Players taking shots at Hurdle...


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Players taking shots at Hurdle...

Post by SammyKhalifa »

Haha, it's been like two days on the job so I'm not quite decided on the new guy yet. ;)

For Hurdle, yeah I did kind of like him and think that some of the complaints about ingame stuff thrown against him were absolutely bonkers; but when guys start punching other guys in your locker room, it's probably time to call it a day.
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Players taking shots at Hurdle...

Post by Ecbucs »

1B363B2A2D3C2B6B68590 wrote: I dunno. There was an article a few days ago that Shelton wanted to make things fun in ST. That's fine but they need a lot more than that. Last year they were dancing in the dugout before every loss. Didn't help. And the players all want something nice to say about their new boss when questioned by the media. So it's no surprise they mention it's fun. So I take all that with a grain of salt. Honestly, I would rather hear the players are working hard to master the fundamental weaknesses they previously had than to hear how much fun they are having. I know they won't have the talent to compete but I just want Shelton to get the most out of them (I always thought Hurdle was deficient in that area) and for the players to play smart and not beat themselves. 

I wonder if Shelton will have a regular Sunday line up.

Players taking shots at Hurdle...

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

193E2F2B2E330C382F2E2E334A0 wrote: Cole Tucker I think it was said that it’s a more loose and fun now with the new management now and it doesn’t feel like you are being judged and looked down upon for every little thing you do especially if you’re a young guy. I also think at the end of the day Hurdle just didn’t care anymore if they won or lost. I mean he cared obviously but he just reached a point of burn out I think and it really started showing last season especially after the All Star Break during the long losing streak. Hurdle would make comments when asked about the losing like he just didn’t care much saying things like “I have a wife and kids at home I’m not gonna let this ruin things for me.”  Stuff like that you just don’t want to hear a manager say and I doubt we are gonna hear something like  that come out of Derek Shelton’s mouth this year when things go South cause he ultimately I think wants to win and it will bother him when they don’t unlike it did for Hurdle.

I thought the same thing about Hurdle the past couple of years, especially when he was in his pre- and post game news conferences. He seemed like he wanted to be anywhere else but there. Part of it was likely because he was getting no help from the Front Office with regard to legit major league players. I like Hurdle. He seems like a really decent man. But it was time for him to do something else.
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Players taking shots at Hurdle...

Post by fjk090852-7 »

0F594F5B544E5E55584F7D5A505C5451135E3D0 wrote: Cole Tucker I think it was said that it’s a more loose and fun now with the new management now and it doesn’t feel like you are being judged and looked down upon for every little thing you do especially if you’re a young guy. I also think at the end of the day Hurdle just didn’t care anymore if they won or lost. I mean he cared obviously but he just reached a point of burn out I think and it really started showing last season especially after the All Star Break during the long losing streak. Hurdle would make comments when asked about the losing like he just didn’t care much saying things like “I have a wife and kids at home I’m not gonna let this ruin things for me.”  Stuff like that you just don’t want to hear a manager say and I doubt we are gonna hear something like  that come out of Derek Shelton’s mouth this year when things go South cause he ultimately I think wants to win and it will bother him when they don’t unlike it did for Hurdle.

I thought the same thing about Hurdle the past couple of years, especially when he was in his pre- and post game news conferences.  He seemed like he wanted to be anywhere else but there.  Part of it was likely because he was getting no help from the Front Office with regard to legit major league players.  I like Hurdle.  He seems like a really decent man.  But it was time for him to do something else.

Last year Hurdle did seem a little testy at times during his pre and post game meetings. I liked Hurdle, but like several people have noted his time as manager had come to an end.
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Players taking shots at Hurdle...

Post by dmetz »

But but but ..." Uncle Ray!!"

Yeah, he sucked for years. Unfortunately this organization (and fanbase too) are conservative / stubborn to the bone.

Now when this group starts digging into dumb ideas, remember Searage. Remember the NH disaster.

Change is good ?
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