Bell Hitting Lead-off Tonight 7/6


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Bell Hitting Lead-off Tonight 7/6

Post by dmetz »

Glasnow working at a snail's pace as always, strikes out the side after giving up a single and throwing a wild pitch.

One of the reasons Glasnow shouldn't start is that if he is able to go 6-7-8 innings, these games will all take 4 hours!

Bell Hitting Lead-off Tonight 7/6

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Now have the game on the radio. Joe just had a line for the ages: with the Reds having already won today Joe says “if the score holds up the Pirates lead over the Reds will be reduced to 1 1/2 games over the Reds.”

Brilliant! I was just about ready to turn off this mess, but maybe this score is not going to hold up?! Pirates look pretty loose right now. Who’s up for a 16-15 Pirate win?! 6 runs in each of the 8th and 9th and it could happen.

Bell Hitting Lead-off Tonight 7/6

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Clint still managing up a storm!  He’s the Pete Rose of managers!

Marte on 1st thanks to superior managing by Clint.

Comeback underway. 

Oops, out #3....

On to the 9th.
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Bell Hitting Lead-off Tonight 7/6

Post by dmetz »

Glasnow gives up single. Then a double off the wall. Then almost walks the pitcher who wouldn't even stay in the box, struck him out 3-2.

Then another double scoring 2.

16-4. Can they get 17??
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Bell Hitting Lead-off Tonight 7/6

Post by dmetz »

Strikeout and wild pitch, moves runner to 3rd. Another double


It's possible if we keep losing games like we have been, NH and Hurdle will actually be fired.   So there's always that hope.  More likely NH will have to fire hurdle.

Glasnow 2 IP 5 hits 3ER 1bb 6k,  A wild pitch and half a million pitches thrown with a month between them

Bell Hitting Lead-off Tonight 7/6

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Loplow, Meadows, And JHay all ask to be sent to AAA Indians.

Nevernever and Glasnow apparently willing to stay in PGH.
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Bell Hitting Lead-off Tonight 7/6

Post by skinnyhorse »

07233A2D203B2D384C0 wrote: 95>86.  Now we are only 1 1/2 games ahead of the Reds for last place.
What a disaster, if Clint would have only tried to win those games we had already won this snowball might not have gotten so out of control so fast.

Bell Hitting Lead-off Tonight 7/6

Post by SteadyFreddy »

232A22333D470 wrote: Strikeout and wild pitch, moves runner to 3rd. Another double


It's possible if we keep losing games like we have been, NH and Hurdle will actually be fired.   So there's always that hope.  More likely NH will have to fire hurdle.

Glasnow 2 IP 5 hits 3ER 1bb 6k,  A wild pitch and half a million pitches thrown with a month between them I doubt anybody gets fired especially after both NH and Hurdle just got new 4 year deals. But I’m with you though that this is starting to get pretty pathetic to the point where something drastic might need to be done. This team is now 14-30 in the last 7 weeks and has now lost 30 of its last 44 games played and is on the Verge of being in last place over a Reds team that started out the season 3-18. Huntington isn’t going to be able to spin this crap much longer of how badly this team has been playing these last 2 months. I’d have no problem if they would clean house and get rid of Neal and Clint but the problem is Bob Nutting is still there as owner which means nothing will change. So I don’t expect anything to happen but I’m with you that this kind of losing can’t continue to go on that much longer where absolutely nothing is done and nobody suffers any kind of consequences.
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Bell Hitting Lead-off Tonight 7/6

Post by Quail »


Bell Hitting Lead-off Tonight 7/6

Post by Bobster21 »

331405010419261205040419600 wrote: Strikeout and wild pitch, moves runner to 3rd. Another double


It's possible if we keep losing games like we have been, NH and Hurdle will actually be fired.   So there's always that hope.  More likely NH will have to fire hurdle.

Glasnow 2 IP 5 hits 3ER 1bb 6k,  A wild pitch and half a million pitches thrown with a month between them I doubt anybody gets fired especially after both NH and Hurdle just got new 4 year deals. But I’m with you though that this is starting to get pretty pathetic to the point where something drastic might need to be done. This team is now 14-30 in the last 7 weeks and has now lost 30 of its last 44 games played and is on the Verge of being in last place over a Reds team that started out the season 3-18. Huntington isn’t going to be able to spin this crap much longer of how badly this team has been playing these last 2 months. I’d have no problem if they would clean house and get rid of Neal and Clint but the problem is Bob Nutting is still there as owner which means nothing will change. So I don’t expect anything to happen but I’m with you that this kind of losing can’t continue to go on that much longer where absolutely nothing is done and nobody suffers any kind of consequences.
The deficiencies of NH and CH were already well established before each was rewarded with a 4 year extension this year. The deficiencies they are exhibiting this year are the same ones Nutting didn't care about when he rewarded them for their work. And Nutting would be the last person on Earth who would hire and pay replacements for one or both while still paying off the recent extensions, thus paying double for those jobs. Nutting had NH reduce payroll in the face of a 50 million payout to each MLB owner. He has an entire pitching staff in which all but 2 make the MLB minimum or barely above it. The result was predictable. He wanted profit, not victories. I'm sure he didn't expect the Pirates to become this utterly pathetic. But he set these things in motion and now he's stuck with the results. Not only would he not fire his mgr or GM and have to pay both them and their replacements but he also knows he wouldn't give such replacements the resources to succeed anyway. And then fans would become even more hostile toward the owner when it became apparent that firing the mgr and GM made little difference because the owner still refused to give their replacements the resources to succeed. At least now Nutting can take comfort in hearing fans grumbling about the mgr and GM being the main problems.

So NH and CH are safe. But something has to be done to sell the idea to the paying customers that TBMTIB is on top of the problem and better things are to come. So we'll shortly see the selling off begin of veterans for prospects and promotions from AAA with the usual statements of what an exciting future Pirate fans have to look forward to. There's no reason to expect more than that.
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