Rocker situation


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Rocker situation

Post by JollyRoger »

The Mets did not make Rocker an offer before the deadline

Boras has stated that Rocker had MRI’s prior to the draft and they were compared to MRI’ done in 2018 and the orthopedic specialists could not see any discernible changes.

Rocker has decided not to go back to Vanderbilt but to start his pro career.

Does anyone know what this means?

Is he a free agent that can sign with anyone?

Are there signing guidelines as far as salary?

I wonder if BC is looking into what it would take to sign him

I think it would be worth the risk
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Rocker situation

Post by fjk090852-7 »

Jon Heyman is reporting that Rocker will work out on his own and will not return to college. He will enter the draft next year, so I assume he is not a free agent at this time.

Rocker situation

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Well, forget the post I just made in the other Rocker thread.

If a FA Boras will try to turn this into a bidding war. I’d stay out of that. But if pirates can negotiate with him in a reasonable manner (both parties are bearing the risk) I’d hope Ben would be calling right now.

Rocker situation

Post by GnatsEyelash »

Boras will use this to try and end the draft, making everyone a free agent.

Seriously, if a player can just wait out the deadline and go immediately to free agent status, what's the point in having a draft.

After watching what's happening in the NCAA, Scotty has to be saying, "Gimme some of that!!!"

Rocker situation

Post by Bobster21 »

Rocker is now eligible for the 2022 draft. He's not a FA who can negotiate with any MLB team. He says he wants to begin his pro career. So maybe he plans on playing in a foreign league for a year before the 2022 draft.
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Rocker situation

Post by fjk090852-7 »

426F62737465723231000 wrote: Rocker is now eligible for the 2022 draft. He's not a FA who can negotiate with any MLB team. He says he wants to begin his pro career. So maybe he plans on playing in a foreign league for a year before the 2022 draft.
I hope you are right about Rocker being eligible for next year’s draft. If Boras would attempt to have Rocker become a free agent, that could be the end of the amateur draft. Players chosen by a team would decline to sign , and become free agents, and then a bidding war would occur. Eliminating the amateur draft could be the end of MLB as we know it today.
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Rocker situation

Post by JollyRoger »

This is good news

It will be tough to catch the D-Backs

But if the Bucs can overtake the Rangers and Orioles and get the #2 pick next year; it would guarantee either Green or Rocker would be available. Of course anything can happen between now and then. But adding Rocker to this years haul has to make a if can smile!
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Rocker situation

Post by mouse »

I suspect he will sign on with one of the independent leagues, but (assuming the draft is unchanged for next year) who wants to negotiate with Boras. Can you imagine what that would do to the rest of your draft strategy? He (Boras) won't be any more reasonable next year than this.

Rocker situation

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4B49535543260 wrote: I suspect he will sign on with one of the independent leagues, but (assuming the draft is unchanged for next  year) who wants to negotiate with Boras. Can you imagine what that would do to the rest of your draft strategy? He (Boras) won't be any more reasonable next year than this.

Agreed 100%. As a FA Rocker could let Boras be as unreasonable as he likes. In the draft, Rocker is nothing but bad news.

Rocker situation

Post by GermanTownship »

Personally, I would never draft a pitcher #1 in the draft because of the high number of them developing arm issues, which puts them on the shelf for long periods of time. Also, when it comes to signing free agent pitchers in the majors, the most years that I would give would be two years. As a matter of fact, teams are crazy to give any player more than two years. Players that have Boras as an agent, I would say, see ya'. Rocker is now damaged goods.
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