8/10 vs SF


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8/10 vs SF

Post by SteadyFreddy »

3D3A2C242A3D7A760F28222E2623612C20224F0 wrote: The whole thing - rotten to the core.

So they bring up a AAA guy to pitch for no real reason.  They do so without having adequate long relief in case, you know, in case the AAA guy struggles. 

AAA Guy obviously doesn’t have any command. Yet they allow him to get get tagged for 7 runs in 2+ innings BECAUSE THEY DON’T have long relief ready.  But when Saddler comes in, they let him take a critical AB and he goes on to give up 4 runs in a couple innings.

How do you make a risky starting pitcher move without having the BP available?  You don’t unless you’ve determined that the game is worth flushing down the toilet in order to “rest” the starters. 

We’ve got a clown for a manager and apparently one for GM as well. I have been in favor of always keeping Clint around. Overall, I like Clint I think he is a great person and has had a huge impact on turning the losing around in the 7 plus years he has been here. However, that’s over with now and I think it’s just time for a managerial change moving forward. Clint has reached his expiration date here and he is not the right man any longer that can take this team to the next level and get to the playoffs and win a pennant or World Series. It’s just time for a change and time to move on.

8/10 vs SF

Post by rucker59@gmail.com »

587F6E6A6F724D796E6F6F720B0 wrote: Yea the only way to forget about this is for the Pirates to win the ne t two games and take 3 of 4 this series. I will still hate this  decision and think it was really dumb, but winning the next two games will help me get over it a lot quicker. They better do it.

Who’s managing tonight?

8/10 vs SF

Post by Bobster21 »

46617074716C53677071716C150 wrote: Yea the only way to forget about this is for the Pirates to win the ne t two games and take 3 of 4 this series. I will still hate this  decision and think it was really dumb, but winning the next two games will help me get over it a lot quicker. They better do it.
That's just it. They were willing to sacrifice Friday's game to give the starting rotation, which had 2 days off last week, an extra day of rest. But Monday is another built in day of rest. So after Sunday's game the rest issue is a moot point. So it boils down to sacrificing Friday for what they believe enhances their ability to win Saturday and Sunday. If they don't sweep these 2 games, the Friday decision looms even larger. The Pirates are a better team than SF. Having already won Thursday, I would much prefer the chances of taking 3 of 4--if not a sweep--with Williams, Musgrove and Taillon than with Holmes, Williams and Musgrove. They gave themselves no chance to sweep and if they only split the Williams/Musgrove starts, they only split the series.

Hurdle and NH never seem to learn from their mistakes. They always seem to think they made the right decision, no matter how predictably counterproductive it turned out to be, because they are smart and no one else can understand what they know.

8/10 vs SF

Post by SteadyFreddy »

456774696A6F68674473656569060 wrote: Just read this in the AP story from last night's game. Polanco had the night off of course (he must have been VERY tired), and Hurdle said after the game that Polanco would also get another scheduled day off on Sunday. (Even though the team is off Monday!!).

So we go into SF for a CRUCIAL 4-game series, and we call up a minor leaguer to start one of the games, and we give our best power hitter 2 of the 4 days off!!

We're not even trying to win this series. It's irresponsible and inexcusable.

But hey this team should be incredibly fresh and well-rested in September when none of the games will matter any more.

I didn’t hear him say Polanco would have Sunday off too. I’m not surprised though. It’s conpletely inexcusable as you mentioned CB to do this. I think now we will end up splitting these next 2 games instead of winning them both. I just do not trust Clint at all to do the right thing and put this team in the best position to win. It’s like he is purposely trying to sabotage the teams chances of winning every other game.
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8/10 vs SF

Post by UtahPirate »

With all the angst out there, I'm not trying to justify the move, just pointing out some things. In the postgame interview Hurdle says "we" a lot and in the Pirates.com article it says the move had been in the works for weeks and Holmes knew after his last start he was pitching last night even though it was announced until the day before yesterday.

Rumbunter had an interesting article about how pitching lines up for the rest of the year and what this move does. The only part I scratch my head about is they have also been saying Holmes will make a start in September. I hope he pitched himself out of that possibility last night:

https://rumbunter.com/2018/08/10/the-pi ... -rotation/
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8/10 vs SF

Post by JollyRoger »

Another note to throw out there. Even with sacrificing the game with Holmes and Sadler; and the fact that Sadler was not PH for 2 times when there were runners in scoring position; the Bucs still burned up the bullpen with Rodriguez and Crick. Neither will be available today. It was without a doubt the worst managed game of the season!!
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8/10 vs SF

Post by Ecbucs »

6F4E5B526A53485B4E5F3A0 wrote: With all the angst out there, I'm not trying to justify the move, just pointing out some things. In the postgame interview Hurdle says "we" a lot and in the Pirates.com article it says the move had been in the works for weeks and Holmes knew after his last start he was pitching last night even though it was announced until the day before yesterday.

Rumbunter had an interesting article about how pitching lines up for the rest of the year and what this move does. The only part I scratch my head about is they have also been saying Holmes will make a start in September. I hope he pitched himself out of that possibility last night:

https://rumbunter.com/2018/08/10/the-pi ... -rotation/

I bet the chance of the Bucs going with column 3 schedule is close to zero.  Also this isn't the only way to be aggressive with rotation. 

8/10 vs SF

Post by CarolinaBucco »

Here's what concerns me the most. Before last night, the Pirates were playing well (especially the starting pitching), winning and building momentum.

The Giants were losing and struggling.

Now one game may have changed the dynamics completely.

The Pirates no longer have a winning streak, and the Giants probably have some new-found confidence and feel much better going into tonight's game.

When you have a team down, KEEP THEM DOWN and don't give them a chance at new life.
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8/10 vs SF

Post by dmetz »

2D2A3C343A2D6A661F38323E3633713C30325F0 wrote: NH and Hurdle won't be grilled on it.   The bloggers will apologize for it and the sportswriters will make a snark or two and move on.   

If we don't win out in SF, last night's decision is going to get ever dumber.  Results are all that matter.   

I would LOVE to see anyone defend this debacle.  Maybe the attempt would turn my anger to laughter.

Watch closely. It's happening before your eyes

8/10 vs SF

Post by rucker59@gmail.com »

616860717F050 wrote: NH and Hurdle won't be grilled on it.   The bloggers will apologize for it and the sportswriters will make a snark or two and move on.   

If we don't win out in SF, last night's decision is going to get ever dumber.  Results are all that matter.   

I would LOVE to see anyone defend this debacle.  Maybe the attempt would turn my anger to laughter.

Watch closely.   It's happening before your eyes

Yeah and I’m not buying.  I’m unimpressed that the braintrust of this organization decided on this schedule a month or a year ago.  This isn’t a static industry where we need to replace parts on a fixed schedule. This is dynamic industry that requires adjustments constantly. The fact they could not deviate from their stupid advance planning frankly makes them look all the more ill-equipped to manage a baseball team.

The stupidity of their advanced planing: at the time planned, they were not able to factor in a playoff race, that Williams would have so little work over the past month, that the bullpen was not set up effectively for last night. Add in team momentum and we’re playing a team that also wants to be in the playoffs.... none of that mattered because they decided a month or a year ago to arbitrarily insert a AAA pitcher in what turned out to be a critical game.  I did not realize plans in baseball were written in stone. 

I think I’ll call my stock broker and tell him to sell in 30 days. No matter what, sell.  In 30 days exactly.  That’s the Braintrust methodology of running a baseball team apparently.

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