McCutchen is benched


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McCutchen is benched

Post by » ... dle-series

Hurdle told McCutchen he wouldn't play against the Braves.
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McCutchen is benched

Post by Jonathan34 »


McCutchen is benched

Post by SteadyFreddy »

Guess we can make this tonight's game thread. The Marlins lost today again to the Cubs and were swept so the Bucs with an opportunity tonight to pull within 1.5 of the 2nd wildcard spot with a win and a Cards loss in Cincinnati. Gotta take advantage of it. It's why Locke better have a quick hook tonight if he starts to suck early on in the first few innings.

McCutchen is benched

Post by CarolinaBucco »

I have very low expectations for tonight's game.

And tomorrow's.
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McCutchen is benched

Post by Quail »

I hope Hurdle's unplugging of Cutch gives his batteries a chance to recharge. Sure would be nice to have the 'old' Cutch back in the lineup for the final two months.

I agree Freddie, Hurdle better have Locke on a short leash for this one. As we know, he's capable of putting the Bucs behind very quickly.
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McCutchen is benched

Post by RichD »

Solid move buy Hurdle taking Cutch out for a few days.Should have been done a month ago, tho. Bring him back in the 6th spot.Cutch has never ever been in this type of slump I would guess in all his days of baseball. Well a shock to his system in the form of a benching my be what he needs. Lets just hope it isnt a BJ Upton like demise and only a 1 season thing.

McCutchen is benched

Post by »

Just gotta say - I'm all in on Matt Joyce starting.

McCutchen is benched

Post by »

Weird bounce on Freese gets a run across for the Braves.

4-2 Pirates.
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McCutchen is benched

Post by skinnyhorse »

He has had one of the biggest drop offs I've seen for a true star of the game. I saw Clemete struggle for a month and half but never over half the season like Cutch. Not sure I ever saw a great hitter like Cutch was just go bad but we saw it last year for the 1st month and half, it may be the end of a great short career. I kinda think he's seen his best days.

McCutchen is benched

Post by Bobster21 »

A 4 run lead is not enough for Locke. >:(
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