Let the rumor mill begin


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Let the rumor mill begin

Post by dmetz »

Cubs get Cole Hammels. Details breaking.
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Let the rumor mill begin

Post by SCBucco »

2E2C363026430 wrote: I'd be selling as well, and I really think that's what NH will do, given the slightest chance (i.e., any set of losses in the next few days). He's going to have a budget problem next year. His number will be lower because attendance has been down. As a practical matter, this doesn't feel like a playoff team. They seem way too sporadic.

I would be selling specific pieces, Mercer, Harrison, Freese, SRod, Nova for starters. Nova is probably the guy that brings back the most in return.
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Let the rumor mill begin

Post by SCBucco »

697761746368000 wrote: How about either Newman or Tucker and Jordan George?  No major league experience but prospects. Drury isn't exactly a top line hitter.

And until the guys you mention hit 12 or 13 homers in the majors in consecutive years and hit .260 or higher ... neither exactly is a top line hitter either.

You underrate Drury.
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Let the rumor mill begin

Post by Kovalwat »

In just 4 more days we will get to hear what spin Doofus will use for not adding players this year. I think it will go something like "well now that we are winning we do not want to upset the team chemistry in the clubhouse by adding players". My second choice will be "we had numerous discussions with other teams about players, but we couldn't find anything that was a good fit for our club". Or the old standby "we made aggressive offers to other teams for players but it takes two t o make a trade".

Let the rumor mill begin

Post by iwatch »

Sorry, Mr. Drury. Those chaps I mention might also be better than 0.9 WAR career after 3 years or so.
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Let the rumor mill begin

Post by dmetz »

56485E4B5C573F0 wrote: Sorry, Mr. Drury. Those chaps I mention might also be better than 0.9 WAR career after 3 years or so.

He had a decent 2017 as a below average starting second baseman with some upside if he improved.   Completely tanked this year in New York and based on his defense, he cannot be a starter anywhere but 2b.

If he were a pirate and we were trying to trade him, you'd be told he has little to no real value and you're selling low.  By value, he's Adam Frazier with worse obp and better slugging.
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Let the rumor mill begin

Post by dmetz »

Brewers acquire Moustakas.  Are moving Travis Shaw to 2b.    If Shaw can handle 2b this is a nice move for them.   If hes a butcher, this may be little to no net improvement

Shaw has never played 2b in his pro career.
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Let the rumor mill begin

Post by dmetz »

Tyler lyons was dfa'ed by the cards. A lefty pen pitcher with MLB success having a rough year. We should be interested to some degree.

Let the rumor mill begin

Post by Bobster21 »

040D05141A600 wrote: Tyler lyons was dfa'ed by the cards.   A lefty pen pitcher with MLB success having a rough year.   We should be interested to some degree.   
Lyons is a complete mess right now. 8.64 ERA, 1.920 WHIP. 24 H, 8 BB, 16 ERs, 3 HRs in 16.2 IP.
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Let the rumor mill begin

Post by dmetz »

062B26373021367675440 wrote: Tyler lyons was dfa'ed by the cards.   A lefty pen pitcher with MLB success having a rough year.   We should be interested to some degree.   
Lyons is a complete mess right now. 8.64 ERA, 1.920 WHIP. 24 H, 8 BB, 16 ERs, 3 HRs in 16.2 IP.

My understanding is that it's due to injury rehab. That's a very small sample as well. Considering our LH relif options, I won't be surprised if we try for him.
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