, you can put it on ANYTHING. It's effing magical. You think Lucky Charms was the bomb when they added unicorns, wait till you sprinkle on some Italian spice.

Anyhow, then you put on more of the cheese. The video they sprinkled it on real dainty like, I just covered it because like the pepperoni, I don't want the dogs eating that cheese.

Then you cover all of that with sauce, I favored Paul Newman's Sockarooni, it's the Italian Spice of sauce made by a dead guy.

You bake it way longer than the recipe called for, simply because I have four times the recommended ingredients on this thing.

It's so good. I layed it over those broad no yolk noodles. I don't buy the no yolk noodles for health reasons, I just like the picture on the package.

Well, not everything.  If you are using ingredients like capers which are usually packed in a salty brine, or something that contains salty cheeses like real feta cheese, not the crap that grocery stores sell. In most cases, you need to adjust a recipe for salt depending on the other ingredients. 
In any case your recipe sounds wonderful.

And he looks good in a skirt, too.
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Game thread- August 9 vs Tigers

Post by GreenWeenie »

725453464F4354424A210 wrote: First of all, you guys WATCH/listen to this stuff?  Nothing better going on over there?

Counting the Brownies?  That has to be a new low.  :)

Way too much time on your hands.

I don't know what's listening and watching, or you just popping in for the condensed version ;)

I do.

I'm as low as low gets. So, I am. ;)

I can't stand Brown, Brownie or whatever the guy goes by. When I listen, it's usually the Away feed.

I already know the Bucs stink. I like to hear what the other team's announcers have to say about them. And, I avoid Brown at all costs. You could say that I can't stand the Browns. See? I told you that I'm low.

Game thread- August 9 vs Tigers

Post by Bobster21 »

1124333338013333383F33560 wrote: First of all, you guys WATCH/listen to this stuff?  Nothing better going on over there?

Counting the Brownies?  That has to be a new low.  :)

Way too much time on your hands.

I don't know what's listening and watching, or you just popping in for the condensed version ;)

I do.

I'm as low as low gets.  So, I am.  ;)

I can't stand Brown, Brownie or whatever the guy goes by.  When I listen, it's usually the Away feed. 

I already know the Bucs stink.  I like to hear what the other team's announcers have to say about them.  And, I avoid Brown at all costs.  You could say that I can't stand the Browns.  See?  I told you that I'm low. 
Brown used to really bother me even though I think he's fine on the PBP. It seemed like he was trying (lamely) to be Bob Prince with countless nicknames for players and catch phrases. I hate when he tailors his HR calls to the player. There have been some cringe worthy ones, especially "mack, whack, tally-whack" for a Rob Mackowiak HR. Now we've got "ring your Bell" and that horrendous fake Irish accent for a Moran HR "don't ya know." But since he came up with "Cannonball coming" which I actually like, he's cut down on the nauseating HR calls based on the individual player. But when a Pirate heads to 3B for a triple I have to quickly grab the remote and mute it before I hear the nightmarish "trip, trip, triple." That one always conjures up the image for me of him broadcasting the game exclusively to a group of 5 year olds.

But between his reduction of bizarre HR calls and the emergence of Joe Block as the most annoying broadcaster this side of Ken Harrelson, I have come to accept Brown. But now I have to deal with McKenry as a color man and he ruins the broadcast when paired with Brown and co-ruins it when paired with Block.

If there is a plus side to the awfulness that is the Pirates and the added horror of their broadcasters, I think our armed forces could force captured terrorists to watch and listen to Pirate baseball until they agree to divulge all their secrets. Shouldn't take long.
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Game thread- August 9 vs Tigers

Post by GreenWeenie »

When a guys tries to sell a Jack Wilson as Babe Ruth to me, he's done. 

Game thread- August 9 vs Tigers

Post by Bobster21 »

043126262D1426262D2A26430 wrote: When a guys tries to sell a Jack Wilson a
s Babe Ruth to me, he's done. 
I always get those 2 mixed up. Which one was the Bambino?
Posts: 4012
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2020 3:47 pm

Game thread- August 9 vs Tigers

Post by GreenWeenie »

002D20313627307073420 wrote: When a guys tries to sell a Jack Wilson a
s Babe Ruth to me, he's done. 
I always get those 2 mixed up. Which one was the Bambino?

Jason Kendall.
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