Nicassio and LeBlanc placed on Irrevoccable Waivers


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Nicassio and LeBlanc placed on Irrevoccable Waivers

Post by dmetz »

Oh well.    LeBlanc I don't THINK will pass through either because he's a lefty.    Don't know though.   He should be a pretty fringey claim for a competitor, but might happen.   

Seems pretty obvious both of them were claimed the first time and the waiver revoked by the Pirates.  Otherwise they wouldn't have to expose them to waivers again to trade them.   The FO will spin it as "doing them the service of wanting to allow them to play for a competitor and now we're sure we're out of it"

Oh well, who cares?   This is one of the most embarrassing organizations in sports.  We are on our way back to the bottom.    Just a matter of time now.    Making all the wrong decisions for all the wrong reasons.  (this move isn't why)

Nicassio and LeBlanc placed on Irrevoccable Waivers

Post by CarolinaBucco »

Wait a second, we are GIVING Nicasio away? Seriously? To save a couple of bucks?

When I think about how good things were in 2015, I simply can't believe how bad things are in 2017.

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Nicassio and LeBlanc placed on Irrevoccable Waivers

Post by Ecbucs »

6143504D4E4B4C43605741414D220 wrote: Wait a second, we are GIVING Nicasio away? Seriously? To save a couple of bucks?

When I think about how good things were in 2015, I simply can't believe how bad things are in 2017.


Its just part of the plan for 2018. We don't need to understand it but just need faith (or perhaps clap our hands like we are saving Tinkerbell).
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Nicassio and LeBlanc placed on Irrevoccable Waivers

Post by timozbuck »

I've never seen a management group care less about public perception. This is a blatant dump of a good reliever to save pennies.

Can't wait to read the comments defending this group. :D :D :D


Nicassio and LeBlanc placed on Irrevoccable Waivers

Post by johnfluharty »

I imagine the FO is just doing him a favor by allowing a contender to pick him up with the hopes of resigning him in the off-season. I for one hope they don't re-sign him. He has been good but I'd rather go with young arms. I want Neveraskus, Sanchez, Santana, and Hutchinson to all get legit shots to be in the pen next year.
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Nicassio and LeBlanc placed on Irrevoccable Waivers

Post by Quail »

Is anyone here really surprised by this? Pirate ownership and management has proven time after time that FINANCIAL FLEXIBILITY is the priority of this franchise.

I feel sorry for the players on this team left to play out a season on which their management has officially raised the white flag. At least now Clint will have a better excuse in managing for "rest" instead of managing for the "win".

Nicassio and LeBlanc placed on Irrevoccable Waivers

Post by Bobster21 »

The 2018 MLB minimum salary will be $545,000. Saving $660,000 on Nicasio shrewdly provides the financial flexibility to keep a rookie on the roster next year as well as keeping the vending machines filled in the Pirate offices. Golly, the Best Mgt Team in Baseball is always thinkin' ahead!

Nicassio and LeBlanc placed on Irrevoccable Waivers

Post by »

5949487F6969650A0 wrote: This is simply inexcusable to throw away your second best reliever. It also depicts an organization that craps on its players. Who the hell would want to sign on to play here? Answer: Nobody of worth

But Dog thinks Cutch should resign here.  LOL. 

That's twice you mentioned me in this thread. Do you want an autograph picture?
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Nicassio and LeBlanc placed on Irrevoccable Waivers

Post by SammyKhalifa »

I think there's something else to this. If all of everyone's deepest fantasies are true and it is all about money, there are lots of people other than Juan Nicasio that could have been waived.
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Nicassio and LeBlanc placed on Irrevoccable Waivers

Post by Wrathchild »

The market for middle relief pitchers never materialized and became nonexistent after the standard trade deadline. People seem to be forgetting that we just got George Kontos for free. Kontos has had a better career and has control remaining but the Giants got nothing for him.
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