Alex Cobb?


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Alex Cobb?

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I think it depends on how long you sign someone like Cobb too. If it is just for one year, I don't see the point. I'd rather see what Kuhl or Williams or Musgrove will do. This is the year to see what kind of talent the team has right now. If these guys are going to be the core. If it is decided they are not the going to be the core, that is when a Cobb type should be signed.

Kuhl and Williams were pretty impressive in the second half of 2017. I'd want to see if they can continue and then maybe use that Cobb money for another need.
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Alex Cobb?

Post by ChickenWing »

260001160010630 wrote: The Cobb argument boils down to whether the team is rebuilding or competing. They say they're competing but appear to b rebuilding. If competing, Cobb would be an immediate upgrade in the rotation. If rebuilding, he would be blocking someone else. I don't know the answer because the FO has not been honest with the fans.
i agree. i really think this team can compete with the others with an addition of a starting pitcher. we all know we need 5-8 starters throughout the year. its been documented how well Musgrove pitched out of the pen. and others can fill in where needed. I would like Cobb... or Arrieta. I really do not care for Arrieta as a player but we need some kind of attitude to go with this seems like "ho-hum" vibe with this team

what message or messages would signing Arietta send?

The Bucs are serious about contending?

Arietta thinks the Bucs have a chance?

Arietta is desparate?

yes in that order, but I think you forgot one:

1. Nutting wants to try to get MLB off his back and spend some money

2. Pirates are serious about contending

3. Arietta thinks the bucs have a chance and wants to be that guy

4. Arietta is desperate
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Alex Cobb?

Post by ChickenWing »

but this post is about Cobb...

i would be happy to have him
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Alex Cobb?

Post by SCBucco »

0E25242E2628231A24232A4D0 wrote: The Cobb argument boils down to whether the team is rebuilding or competing. They say they're competing but appear to b rebuilding. If competing, Cobb would be an immediate upgrade in the rotation. If rebuilding, he would be blocking someone else. I don't know the answer because the FO has not been honest with the fans.
i agree. i really think this team can compete with the others with an addition of a starting pitcher. we all know we need 5-8 starters throughout the year. its been documented how well Musgrove pitched out of the pen. and others can fill in where needed. I would like Cobb... or Arrieta. I really do not care for Arrieta as a player but we need some kind of attitude to go with this seems like "ho-hum" vibe with this team

what message or messages would signing Arietta send?

The Bucs are serious about contending?

Arietta thinks the Bucs have a chance?

Arietta is desparate?

yes in that order, but I think you forgot one:

1. Nutting wants to try to get MLB off his back and spend some money

2. Pirates are serious about contending

3. Arietta thinks the bucs have a chance and wants to be that guy

4. Arietta is desperate

I don't like Jake Arrietta, so ...
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Alex Cobb?

Post by PMike »

54444572646468070 wrote: The Cobb argument boils down to whether the team is rebuilding or competing. They say they're competing but appear to b rebuilding. If competing, Cobb would be an immediate upgrade in the rotation. If rebuilding, he would be blocking someone else. I don't know the answer because the FO has not been honest with the fans.
i agree. i really think this team can compete with the others with an addition of a starting pitcher. we all know we need 5-8 starters throughout the year. its been documented how well Musgrove pitched out of the pen. and others can fill in where needed. I would like Cobb... or Arrieta. I really do not care for Arrieta as a player but we need some kind of attitude to go with this seems like "ho-hum" vibe with this team

what message or messages would signing Arietta send?

The Bucs are serious about contending?

Arietta thinks the Bucs have a chance?

Arietta is desparate?

yes in that order, but I think you forgot one:

1. Nutting wants to try to get MLB off his back and spend some money

2. Pirates are serious about contending

3. Arietta thinks the bucs have a chance and wants to be that guy

4. Arietta is desperate

I don't like Jake Arrietta, so ...

You and me both. I think he is on a seriously declining path. Plus, I don't think I could root for him.

Alex Cobb?

Post by DemDog »

What we must not forget is that if we sign Cobb or Arrietta it will cost the BMTIBB a top flight draft pick because both of them rejected the QO from their previous teams.

Can't do that, give up a draft pick.

Alex Cobb?

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47666E476C64030 wrote: What we must not forget is that if we sign Cobb or Arrietta it will cost the BMTIBB a top flight draft pick because both of them rejected the QO from their previous teams.

Can't do that, give up a draft pick.

Good point. I didn't realize that about Cobb.

I don't blame him for trying the free agent market. It is his first time. But if he is still asking for $20 million, he is kind of foolish. Turning down $42 million was dumb too with the way things were playing out. Players take too much pride in what they make. I would do a lot of things for $14 million a year (then, I would retire).
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Alex Cobb?

Post by Aaron »

103637203626550 wrote: The Cobb argument boils down to whether the team is rebuilding or competing. They say they're competing but appear to b rebuilding. If competing, Cobb would be an immediate upgrade in the rotation. If rebuilding, he would be blocking someone else. I don't know the answer because the FO has not been honest with the fans.
i agree. i really think this team can compete with the others with an addition of a starting pitcher. we all know we need 5-8 starters throughout the year. its been documented how well Musgrove pitched out of the pen. and others can fill in where needed. I would like Cobb... or Arrieta. I really do not care for Arrieta as a player but we need some kind of attitude to go with this seems like "ho-hum" vibe with this team

what message or messages would signing Arietta send?

It would send the message that you are asleep and you are dreaming.
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