I Am Embarrassed


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I Am Embarrassed

Post by fjk090852-7 »

I have several nice Pirate shirts which I would wear when shopping or attending church etc. Lately I am so embarrassed to wear them because of all the negative comments I receive. Why don’t you root for a good team, the Pirates are awful, they are to cheap too field a good team, or forget the Bucs the Steelers are at training camp. It is very difficult to continue to follow a team that I have enjoyed for about 58 years. I always look forward to ST because to me spring is just around the corner, and winter is coming to an end. It is a shame what has happened to my favorite baseball team. I still fear that Nutting will try his darnest to move the team whenever the 30 lease expires at PNC Park in about 11 years. His reasoning would be due to low attendance which would be his fault due to the lack of fielding a competitive baseball team. Just like in 1985 with the drug trials, this season has become a disaster.
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I Am Embarrassed

Post by Ecbucs »

try alternating with Orioles gear.

I wore my Pirate cap last weekend and luckily no one made a negative remark.

Only comment was whether I was a fan or liked the style.
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I Am Embarrassed

Post by notes34 »

I have tons of hats and shirts. I can't remember the last time I wore one.
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I Am Embarrassed

Post by MaineBucs »

I still wear my Pirate hat. When I was at the Hospital yesterday (and no not because I was on life support because of the team's poor play) a woman stuck her head in the door and said go Pirates. Seeing as I live in Maine, maybe she hasn't been following the team that closely this year.

I do often stop short of wearing a Pirates T-Shirt, but did wear one when I went to see the Curve play the SeaDogs in Portland earlier this year.
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I Am Embarrassed

Post by iabucco »

It is enough of a novelty in Iowa when I wear Pirate's stuff that most comments are good comments. In fact, two weeks ago a guy came up to my table to comment on my hat and we talked about the Bucs for a little bit.
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I Am Embarrassed

Post by NJBucsFan »

It's easy enough on New Jersey, you just tell people you're a Latin King. :D
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I Am Embarrassed

Post by BenM »

I wore Pirates gear through twenty years of losing. This season, as bad as it has been, won't stop me.
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I Am Embarrassed

Post by INbuc »

About 10 years ago, when the Bucs really sucked, I wore my Pirates hat all the time. My son's friends asked me if I really liked the Pirates and always said "no, I love the Pirates." Even at 14 they really respected my passion and loyalty. Wearing the hat in the bad times will gain you credibility during the good times...when everyone wants to call you bandwagon fan.

Someday Neal, Clint, and NumbNuts will gone -- my love for the Bucs won't.
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I Am Embarrassed

Post by Ecbucs »

56517D6A7C1F0 wrote: About 10 years ago, when the Bucs really sucked, I wore my Pirates hat all the time.  My son's friends asked me if I really liked the Pirates and always said "no, I love the Pirates."  Even at 14 they really respected my passion and loyalty.  Wearing the hat in the bad times will gain you credibility during the good times...when everyone wants to call you bandwagon fan. 

Someday Neal, Clint, and NumbNuts will gone -- my love for the Bucs won't.

good way to put it. I will root for them no matter what with only exception being if they move to another city.
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I Am Embarrassed

Post by PMike »

I'm with INbuc and Ben. I wear my Pirates stuff with pride. I stuck with them through 20 years of losing. This is no problem. My love for the Pirates is much bigger than Nutting or losing. In particular, my 10 year old has become absolutely obsessed with the Pirates this summer. He doesn't mind the losing. He just loves baseball and loves them. It is so easy to be into the Pirates even now with him. His love for this game and the Pirates is infectious. Bob Nutting will not ruin that.

Besides, I don't want to have to fight people for a spot on the bandwagon when they win again. ;D
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