What direction do the Bucs go?


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What direction do the Bucs go?

Post by JollyRoger »

Curious to see what direction the front office takes this off season. Let's face it. The Bucs offer no competition to the Cubs. The Cubs are set to have multiple 100 win seasons. How will we compete?

Will the front office punt on the division and try for a Wild Card?

We have a core signed for a few years; what will management do to elevate that core?

There are a lot of questions to answer this off season
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What direction do the Bucs go?

Post by Docjon49 »

Well, if they go for the wild card, they're gonna need a bona fide ace, not a kinda-mighta-coulda-shoulda ace. They'll need someone with a high probability of going deep into a game and getting double-digit strikeouts, while keeping the ball in the park EVERY GAME. If they get a middle-of-the-road starter and some reclamation projects to go with their (not shabby, but not ace material yet) prospects, then we know they're out to put on a show.
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What direction do the Bucs go?

Post by Quail »

I'm very curious to see what transpires over the winter. Their biggest issue will be what kind of starting rotation they can build in the offseason.

If they go with a couple of bargain basement free agent reclamation projects as usual it'll be another year of just rolling the dice and crossing our fingers.

If they decide to go all-in for a youth movement rotation with no veterans added it will likely be a roller coaster ride of a year as we follow the highs and lows of young pitchers getting their feet wet and trying to establish themselves in the major leagues.

If they're smart they'll deal for a stud starter to come in and help to anchor the staff, and give them some real quality at the top of the rotation along with a (hopefully) healthy and determined Cole.

Personally I'm not betting on the 'smart' or 'youth' options over 'business as usual'.

What direction do the Bucs go?

Post by Bobster21 »

This regime has proven repeatedly that they won't spent significantly to improve talent. So it serves no purpose to speculate on any moves that would not be in keeping with a low payroll. That said, I expect a rotation of Cole, Taillon, Kuhl, Hutchison (gotta make a pathetic attempt to justify the Liriano salary dump trade), and a reclamation project. Hutchsion will subsequently be replaced by Glasnow who starts the season in Indy. The core will remain intact since it is talented and within the desired payroll. Bell will be at 1B with the OF intact. Rodriguez will cost too much as a FA and be replaced by Frazier. Feliz will go. NH will again piece together a decent bullpen. The success or failure will depend on bounce backs from Cutch, Cole and Cervelli.
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What direction do the Bucs go?

Post by mouse »

Bobster, do you think Cutch moves from Center?

What direction do the Bucs go?

Post by Bobster21 »

4A48525442270 wrote: Bobster, do you think Cutch moves from Center?
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What direction do the Bucs go?

Post by Ecbucs »

35372D2B3D580 wrote: Bobster, do you think Cutch moves from Center?

That move will be predicted to make a huge improvement in the defense, thus improving the pitching and eliminating the need to bring in an ace or strong number 2 type starter.

What direction do the Bucs go?

Post by LumberCo »

it is all about nutting, if he doesn't open the purse strings we have no chance to get better IMO. one good starter to eat innings would be a nice start but not holding my breath.
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What direction do the Bucs go?

Post by SCBucco »

1F263E313621103C530 wrote: it is all about nutting, if he doesn't open the purse strings we have no chance to get better IMO.  one good starter to eat innings would be a nice start but not holding my breath.

Personally, I think we have seen the best the Bucs will do for a three year stretch for a while. Our dark years are about to return, especially if cheapskate doesn't open the purse strings. I have no faith he will. Our rotation next year will be dreadful. I think Bobster touched on that.
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What direction do the Bucs go?

Post by Quail »

5A4A4B7C6A6A66090 wrote: it is all about nutting, if he doesn't open the purse strings we have no chance to get better IMO.  one good starter to eat innings would be a nice start but not holding my breath.

Personally, I think we have seen the best the Bucs will do for a three year stretch for a while.  Our dark years are about to return, especially if cheapskate doesn't open the purse strings.  I have no faith he will.  Our rotation next year will be dreadful.  I think Bobster touched on that.

I don't think the dark years ahead, if in fact there are some dark ones coming, will be nearly as bad as during the more than two decades of losing we witnessed previously. We've got a lot better core of position players that will be around for a while and good prospects that will bolster the rotation in the foreseeable future.

My biggest concern is about 2017. The Pirates are at a tipping point. If they spend serious money on the best FA starter they can and make a trade for a top of the rotation starter they'll be right back in contention for the playoffs if not the division title. If they do things on the cheap as usual I think 2017 will be a Pirate shipwreck.
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