Quote today from Hurdle...


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Quote today from Hurdle...

Post by SteadyFreddy »

Clint was asked before the game how he handles tough losses and here is what he said. “In my position I’ve got to find a way to turn it off. I’ve got kids, I’ve got a wife who deserves my time and attention. To agonize and worry it steals so much joy from your life when you need to be plugged into something else.” So basically having hearing Clint say this it sounds to me like he doesn’t care if they win or lose because he has a wife and kids. Hearing Clint say that it sounds like it’s time for him to retire and get out. Hearing this today makes me want Hurdle gone even more which he should be if this is truly how he feels. This is the last thing Pirates fans wanna here Hurdle say. A very Poor choice of words on Clint’s part.
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Quote today from Hurdle...

Post by gileszee »

I think Clint needs more free time to spend with his wife and kids. Get the hint NH?

What a bunch of stooges.

Quote today from Hurdle...

Post by SteadyFreddy »

I think that mentality Clint has comes right from the top. Nutting probably tells him don’t let that stuff bother you. Go in and work then go home and forget about the day. That’s the best management team in baseballs thinking that us long suffering fans have to deal with and it’s sickening to continue to keep watching day in and day out.

Quote today from Hurdle...

Post by johnfluharty »

You cannot agonize over a loss. You put is behind you. You come back the next day and focus on that day, not yesterday's loss. That's the correct attitude to have. That's the same attitude we all need- no matter how bad a day you have at work, you leave it at work.
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Quote today from Hurdle...

Post by Ecbucs »

6560676169637A676E7D7B760F0 wrote: You cannot agonize over a loss.  You put is behind you.  You come back the next day and focus on that day, not yesterday's loss.  That's the correct attitude to have.  That's the same attitude we all need- no  matter how bad a day you have at work, you leave it at work. 

except Clint didn't say anything about focusing on the next day.

Your post is correct though, you do need to analyze/evaluate the past to improve the future but you can't worry about it.

Quote today from Hurdle...

Post by Bobster21 »

It's one thing not to dwell on a particular loss. When I look at the W-L records of the legit contenders in MLB, I would hope managers and players on those teams kept their focus on what has worked for them thus far and didn't obsess about losses they have incurred. But when you are the manager of a team where losing is becoming epidemic, there should be legit cause for concern that requires a search for answers to the problems. Just saying he doesn't worry about it so that it doesn't effect his family life doesn't inspire confidence in Hurdle's ability to right the sinking ship.
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Quote today from Hurdle...

Post by PMike »

What do people want from him? Do people want him in treatment for depression because of losing? Unhealthy family and social relationships?

He's a guy who's life has literally been in danger because of substance abuse. He has the wisdom to realize that baseball is not life or death. Nor is it something that should cause emotional struggles when he leaves the ball park.

Personally, I think this is super healthy self awareness. I also think it is really healthy management. Healthy managers don't obsess on negative. They learn from them and move on. They are optimists. They are encouragers and the lead by example.

Quote today from Hurdle...

Post by SteadyFreddy »

Nobody is saying they want him in depression mode but a quote like this is just something that a fan base like this that hasn’t won a pennant in 40 years wants to hear. It shows that losing on a nightly basis really doesn’t bother him all that much. You’re not gonna win a championship with a manager that has that kind of mentality which is rubs off on the players as well if they know Hurdle doesn’t care that much which this quote about his wife and kids shows he really doesn’t. This team needs more talent to win no doubt but it’s time for a new manager as well. They aren’t gonna win anymore or get where they want to go with Hurdle in charge.
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Quote today from Hurdle...

Post by PMike »

7B5C4D494C516E5A4D4C4C51280 wrote: Nobody is saying they want him in depression mode but a quote like this is just  something that a fan base like this that hasn’t won a pennant in 40 years wants to hear. It shows that losing on a nightly basis really doesn’t bother him all that much. You’re not gonna win a championship with a manager that has that kind of mentality which is rubs off on the players as well if they know Hurdle doesn’t care that much which this quote about his wife and kids shows he really doesn’t. This team needs more talent to win no doubt but it’s time for a new manager as well. They aren’t gonna win anymore or get where they want to go with Hurdle in charge.

They may need a new manager, but not for those quotes.  Nowhere in that quote does it say that losing doesn't bother him or that he doesn't care.  He just said that he don't go home and kick the dog because of it.  He doesn't take it out on his family and his professional life doesn't mess up his healthiness.  I'll bet the problem is that there are fans who allow the Pirates to affect their happiness in life.  Therefore, the players and others on the payroll should feel the same way.  I'm not saying you or anyone else on this board is saying that.  But one can see the lunacy in feeling that way.

I love the Pirates and baseball soooo much.  And, IT'S A GAME.

Quote today from Hurdle...

Post by DemDog »

I have to stick up for Hurdle and his comments. He is absolutely correct. A person has to leave his work at work and get home to be a parent and spouse without the need to burden them with your downfalls.

Hurdle was a big bonus baby who was expected to be the best thing since sliced bread when he signed with the Royals. His playing career was anything but that. It did get so bad that he became an alcoholic and went through two wives. He and his third wife Karla have two kids. The oldest Maddie suffers from Prader-Willi Syndrome an eating and mental disorder. I have a good friend with a son with Prader-Willis and he has had to be put in a home because of his major mood swings. Kid is great when he is in a good mood but hell on wheels when he isn't.

Hurdle has been through a lot of tough life and has made the best of it by not getting major bent out of shape with his lack of success with the Bucs.

Baseball is really only a game. A game that just a few of us are really, really go bananas punching the water cooler, kicking the water cooler when things don't go their way. What Clint is saying here is that we all need to take things come as they may and leave them behind and learn from those experience so that our next performance might be better most of the time.
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