Either Anthony Alford or Oneil Cruz Needs to Start Next Year


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Either Anthony Alford or Oneil Cruz Needs to Start Next Year

Post by DemDog »

4876737B6870707B5B7E697A2D1F0 wrote: #7 Argument Starter

Our team is desperate for power in the middle of the batting order. Anthony Alford is one strong dude, and if he has a decent ST, I hope the Bucs give him one last chance in LF. But it's a 50/50 proposition, and so I think it's time to have a heart-to-heart talk with Oneil Cruz about playing a very deep shortstop - that is, left field. Cruz may be more amenable to left field since he's used to seeing batted balls coming from a shortstop's angle. I know that he has a cannon arm, but in PNC's vast LF expanse, that can be put to good use.

Cruz could use a month of on the job training at Indy while the Bucs give Alford his final chance. If Baseball's basic agreement doesn't change, that may help keep Cruz off of Super Two status.

We need a power threat beyond Yoshi Tsutugo. They're expensive to acquire, so I think we should give our internal options a shot in LF.

Why not just let Cruz play SS, there is not anyone else they need to play there.  Alford needs to make contact for that to matter. Same with Tsutugo, who has major problems with MLB fastballs. I am not sure I would buy him just yet.

Also, if you were going to move Cruz, why not CF?  Reynolds is a better fit in LF long term. He was ok in CF, but probably a wise move to put him back in LF.

I think Reynolds was better than just ok- he was runner up for Golden Glove and it was his first year playing CF ( I believe)

Nate McLouth and Andrew McCutchen won Gold Gloves.  They were just ok out there as well.

Just wondering what you feel is better than OK. Just checked his stats. He only had two errors and a.994 Fielding average

Be careful WWD2, Bellvue Buc knows is OK's, at about 99.5 % of the time. ;) ;) ;) ;)

Either Anthony Alford or Oneil Cruz Needs to Start Next Year

Post by johnfluharty »

6B5550584B535358785D4A590E3C0 wrote: #7 Argument Starter

Our team is desperate for power in the middle of the batting order. Anthony Alford is one strong dude, and if he has a decent ST, I hope the Bucs give him one last chance in LF. But it's a 50/50 proposition, and so I think it's time to have a heart-to-heart talk with Oneil Cruz about playing a very deep shortstop - that is, left field. Cruz may be more amenable to left field since he's used to seeing batted balls coming from a shortstop's angle. I know that he has a cannon arm, but in PNC's vast LF expanse, that can be put to good use.

Cruz could use a month of on the job training at Indy while the Bucs give Alford his final chance. If Baseball's basic agreement doesn't change, that may help keep Cruz off of Super Two status.

We need a power threat beyond Yoshi Tsutugo. They're expensive to acquire, so I think we should give our internal options a shot in LF.

Why not just let Cruz play SS, there is not anyone else they need to play there.  Alford needs to make contact for that to matter. Same with Tsutugo, who has major problems with MLB fastballs. I am not sure I would buy him just yet.

Also, if you were going to move Cruz, why not CF?  Reynolds is a better fit in LF long term. He was ok in CF, but probably a wise move to put him back in LF.

I think Reynolds was better than just ok- he was runner up for Golden Glove and it was his first year playing CF ( I believe)

Nate McLouth and Andrew McCutchen won Gold Gloves.  They were just ok out there as well.

Just wondering what you feel is better than OK. Just checked his stats. He only had two errors and a.994 Fielding average

A guy with limited range can have an excellent feeling percentage, but that doesn't make him the best potential fielder at that position. I'd rather have a guy with excellent range even if he makes a few more errors. Take a look at guys like Ozzie Smith - not the best feeling percentage, but that's because he got to a lot of balls that other guys wouldn't.

Either Anthony Alford or Oneil Cruz Needs to Start Next Year

Post by Bobster21 »

I think fielding percentage is one of the more meaningless stats in MLB. When a ball is mishandled it's up to the scorer's discretion as to whether to charge an error or not. And scoring has become more lenient over the years to the extent that many times an obvious error is ruled a hit. And players lacking good range don't get to some balls to even make an attempt at a play. I prefer range metrics although I don't know how they are computed. But in those stats Reynolds was about average in CF.

IMHO, Reynolds passed the eye test in CF. He made all the plays including some outstanding diving plays. Of course the case could be made that if he was faster, some of those diving plays might have been more routine catches. I don't think there's a pressing need to move him out of CF. If someone better comes along, that's great. Otherwise, he seems very capable.
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Either Anthony Alford or Oneil Cruz Needs to Start Next Year

Post by GreenWeenie »

FP is one of those stats that people use to apologize for guys who can't hit. "Oh, but the guy fields good."

Either Anthony Alford or Oneil Cruz Needs to Start Next Year

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

0F3A2D2D261F2D2D26212D480 wrote: FP is one of those stats that people use to apologize for guys who can't hit.  "Oh, but the guy fields good."
Obviously this doesn't apply to Reynolds
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Either Anthony Alford or Oneil Cruz Needs to Start Next Year

Post by BellevueBuc »

4F6E664F646C0B0 wrote: #7 Argument Starter

Our team is desperate for power in the middle of the batting order. Anthony Alford is one strong dude, and if he has a decent ST, I hope the Bucs give him one last chance in LF. But it's a 50/50 proposition, and so I think it's time to have a heart-to-heart talk with Oneil Cruz about playing a very deep shortstop - that is, left field. Cruz may be more amenable to left field since he's used to seeing batted balls coming from a shortstop's angle. I know that he has a cannon arm, but in PNC's vast LF expanse, that can be put to good use.

Cruz could use a month of on the job training at Indy while the Bucs give Alford his final chance. If Baseball's basic agreement doesn't change, that may help keep Cruz off of Super Two status.

We need a power threat beyond Yoshi Tsutugo. They're expensive to acquire, so I think we should give our internal options a shot in LF.

Why not just let Cruz play SS, there is not anyone else they need to play there.  Alford needs to make contact for that to matter. Same with Tsutugo, who has major problems with MLB fastballs. I am not sure I would buy him just yet.

Also, if you were going to move Cruz, why not CF?  Reynolds is a better fit in LF long term. He was ok in CF, but probably a wise move to put him back in LF.

I think Reynolds was better than just ok- he was runner up for Golden Glove and it was his first year playing CF ( I believe)

Nate McLouth and Andrew McCutchen won Gold Gloves.  They were just ok out there as well.

Just wondering what you feel is better than OK. Just checked his stats. He only had two errors and a.994 Fielding average

Be careful WWD2, Bellvue Buc knows is OK's, at about 99.5 % of the time.   ;) ;) ;) ;)

What were you saying about throwing stones?
Posts: 343
Joined: Fri Nov 06, 2020 1:41 pm

Either Anthony Alford or Oneil Cruz Needs to Start Next Year

Post by BellevueBuc »

714F4A42514949426247504314260 wrote: #7 Argument Starter

Our team is desperate for power in the middle of the batting order. Anthony Alford is one strong dude, and if he has a decent ST, I hope the Bucs give him one last chance in LF. But it's a 50/50 proposition, and so I think it's time to have a heart-to-heart talk with Oneil Cruz about playing a very deep shortstop - that is, left field. Cruz may be more amenable to left field since he's used to seeing batted balls coming from a shortstop's angle. I know that he has a cannon arm, but in PNC's vast LF expanse, that can be put to good use.

Cruz could use a month of on the job training at Indy while the Bucs give Alford his final chance. If Baseball's basic agreement doesn't change, that may help keep Cruz off of Super Two status.

We need a power threat beyond Yoshi Tsutugo. They're expensive to acquire, so I think we should give our internal options a shot in LF.

Why not just let Cruz play SS, there is not anyone else they need to play there.  Alford needs to make contact for that to matter. Same with Tsutugo, who has major problems with MLB fastballs. I am not sure I would buy him just yet.

Also, if you were going to move Cruz, why not CF?  Reynolds is a better fit in LF long term. He was ok in CF, but probably a wise move to put him back in LF.

I think Reynolds was better than just ok- he was runner up for Golden Glove and it was his first year playing CF ( I believe)

Nate McLouth and Andrew McCutchen won Gold Gloves.  They were just ok out there as well.

Just wondering what you feel is better than OK. Just checked his stats. He only had two errors and a.994 Fielding average

The balls he did not make a play on. Errors only tell you plays that the scorekeeper in that ballpark decided he should have made. Not very reliable.

Also, I don't want him to get hurt. He dived much less in LF. He was diving in CF to make plays good CFs make standing up.
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