6/2 vs. Cardinals


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6/2 vs. Cardinals

Post by skinnyhorse »

7B5C4D494C516E5A4D4C4C51280 wrote: Don’t get me wrong I like Clint Hurdle a lot. I think he is a good man and an excellent human being  that cares a lot about his players and is a great leader and excellent communicator. I feel he has been a tremendous ambassador for this organization and it’s turnaround  from the 20 plus losing seasons. But his in game managerial skills are not very good and his philosophy at times I think just doesn’t give the Pirates the best opportunity to succeed and win more games then they probably could. It just seems at time like he is managing a game of life where he is just happy to be a baseball manager rather then trying to win every game that he possibly can. Maybe I am off base some with these comments but it’s just my personal opinion.

Yes your exactly right, it's just amazing that NH can't see it, or better yet the owner. Why in the world would you extend this guys contract. Someone said it well the other day he managing games today like it's spring training. Hello we're more than 1/3 of the way thru the season and these games with division rivals are hugh, and he gives games away like it means nothing.
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