Pirates claim Greg Allen from Yankees


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Pirates claim Greg Allen from Yankees

Post by Bobster21 »

5C697E7E754C7E7E75727E1B0 wrote: When you think of it, we run that same risk with every player.  They can catch fire for a while, then flame out.  They can be halls-of-famer for two weeks, then (God forbid) suffer a bad injury or whatever.

So, unless I'm looking at stuff like this wrongly, unless we have someone who is better already that deserves this guy's place.....OR....unless there's some other guy in the dumpster that we think is better than this guy......then, what difference does it really make?

If we didn't pick this guy (or someone like him) up, what would we have done?  I don't really see a big negative or positive on it. 
All teams make these "meh" moves in the off season as fringe players fail with one organization and try to catch on with another. The problem with the Pirates is that it's all they do. For most other teams such moves go unnoticed while they make bigger moves. But these types of moves draw more attention from Pirate fans because we always hope they'll do something significant but this is all they do. Occasionally one of these dumpster dives works out. But most are quickly forgotten.
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Pirates claim Greg Allen from Yankees

Post by GreenWeenie »

Agree with the "all we do" sydrone. I think that it could also be a matter of folks forgetting that it's still early November. The last out was made a couple of hours ago.

I'm not sure what clubs are even allowed do do on or before November 6 if they wanted.

They've already made their Option decisions.

They can make moves like this (obviously.)

They can extend guys on their current roster. But, how many of those are done this early in off-seasons? I would think that most of those happen later in the winter.

They're still in that Grace Period when they hold exclusive negotiating rights with their veteran FAs But, they can't sign anyone else's yet.

I guess that, theoretically, anyway, they can make trades, but I would think that it heats up closer to or during the winter meetings.

This year, we have the CBA negotiations to consider.

We never make much "noise" to speak of. Seems to me that what little "noise" we've made in recent years is made around January and February. Maybe Surg has more on that timing.

This might capture 15 seconds' attention in other tmes of the year. It probably captures more attention just because not much more is going on.
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Pirates claim Greg Allen from Yankees

Post by SCBucco »

5B7A725B70781F0 wrote: I just think he is AAA filler and I don't have an hope of him panning out.  Seems, BC has not had a real good outcome for some of these kind of guys except for Youski.

Unfortunately, this is BC's forte. He claims garbage hoping they turn into road kill.
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Pirates claim Greg Allen from Yankees

Post by GreenWeenie »

0616172036363A550 wrote: I just think he is AAA filler and I don't have an hope of him panning out.  Seems, BC has not had a real good outcome for some of these kind of guys except for Youski.

Unfortunately, this is BC's forte.  He claims garbage hoping they turn into road kill.

NTIF. It's only 9:21 AM, but this stands a decent chance of earning my nomination for POTD.

I want to add a ;). But, maybe I should add this :( instead.

Pirates claim Greg Allen from Yankees

Post by johnfluharty »

Easy guy to DFA again if we find someone who's slightly better later on.
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Pirates claim Greg Allen from Yankees

Post by BellevueBuc »

Did not read the comments from everyone else yet, but I see no appeal to this guy. He is apparently a good OF, but cannot hit at all. Zero value for the Pirates at this stage. Not young either. See some people on Twitter calling him a potential starter in CF. That has to be missed sarcasm on my part. The Pirates have a project type already in Alford. At least he has shown he can hit at points in time.
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Pirates claim Greg Allen from Yankees

Post by BellevueBuc »

163B36272031266665540 wrote: another potential 4th outfielder.  Probably will try and pass him through waivers before Rule 5 deadline.

https://www.baseball-reference.com/play ... um=linker-

he isn't going to add more power to the team.
He doesn't seem worth a spot on the 40 with so many to protect from Rule 5. So I suspect you are right about trying to slip him thru waivers to assign to AAA. This could signal a new strategy of dumpster diving to sign players who are so bad that they can be expected to pass thru waivers and assigned to AAA at a time when spots on the 40 man roster are at a premium. Anyone who is not sufficiently bad could be lost when waived. Wouldn't want that.   ;)

To be fair, there are points in the year that you can probably pass through some fringe guys, and November is probably one of those times.

Of course the pitcher they claimed and this guy are bad enough they would go unclaimed in season.
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Pirates claim Greg Allen from Yankees

Post by fjk090852-7 »

Everyone is probably on target for Allen, but reading an article from Jason Mackey who spoke to him, Allen told him he met with a hitting coach guru last offseason, and they reworked his hitting style, and the change was successful during Allen’s 2021 season. If he has made some adjustments, possibly he may be a late bloomer. If he hits, he could be a nice player at the top of the batting order. Every so often a team discovers a diamond in the rough, and maybe Greg Allen would be that player for the Bucs.

Pirates claim Greg Allen from Yankees

Post by johnfluharty »

He still didn't hit for much power but 2021 was definitely his best year offensively by far. Small sample size though.
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Pirates claim Greg Allen from Yankees

Post by SammyKhalifa »

063324242F1624242F2824410 wrote: I just think he is AAA filler and I don't have an hope of him panning out.  Seems, BC has not had a real good outcome for some of these kind of guys except for Youski.

The problem what that is- we have AAA Filler on the team with the way the door's been revolving. 

I mean you remember that every single team makes pickups like this every single offseason right? We're starting to sound like the Post Gazette comments page.
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